Ye Yueshen took out two nuts from the table and handed them to his guinea pig, saying kindly.

"Dong dong dong, Principal? Are you awake?"

The knock on the door interrupted the conversation between Yeyueshen and the familiar mouse. Hearing this familiar voice, Yeyueshen 07 smiled knowingly. It seems that the servants here are very diligent, and they got up and worked so early.

"I'm awake, come in."

Ye Yueshen tidied up his robes, and Shi Shiran sat on the stool, preparing to receive Siska.

"Well, I won't go in. These are your morning toiletries and water. I put them at the door. I wish you a happy new day."

Siska shouted twice at the door, followed by Ye Luna and heard a sound, it is estimated that Siska put the thing on the ground and left.

"It's not like you didn't come in last night, why did you become so restrained?"

Yeyueshen thought curiously, but people didn't want to come in, so naturally they couldn't force it, Yeyueshen still walked to the door that was opened at the door.

"Wow, it looks so well prepared."

Ye Yueshen looked at all the toiletry items on the ground, and couldn't help but praised it in his heart, then brought the basin into the room, and washed up.

"Aren't you up yet? Mr. Alder?"

When Ye Yueshen was wiping his face, a somewhat tired voice came, Ye Yueshen was startled, put down the towel and walked over to open the door.

"It's you, who did I think it was, Miss Lungobier, does your voice sound a little tired? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Ye Yueshen stroked his wet hair, and showed a happy smile to his secretary.

"Uh, your ears are very good. I ate too much chili yesterday, and I got angry. Please wash up immediately, and then you will lead the faculty and staff to start a day of prayer."

Miss Lungobier seemed impatient, finished speaking quickly, and left.

"What's the matter? Don't give a smile in the morning?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the back of the secretary leaving with some strangeness and muttered.Of course, if Ye Yueshen knew that his secretary ran tens of kilometers overnight, he would understand.

"No, let's see what to wear."

Yeyue shook her head, then shook her head and threw these selfish thoughts out of her mind, then packed up her things, put the things that Siska brought to the door, and then turned to open the closet , Looking at the exquisite uniforms inside, Ye Yueshen suddenly got into trouble. What kind of clothes should he wear?

"Forget it, since it's a prayer, isn't it dignified to wear such a fancy dress, or a robe looks more suitable."

Yeyueshen simply chose not to choose, and directly found a reason for his laziness, followed by walking downstairs in three steps and two steps, and then greeted Miss Lungobier, but was silently dismissed. Fa's secretary led directly to the front of the central church of the college.

"Please come in."

Miss Lungobier, who didn't want to talk all the way, pointed to the tall church, and then Shi Shiran turned around and left.

"Did I provoke her to mess with her?"

Ye Yueshen grumbled unhappily, and suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

"The principal is finally here, come in quickly, everyone is waiting."

There is no need to turn around, Ye Yueshen also knows that this is Mr. Colbert's voice, but in terms of title, it seems that the distance from him is a little bigger.

"Okay, Mr. Colbert."

Ye Yueshen replied casually, and then turned away for a moment, but was almost scared to death.

"Teacher, where did you fall last night? How could this be?"

Surprised, he pointed at Colbert's ears and eyes, Ye Yueshen's jaw in surprise couldn't close, and it was only after one night that Mr. Colbert's eye rims became the same as pandas!

"Ah, this, this is the result of staying up late at night to do the experiment. It's really old. It's not as young as when I was young. It's like this after staying up all night. I'll make you laugh."

Mr. Colbert smiled a little embarrassedly, but felt a little wronged in his heart: "If you readily agreed to grant my research funding, would I still be doing experiments like this?"

"Then you have to take care of yourself."

Ye Yueshen was also a little distressed, and said in his heart: "Do you want to work so hard, obviously there is nothing to do experiments, still like this? Are you forcing me to give him money?"

Ye Yueshen thought with some distress, but seeing that someone had already stuck out his head from the church impatiently and looked at himself, knowing that he could no longer chat here, he followed Mr. Colbert to the church. .

"It's so holy."

After Yeyueshen put the demon guinea pig outside, he immediately entered the cathedral, and when he entered it, Yeyueshen was surprised to find that this majestic church looked even more majestic than the outside. The decoration looks cumbersome, but it is very neat, giving people a very sacred feeling. Entering here, Yeyueshen felt that his footsteps could not help but lighten up, for fear of breaking the peace of this sacred temple.

"Go ahead, Headmaster Alder."

A priest-like person put an exquisite cross on Yeyueshen's hand, then sprinkled some water on Yeyueshen from a golden pot, and then made a gesture of invitation to Yeyueshen. .

"What is this for?"

Yeyueshen thought helplessly, feeling a little confused. Suddenly, Yeyueshen found that there seemed to be some words on the ground under his feet. Yeyueshen suddenly became excited. It seems that this church is a place for worshipping gods. Really good.

"Ah, the great guardian of Torristin, you are the only god in this world. You made us firm up from our confusion, just because of your selfless love and your high-altitude behavior..."

Chapter 0015 Strange Second Grade

"It's finally over."

After Yeyueshen walked out of the church, he stretched out. Although he didn't need to kneel, no one could do a long prayer while standing. It wasn't because he was young, he probably fainted there.

"I didn't expect you to finish reading it all, I really can't imagine it."

Mr. Colbert followed behind Ye Yueshen, and when he heard these words, he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. This principal is really an honest person, and he actually wrote all the prayers on the three large floors in such a sincere manner. But this is the first time in years. In the past, those principals would only read two paragraphs.

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