"It's Master Bruce's Earth Magic class, what's wrong?"

Handing the class schedule to Mr. Colbert, both Lungobier and Ye Luna looked at him curiously, not understanding why they were so excited with a big man for no reason.

"Uh, it really is Mr. Bruce's class!"

Colbert looked at the timetable and sighed heavily.

"Uh, is Mr. Colbert really interested in the sturdy Mr. Hubrus?"

Ye Yueshen touched his head and sweated like rain, this fact is too thrilling!

"You guys, don't look at me like that. Actually, I'm saying that Mr. Hubrus is a teacher who likes to make students practice in class, so I'm afraid."

Looking at Miss Lungobier with lingering fears, Mr. Colbert clearly understands that there is danger here!

"Uh, you mean, that student?"

Hearing what Mr. Colbert said, Miss Lungobier, who had a relaxed expression, also became nervous and her tone was very heavy.

"What are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Ye Yueshen tapped on the table and looked blankly at the two in front of him. What was it that made them so excited?

"It's like this. There is a classmate in the second grade. It's the third young lady of Barry's family. Her name is Louise. She, she's a little different!"

Mr. Colbert's tongue seemed to roll up all of a sudden, making it difficult to speak!

"It's different there?"

An inexplicable heavy feeling penetrated into Ye Yueshen's heart, as if he had heard this name before!

"She is very powerful!"

Miss Lungobier seemed to be at a loss for words, and the adjective she used made Ye Yueshen feel so unfamiliar: "What does it mean to be powerful!"

Ye Yueshen asked with a frown, it wasn't so difficult when he played quizzes with Miss Yuzi before, what were these two talking about?

"Anyway, I'm going to stop him, sorry, Principal!"

Mr. Colbert took his legendary fire stick magic wand in his hand, slammed such a sentence directly, and rushed out!

"Is it far from the second grade teaching building?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Colbert's figure and couldn't help but feel a little depressed. What kind of student makes a calm-looking teacher so excited?

"It's not close anyway, I don't know if I can catch up."

Miss Lungobier turned and picked up her half-packed tea set, as if praying!

"Is there something wrong with this girl? It sounds like you know this student well."

Ye Yueshen looked at Lungobier curiously, and there was always a heavy feeling in his heart!

"Of course, this is a big alternative in our school for a hundred years, you know? In the second grade, you can't even issue a single magic. It's a rare phenomenon in the magic school!"

"Wonderful! Alternative! What kind of vocabulary are these?"

Night Moon God strangely combines these words together.

"Could it be that this girl is so ugly that she can scare the teacher stupid?"

Ye Yueshen touched his familiar and muttered softly.

"Haha, you are really joking, how can the eldest lady of the noble family be ugly? The marriage of the nobles is the result of careful selection, how can the children born be ugly? Only ordinary couples who make do with 240 live Babies born are ugly, but they are beautiful women! It's a pity that no magic can be used."

After explaining to Ye Luna, Miss Lungobier shook her head and was about to leave from here.

"Then you don't have to discriminate against others so much. You just don't know magic. Would you like to evaluate it this way? Weird? Alternative?"

Yeyueshen was a little unhappy to fight for this unknown girl, not because Yeyueshen was noble, maybe it was just the righteous indignation of Yeyueshen after being oppressed for a long time.

"If that's the case, as long as this eldest lady starts to use magic, it will cause a violent explosion, no matter what magic it is!"

Putting the tea set back in place, Miss Lungobier said with a lingering fear: "Every time her magic will make the teaching building a mess, and a large part of our school's funding is for this girl to clean up the mess! Do you know that? ?"

Miss Lungobier looked as if she was worried about Luna's money!

"What do you mean, the reason why the previous principal didn't give money to Mr. Colbert was because the money was used to repair the building destroyed by this girl?"

Ye Yueshen's voice trembled a little. Could it be that he might be too generous?

Chapter 0024 It turned out to be a tragedy

"That's right, sometimes you have to use the principal's salary to advance!"

Miss Lungobier calmly wiped the tea set in front of her, sneering in her heart: "Now you know, Mr. Colbert is worried that her funds will be lost by this girl's magic!"

"Advance payment! Why! This is my legal salary!"

Ye Yueshen screamed like a wolf. I had never heard of such a shameless logic. When a student got into trouble, he actually asked the school to wipe his butt, and even if the funds were not enough, he had to ask the school principal to pay in advance. What does this mean!

"That's right, this is the practice. At the beginning of the Magic Academy, it was believed that the principal was inexorably responsible for the behavior of the students! If you don't do this, the principal will neglect the management of the school. As a result, it will not be able to contribute to the construction of the school. Play your own role, so the truth is just that!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some schadenfreude, and thought to herself: "Now you regret your choice? As soon as the explosion sounded, it would cost at least ten thousand dinars to repair the damaged building. If Counting this girl explodes once a day, [-] days a month, it is exactly [-] dinars, you have already spent [-] dinars, the next ten months, no, thirteen and a half months, will there be no The remainder of the penny!"

Lungobier looked at the small abacus in front of him, divided [-] by Ye Luna's remaining [-] in a month, and shook his head regretfully.

"Isn't this money supposed to be paid by her rich family? I read the history books that the Barry Ailu family is a century-old family, so this small amount of money shouldn't be a problem!"

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