"Really? Don't you want to read it all?"

Yeyueshen squatted down and let his little white mouse run into his hand, and looked back at Mr. Colbert curiously. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen realized that there was a teacher behind Mr. Colbert, but It looks very strong.

"Of course not, just read the first two paragraphs programmatically, dear Principal Alder."

The female teacher did not ask Yeyueshen, she took the initiative to explain to Yeyueshen.

"you are."

After Ye Yueshen stood up, she looked at this lady strangely. Could it be that this strong female teacher was Colbert's wife when she came?Isn't this body contrast a bit big?

"I'm Ms. Hubrus, a second-year professor here. I'm very happy to meet you. I didn't expect you to have such a handsome face. I was really surprised. I just came here this morning. It's my first time seeing you. It's a great honor."

She stretched out her hand to Ye Luna, and Ms. Hubrus looked very friendly.

"Second year? What magic system are you?"

Ye Yueshen knows that the tutorials here are similar to elementary school. There are six grades. After entering the second grade, even if it is time to summon a familiar, it is considered to be able to go to the battlefield. Being able to teach the second grade means that it is already very superb. level up.

"It's earth magic. I'll work under you dutifully. I'll have my class in the afternoon. Would you like to come and watch it?"

Ms. Xiubrus said calmly, and when Yeyueshen was about to agree, the teacher of Colbert who was next to him suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two nervously, and said nervously in Yeyueshen's ear: " Principal, I think it's better to forget it, you just arrived on the first day, you should prepare for the start of the school."

Although he didn't understand why Mr. Colbert was so nervous, but thinking that he still had to explore his mission in this world, Yeyueshen also went down the slope and said, "School just started, I still have some things to understand. Clearly, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely go to your class."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for your driver at any time."

Ms. Hubrus nodded in disappointment, then turned around and left. It was also at this time that Ye Luna looked curiously at Mr. Colbert next to him.

"You said it just now? Why? Is there something wrong with this Mr. Hubrus?"

"Of course it's not that there's something wrong with Mr. Thu Bruce, she's a very conscientious teacher, but this year's second grade is unusual."

Mr. Colbert was about to say something to Ye Yueshen, but when he looked up, he found that Miss Lungobier had appeared in front of him. He suddenly understood something, shut his mouth and greeted Ye Yueshen and left.

"These people are so strange, why do they just leave?"

Ye Yueshen was curious, and was about to turn around to find his secretary to ask about the next thing, but found that a hand had been quietly placed on his shoulder.

"Wow! Who?"

Ye Yueshen was taken aback by the jade hand that suddenly stretched out from behind him. This scene was too similar to the plot of a horror movie!

"Me, Headmaster Alder."

Miss Lungobier helped her eyes, and looked at Ye Luna with some playfulness: "I didn't expect this guy to be so timid, and he was scared so easily. It seems that he will be scared more in the future, otherwise, I……"

Miss Lungobier suddenly couldn't think of it anymore. How could she think of the shameful scene yesterday?

"Oh, why are you here? Have you eaten?"

Ye Yueshen felt the protesting stomach, and suddenly looked at his secretaries in surprise. Could it be that the secretary is going to have dinner with him?

"No, there will be students coming to the school soon, and the parents who send the students should come to this church to pray. You will make Torristin School of Magic humiliated by standing here."

Miss Lungobier woke up from her reverie and said calmly, as if she was the principal of this college.

"That's true. Then I'll go to dinner. By the way, tell me what I have to do today, so I can't find it from you."

Yeyueshen waved his hands, since he didn't invite him to dinner, it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to see the faces of those nobles!

"At noon, we will hold the opening ceremony, and then the class will officially start. After that, you will start to take charge of the daily teaching life here, and nothing else."

Taking out a small beige notebook from her pocket, Miss Lungobier couldn't be more calm, but her tone made Ye Yueshen feel a little frivolous: "What a joke, she is the principal here, why is her The tone is like an order?"

With anger in his heart, Yeyueshen naturally wouldn't be polite to Miss Lungobier, he just waved his hand and put his familiar guinea pig in front of Miss Lungobier.

"Aah! What is this, please take it away from me!"

Yelling and yelling, Miss Lungobier, who was originally calm, was about to go crazy: "This is the door of the church, there are so many people coming and going, how can this guy do such a thing!"

"What I want is this reaction, let me still be rampant in front of me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled in his heart, but his face was indifferent.

"Take good care of my familiar, don't let me see it hungry when I eat, I think it likes you, don't hurt it, Secretary Lungobi!"

Ye Luna directly put the female guinea pig on Miss Lungobier. Yes, he has already determined that this is a female guinea pig. It's like opposites attract each other. Of course his pet must be a female. .

Then he turned to eat.

"Squeak~" The guinea pig climbed up on the secretary's body, and the strange itchy feeling made the secretary feel wrong.

"Bastard! God damn bastard! You put this thing on me, see if I don't... I can't expose myself!"

Convulsed all over, Miss Lungobier reluctantly left with the guinea pig, this place is too conspicuous!

Chapter 0016 Opening Ceremony

"Dear classmates, today is the opening day of our Torristin College. I believe everyone can understand the meaning. As new first-year students, you are one in a thousand, and you are worthy of the pride of the family. Descendants of the magician, you have noble blood flowing in your body. You will discover your potential here and fully tap it until you become the backbone of the empire. The students above the second grade, I believe you still don’t know me. , I am the new headmaster - Alexander Feng, Tokrik Old, I was the army commander of the Imperial Central Corps and the deputy minister of the Privy Council, but now, I have only one identity, yours Principal, you can call me Principal Alder in the future! Here, what I want to emphasize here is the second-year students. You will summon your own demons in a few days. This is a sacred ceremony and a test of your grades. In time, once you have a familiar. You will automatically become a member of the Imperial Legion, here..."

The lengthy speech was placed in the hands of Yeyueshen. Under the scorching sun, Yeyueshen had to speak in front of the direct sun, while the students below looked at the new headmaster curiously. They had seen the young knight, but he did not. Having seen such a young principal, is this really his future principal?Why is there such a young and immature face?

"My speeches are all here. Next, Mr. Colbell will announce the list of people who have entered the laboratory for internship."

Yeyueshen wiped the sweat on his forehead and stepped down from the stage with lingering fears. He never thought that reading a manuscript would be such a hard task. Although the students below listened very seriously, in fact, Yeyueshen knew that, Their eyes were already on their faces, which made Ye Yueshen, who was already nervous, sometimes gasp for breath.

"That's right, Mr. Principal, I thought you would play it freely, just like yesterday's feat in the cafeteria, but I didn't expect that you actually read the manuscript I wrote throughout."

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