Ye Yueshen immediately screamed, if this secretary found out his secret, he would really be doomed!

Thinking of this, how could Ye Yueshen not give Miss Lungobier a chance to see the contents of the letter, so he rushed forward and pulled over the letter that Miss Lungobier had in her hand!


With a bang, the originally complete letter was pulled over by Yeyueshen. Yeyueshen opened the letter he got and found that it happened to be the main content of the letter, so he couldn't help but shove it into his mouth!

"Uh, do you want to be so excited?"

Miss Lungobier stared at Ye Luna in a stunned manner, and suddenly a strange thought flashed in her mind: "Could this be a letter about me? A letter about my identity? Otherwise, why would you die? Let me see a few words? No, no, if that was the case, he would never have taken it in front of me!"

Thinking of this, Lungobier didn't care how Ye Luna would react, so he just opened the little piece of letter paper left in his hand.

"Waiting people?"

There were only these five words left in the stationery in her hand. Miss Lungobier stared blankly at Ye Yueshen who had swallowed the stationery, and a stone in her heart fell to the ground.

"It's okay if it's not about me."

"Don't you think you were very absurd just now?"

After taking a sip of water and swallowing, Ye Yueshen's eyes returned to Miss Lungobier, and his tone became a lot stiffer.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm just on a whim, on a whim, I hope you don't fire me, please!"

Miss Lungobier slowed down, and then she remembered how excessive her actions just now were. Any noble would severely punish those servants who peeped at their privacy. Although she was the secretary here, she seemed to be half a servant of Ye Luna!

"Do you want to make it so serious? As long as you don't see what's on it!"

Yeyueshen thought to himself, but seeing Miss Lungobier's solemn appearance, Yeyueshen, who had planned to scare him, suddenly changed his mind.

"Come on, my cute little demon, how unlucky you are, why don't you have a lovely and charming sister willing to accompany you? You are so pitiful."

Ye Yueshen calmly stroked the Familiar Mouse's head, but his eyes were looking at Miss Lungobier with a smile.

"This bastard, this is looking for opportunities!"

Miss Lungobier squeezed her fist fiercely, thinking that she really didn't want to be fired, she nodded helplessly, and then showed a fake smile that couldn't be more fake: "Well, Al Mr. De, I am willing to accompany your familiar, and I am willing to feed it..."

"Haha? Is that so? Then I'm relieved! I hope you have a good time together!"

Ye Yueshen held the demon guinea pig in the palm of his hand, and then Shi Shiran handed it over to the nervous-looking Miss Lungobier. In just half a day, the guinea pig could accompany Miss Lungobier again.

"Sooner or later, I will trample you to death!"

Miss Lungobier made up her mind in her heart, but she could only promise to hold the guinea pig in her hand.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Ye Yueshen saw that his treachery had succeeded, so he sat down directly with a "you know" look on his face.

"Uh, business? What business?"

Miss Lungobier tremblingly put the mouse in her hand and looked at Ye Luna curiously.

"Don't you have my letter?"

Ye Yueshen pointed at the piece of paper that Lungobier put on the ground, with a displeased expression on his face, if it weren't for you, I would have found more clues.

"Uh, you said this, there are only five words on it - the person waiting."

Pointing to the scraps on the table, Miss Lungobier had nothing to do with anything but annoyance with the guinea pig in her hand.

"What does this mean?"

I feel that this kind of grammar will not be used in my own world, and Yeyueshen really doesn't understand the meaning of this inscription.

"This is a sign for the girls to express their anxiety? Why, you don't know?"

Miss Lungobier smiled softly. She didn't expect that someone would write such a thing to Yeyueshen. It seems that this is indeed a face-to-face world. It's just the beginning of school, and some girls are thinking of spring for the principal?

"Anxiety? It seems that the problem is serious."

As Ye Yueshen thought about it, he let Miss Lungobier take her familiar to sit back, while he touched his head on the table and pondered what brought him to this world.

At this moment, a word suddenly flashed out: "Girl!"

Chapter 0019 Detail Inference

"Ah, Miss Lungobier, did you say the sign was meant to express the anxiety of the signer?"

Under Ye Yueshen's hard thinking, he could only ask the secretary living in this world for help. After all, he didn't know much about this world, and the logic behind many things seemed to be different from what he thought.

"Yeah, those who are waiting, when I was young, I would also..."

Miss Lungobier said it smoothly, but just halfway through, she quickly closed her mouth.

"I really didn't expect this guy to be so smart, he almost tempted me out of my words. It seems that when I'm with him in the future, I'll have to be more energetic!"

With a secret determination, Miss Lungobier's eyes flashed with a trace of tension.

"Uh, why didn't you say it? Could it be that Miss Lungobier once gave someone such a signature when she was young?"

Ye Yueshen took the remaining fragments and asked curiously. Of course, he didn't think of anything wrong with Miss Lungobier. Girls, when you are young, there is always a period of time when you are ignorant and ignorant. Over time, it will mature.

"Uh, it doesn't seem to have much to do with your problem. You should think about which duke's daughter your handsome face has caused confusion."

Miss Lungobier smiled brightly, hiding her heart with a smile, which was a common practice.

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