Yeyueshen flashed a splendid look, with a smug look on his face, and his heart was excited: "If there is a will, things will come true, breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, and the hundred and two Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu; hard-working people, the sky will live up to the cost, and the three thousand Viet Nam armor can swallow Wu Wu. As long as you have determination and skills, you will be seen by me!"

"you you!"

Pointing at Ye Yueshen angrily, Miss Lungobier has the heart to kill. I thought I would take this job seriously, but I didn't expect to be tricked by this shameless guy!

"Oh, calm down, Miss Lungobier, though it's white. But I'm not going to say it, am I?"

Ye Yueshen took out a nut from the small box next to him and put it in the mouth of the mouse who had retreated safely. He leisurely looked at Miss Lungobier, who was already furious. There is nothing to say more than making the beauty blush and heartbeat. What's more comforting?

"Please don't do this again!"

Miss Lungobier came over unhappy, took the student list from Ye Luna's hand, and started to check the student's information angrily.

"Actually, you can completely avoid such a thing, for example - wearing pants to work?"

Ye Yueshen said a little angrily, after the beauty is furious, her movements will be much more sensitive, as if in the blink of an eye, she has already taken the student list and sat there and put herself into work.

"Are you kidding me?"

Miss Lungobier came back here without looking up, writing and drawing with a pen on the list, which is not very efficient.

"How do you say this?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the quiet campus outside the window. After the initial noise, the parents had already left the academy in an exquisite carriage, and the students had already started class.

"In the Torristian Empire, every girl has to wear a skirt and pants, and it will be regarded as a joke!"

Lungobier's answer made Ye Luna's eyes light up, and the look in his eyes suddenly became excited: "Does that mean that Miss Lungobier will wear a skirt to work in the future?"

"How can you be so shameless!"

Roaring loudly, Miss Lungobier finally couldn't help it: "As the head of a school, how can you be so disrespectful? Are your prayers in church in the morning all nonsense? God is watching from heaven! You do this , God will surely punish you!"

"Um, isn't it? Am I going to be punished for this?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier sluggishly.He almost froze, God?And punish yourself?

But he went on to say, "If God wants to punish the whole thing, it should also punish those thieves first. I know that some nobles keep slaves in name, but they are actually used to do some shameless things. I How did you find out that they were alive and well?" "Uh, this guy can actually speak ill of the nobles? Is he really a member of the nobles?"

A thought flashed in Miss Lungobier's heart, but she quickly shook her head to sweep this unreliable thought out of her mind: "What a joke, these abominable nobles are all thieves and deceivers. Hypocrite, saying something like this is just trying to show that you have a higher sentiment in the end."

"That is, that is their punishment has not yet come."

Miss Lungobier said with a bit of frustration, her voice became smaller and smaller, in the face of indisputable facts, who can say more?

"That's right, me, it's not too much."

Ye Luna looked at Lungobier, and there was a little distress in his heart.

"What's wrong with magic? The deposed nobles and elves can also do magic!"

Swick's words suddenly flashed out from the depths of his heart, and Ye Luna looked at Lungobier, who bowed his head and said nothing, as if he understood something.

"Go back and get on with your work, just do the job at hand, and I won't think anything of it, Miss Lungobier."

Ye Yueshen waved Miss Lungobier to sit down, then sat on his stool, turned to look out the window, took out the letter written to him, and thought about his mission here.

At the moment Ye Luna turned around, two lines of shallow tears flashed from the corners of Miss Lungobier's eyes...

Chapter 0018 The waiting person

"I'll return the list to you, maybe you haven't read it yet."

After checking the student's information, Miss Lungobier respectfully returned the student list to Ye Luna.

"Okay, I know."

He agreed casually, Yeyueshen was still looking at the letter in his hand, every word on it seemed to hide a secret: "Who wrote this? Judging from Junxiu's handwriting, it should be a girl, Now that I have come to this world. It means that I have paid the price for Yuko to sell me to this place, and it seems that I need help very much."

Ye Yueshen touched the letter paper and kept thinking, but he didn't realize that the envelope he left on the table was already in Miss Lungobier's hand.

"Wow, there are people who seal letters with lip prints. It's rare in this era."

Miss Lungobier looked at the envelope in her hands with surprise. Although there was nothing written on it, a lip print should be a sign of something.


Ye Luna didn't expect that Miss Lungobier didn't leave, so she turned around quickly and grabbed the envelope.

"Lip print? Where is it?"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Miss Lungobier chuckled, and then pointed to the envelope in Luna's hand.

"Look, it's here!"

While pointing, Miss Lungobier's eyes have been aimed at the letter on the other side: "As long as you get this letter, the secrets in it can make this guy dare not disturb me again!"

"Ah? This is the lip print? It seems that the mouth is very small."

Ye Yueshen carefully examined the envelope at his hand, completely unaware that the beauty beside him actually had other plans.

"It's now!"

Miss Lungobier stretched out her hand suddenly, and immediately took the letter paper from Ye Luna's other hand!


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