Yeyueshen was lying on the table and was about to cry, and he could understand why other teachers didn't have the idea of ​​making these money. It turned out to be because everyone knew that the principal would not give the money at all!

"On the contrary. The founder of the Barryairu family is one of the founders of this academy, and it happens to be very clear about this truth, and ah, the Patriarch of the Barryairu family is notoriously stingy, so you don't have to think about it, ex. The principal is a long-time friend of the Barryairu family, and as a result, he was unable to convince the Barryairu family to take out the money, but instead was scolded for poor teaching, and then resigned in anger!"

Miss Lungobier shook her fingers, like someone who deliberately found fault, suffocating all thoughts of Ye Yueshen!

"What do you mean, I was forced to come here when no one dared to be the principal of this school?"

Ye Yueshen said with some fear.In the chaos in my mind, I fell into this world and became this principal inexplicably. Is this for redemption or something?

Violently denying the thoughts in his mind, Ye Yueshen could only take a deep breath, accepting the reality, but his assistant, Miss Lungobier, didn't seem to want to stop him: "That's right, that's it, you are the recommendation committee. The last choice, fortunately you came here, Torristin Magic Academy has just ended the three-month period without a principal!"

"Three months without a principal? What do you mean?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier ignorantly, and found that he seemed to be very unfamiliar with the events of his life.

"It's because the previous principal resigned one month before the holiday, so there is only [-] funds to give everyone welfare!"

Miss Lungobier was a little proud when she said this, making Ye Yueshen feel that in those three months, this school should have been running normally under the command of this almighty secretary!

"Isn't it three months? It should be [-]?"

Ye Yueshen clenched his fingers with a look of disbelief, as if he did not believe that there was only a surplus of [-] in the past three months.

"It turns out that I am distressed about my purse!"

Miss Lungobier thought with dissatisfaction, and explained very politely: "It's very simple, because there is a two-month vacation in the middle, do you think the royal family will still pay during the vacation? It's just for you. Just pay."

Miss Lungobier's explanation made Ye Luna go silent for a while. It turns out that she is not as simple as she imagined, nor as important as herself. It seems that it will take a long time for her to complete her mission in this world. Understood!

"If that's the case, then I can only go with what's going on, and I'll be at peace with it. Anyway, I don't need to stay here for a long time."

Ye Yueshen thought comfortingly.

"Want to know why Mr. Colbert wasn't allocated funds?"

Miss Lungobier seemed addicted to storytelling, and took the initiative to smile at Ye Luna.

"It seems that gossip is a girl's nature. You actually take the initiative to tell me the story of this college?"

Ye Yueshen murmured silently, with a smile on his face: "Of course, you can't ask for it, Miss Lungobier!"

"That's because no one can control Mr. Colbert!"

Miss Lungobier held her head high, as if she alone knew the secret.

"How do you say this?"

Ye Yueshen listened silently.I don't know to what extent it is manageable, and to what extent it is uncontrollable.

"For [-] years, Mr. Colbell has been the director of the laboratory in this college. No one can know the experimental content of the laboratory, and no one even knows what is in the basement of the laboratory. Even the former principal and After Mr. Colbert had a bad relationship, he wanted to expel him, but he was ruthlessly rejected by the royal family, which is said to be one of the reasons why the former principal left office!"

Miss Lungobier said mysteriously.

"Then how did you know about this?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly. There is no doubt that these are all secrets. It is indeed doubtful that a secretary knows so well.

"Because I'm there."

This time, Miss Lungobier was not frightened by Ye Yueshen's tone, but took the initiative to see if there were any elusive guinea pigs on the ground.

"Okay, then you can help me write an application and tell the royal family that I need more funding."

Chapter 0024 It turned out to be a tragedy

"That's right, sometimes you have to use the principal's salary to advance!"

Miss Lungobier calmly wiped the tea set in front of her, sneering in her heart: "Now you know, Mr. Colbert is worried that her funds will be lost by this girl's magic!"

"Advance payment! Why! This is my legal salary!"

Ye Yueshen screamed like a wolf. I had never heard of such a shameless logic. When a student got into trouble, he actually asked the school to wipe his butt, and even if the funds were not enough, he had to ask the school principal to pay in advance. What does this mean!

"That's right, this is the practice. At the beginning of the Magic Academy, it was believed that the principal was inexorably responsible for the behavior of the students! If you don't do this, the principal will neglect the management of the school. As a result, it will not be able to contribute to the construction of the school. Play your own role, so the truth is just that!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some schadenfreude, and thought to herself: "Now you regret your choice? As soon as the explosion sounded, it would cost at least ten thousand dinars to repair the damaged building. If Counting this girl explodes once a day, [-] days a month, it is exactly [-] dinars, you have already spent [-] dinars, the next ten months, no, thirteen and a half months, will there be no The remainder of the penny!"

Lungobier looked at the small abacus in front of him, divided [-] by Ye Luna's remaining [-] in a month, and shook his head regretfully.

"Isn't this money supposed to be paid by her rich family? I read the history books that the Barry Ailu family is a century-old family, so this small amount of money shouldn't be a problem!"

Yeyueshen was lying on the table and was about to cry, and he could understand why other teachers didn't have the idea of ​​making these money. It turned out to be because everyone knew that the principal would not give the money at all!

"On the contrary. The founder of the Barryairu family is one of the founders of this academy, and it happens to be very clear about this truth, and ah, the Patriarch of the Barryairu family is notoriously stingy, so you don't have to think about it, ex. The principal is a long-time friend of the Barryairu family, and as a result, he was unable to convince the Barryairu family to take out the money, but instead was scolded for poor teaching, and then resigned in anger!"

Miss Lungobier shook her fingers, like someone who deliberately found fault, suffocating all thoughts of Ye Yueshen!

"What do you mean, I was forced to come here when no one dared to be the principal of this school?"

Ye Yueshen said with some fear.In the chaos in my mind, I fell into this world and became this principal inexplicably. Is this for redemption or something?

Violently denying the thoughts in his mind, Ye Yueshen could only take a deep breath, accepting the reality, but his assistant, Miss Lungobier, didn't seem to want to stop him: "That's right, that's it, you are the recommendation committee. The last choice, fortunately you came here, Torristin Magic Academy has just ended the three-month period without a principal!"

"Three months without a principal? What do you mean?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier ignorantly, and found that he seemed to be very unfamiliar with the events of his life.

"It's because the previous principal resigned one month before the holiday, so there is only [-] funds to give everyone welfare!"

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