Unexpectedly, Yeyueshen would suddenly think of this matter, so Miss Lungobier told the truth. Of course, after adding her salary, she explained her obligation to Yeyueshen.

"How many are there?"

Ye Yueshen thought about it and felt that one-third should not be a lot, after all, his salary was so much.

"You can allocate about [-]."

Miss Lungobier said indifferently, as if she was not impressed by the figure of five hundred times her own salary.

"What? [-] yuan! My God, um, it's not much. My annual salary is [-] yuan."

Ye Yueshen was surprised at first, and then he was relieved.

"No no no, I said a month!"

Miss Lungobier nodded calmly, and then began to count to Ye Luna with her pointed fingers.

"Occasionally, outstanding alumni donate money to the school. For example, Count Edmonk donated [-] million dinars to us in one go last semester, so the money is still a lot!"

"An earl is so rich! I really think it's a duke."

Ye Yueshen said with some surprise, I didn't expect that a servant's salary for a hundred years is his own monthly salary, but someone can pay three hundred servants a hundred years' salary in one go, it's terrible!

"Hehe, your duke is actually an honorary title and has no fief. The Earl of Edmund has a fief, so of course it's different!"

Miss Lungobier laughed softly.As if all this was taken for granted.

"Well, since my dukeship is an honorary title, isn't my headmaster also honorary?"

Ye Yueshen nodded helplessly and complained that he thought his income was much more than that of the earl, but it turned out to be an honorary one, which is really sad.

"Of course not. Your position of principal is substantial, and the importance of this position is actually much higher than that of the title! Think about it, all the sons and daughters of these noble families will graduate from you. , don't they have half of yours on their military medals in the future?"

Smiling softly at Yeyueshen, Miss Lungobier found that she was still very happy when she chatted with Yeyueshen: "Although this guy is a bit bad, he seems to have a good heart, how good it would be if he had been like this all the time. , get rid of the bad problems, maybe I will like this guy too!"

"Oops! Why am I thinking about something out of tune! It's annoying!"

Waving her hand to take back her thoughts, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna who was biting a pen in thought, and tentatively said, "You asked about funding, has someone come to apply for you?"

"Uh, of course this is there, otherwise, I wouldn't ask, isn't it?"

Ye Yueshen nodded, this kind of unimportant matter, Ye Yueshen would not mind having a good discussion with Miss Lungobier, after all, listening to the tone, this lady's time here is not short...

"Who would that be? Running out of money so soon? The former principal gave each of the teachers [-] dinars as a thank you payment before leaving."

Miss Lungobier muttered curiously, and hearing this, Ye Luna couldn't sit still.

"What? Ten thousand dinars per person, how can this principal have so much money? I looked at the list of teachers, and there are thirty teachers at least!"

Ye Luna looked at Lungobier incredulously, as if Miss Lungobier was fooling herself.

"Uh, the former headmaster was Marquis Skofika. Their territory is the largest trading center in Torristin. Of course, there are countless taxes. People with little money won't care!"

Miss Lungobier explained calmly, looking into Ye Luna's eyes with some surprise: "This guy doesn't know anything about feelings! Could it be that he has been serving as the commander of the Central Army for too long, and he is not interested in Torristin's politics? Don't you know anything about it?"

"Well, let's not talk about how rich these nobles are, so do you think Mr. Colbert is short of money?"

Ye Yueshen touched his guinea pig, feeling that he seemed to have come to a world where the gap between the rich and the poor was terrifying.

"Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Colbert, then it makes sense. The only one who was not given funds by the previous principal was Mr. Colbert. When he left, there was no one to thank him for money, although Mr. Colbert was here. The college has been a 3.9 teacher for [-] years, but I heard that the principals don't like him very much."

Miss Lungobier suddenly realized: "Sure enough, he is an unpopular person. The principal came over and asked for money as soon as he came. Who would like such a person?"

"Oh, then it makes sense. I heard that his laboratory has run out of materials. How can I, the principal, ignore it? Well, for the [-] yuan, you should prepare five dollars for Mr. Colbert first. [-]!"

Yeyueshen decided casually, anyway, no one came to ask him for money, so Mr. Colbert said it first, so let's give it to others first.

"Uh, you are really generous. But you should talk to Mr. Colbert face-to-face about this kind of thing."

Miss Lungobier wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, the principal's behavior is really different...

Chapter 0023 Wonderful?Alternative?

"Thank you, thank you very much! You are my generous headmaster in this school for [-] years!"

Bowing fiercely to Yeyueshen, Mr. Colbell, who came to the principal's office with trepidation, couldn't help himself. He thought that Yeyueshen, like other principals, would come to inquire about his identity and ask. Why can't I be dismissed by the headmaster? As soon as the result came up, Miss Lungobier gave herself a proof of [-] yuan of expenses. How could this not make Mr. Colbert, who has been left out in the cold, excited?

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Doing scientific experiments will definitely cost a lot of money. I understand that!"

Ye Yueshen's mouth is polite, but his heart is full of joy, and the feeling of being thanked by others is always so fascinated.

"Then there's nothing to do, I'll go shopping! Principal!"

Speaking sincerely to Yeyueshen, Mr. Colbert's enthusiasm was suddenly ignited 07!Being able to work under such a wise principal, I will definitely be able to complete my own scientific research project!

"Uh, so anxious, the students are all in the second class, and dinner is about to be eaten. Can't you go tomorrow morning?"

Ye Yueshen didn't expect Mr. Colbert to be so anxious. Originally, he wanted to have a good chat with him and learn more about the world. Now, it seems that there is no chance!

"Yeah, it's the second class!"

Mr. Colbert smiled, and only then did he realize that he was a little rude, but then, a legendary name appeared in Mr. Colbert's mind!

"Miss Lungobier, please help to find out what class the second-year students are taking in this class now! Quick!"

"Ah? Good!"

Miss Lungobier was cleaning up the tea set when she suddenly heard Mr. Colbert's urgent shouting. She didn't respond, so she glanced at Yeyueshen. Seeing that Yeyueshen didn't say anything, she hurriedly put the second grade The class schedule was taken out.

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