Miss Lungobier was a little proud when she said this, making Ye Yueshen feel that in those three months, this school should have been running normally under the command of this almighty secretary!

"Isn't it three months? It should be [-]?"

Ye Yueshen clenched his fingers with a look of disbelief, as if he did not believe that there was only a surplus of [-] in the past three months.

"It turns out that I am distressed about my purse!"

Miss Lungobier thought with dissatisfaction, and explained very politely: "It's very simple, because there is a two-month vacation in the middle, do you think the royal family will still pay during the vacation? It's just for you. Just pay."

Miss Lungobier's explanation made Ye Luna go silent for a while. It turns out that she is not as simple as she imagined, nor as important as herself. It seems that it will take a long time for her to complete her mission in this world. Understood!

"If that's the case, then I can only go with what's going on, and I'll be at peace with it. Anyway, I don't need to stay here for a long time."

Ye Yueshen thought comfortingly.

"Want to know why Mr. Colbert wasn't allocated funds?"

Miss Lungobier seemed addicted to storytelling, and took the initiative to smile at Ye Luna.

"It seems that gossip is a girl's nature. You actually take the initiative to tell me the story of this college?"

Ye Yueshen murmured silently, with a smile on his face: "Of course, you can't ask for it, Miss Lungobier!"

"That's because no one can control Mr. Colbert!"

Miss Lungobier held her head high, as if she alone knew the secret.

"How do you say this?"

Ye Yueshen listened silently.I don't know to what extent it is manageable, and to what extent it is uncontrollable.

"For [-] years, Mr. Colbell has been the director of the laboratory in this college. No one can know the experimental content of the laboratory, and no one even knows what is in the basement of the laboratory. Even the former principal and After Mr. Colbert had a bad relationship, he wanted to expel him, but he was ruthlessly rejected by the royal family, which is said to be one of the reasons why the former principal left office!"

Miss Lungobier said mysteriously.

"Then how did you know about this?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly. There is no doubt that these are all secrets. It is indeed doubtful that a secretary knows so well.

"Because I'm there."

This time, Miss Lungobier was not frightened by Ye Yueshen's tone, but took the initiative to see if there were any elusive guinea pigs on the ground.

"Okay, then you can help me write an application and tell the royal family that I need more funding."

Chapter 0026 Unlucky Towel

"Master Principal, this is Mr. Xiu Bruce, you saw it this morning."

The moment he opened the door, Ye Yueshen saw Mr. Colbert's nervous expression, and of course he was carrying a sturdy body on his back.

"Uh, come in first, it doesn't matter Mr. Hubrus?"

Ye Yueshen smiled awkwardly, opened the door, turned around and said to Miss Lungobier, "Hurry up and bring a sturdy chair for Mr. Hubrus."


Miss Lungobier nodded, and soon walked to the small warehouse next door, and placed a huge reclining chair in the middle of Ye Luna's office.

"What's the matter? Are you seriously injured?"

Yeyueshen looked nervously at Mr. Xiubrus, who had passed out in a coma. It was only the first day of school when such a thing happened. Yeyueshen was really afraid that he, the principal, would take responsibility.

"Uh, it's okay, just let Miss Lungobier take a look. Miss Lungobier is also an earth magician, so she should know more about this."

Putting Mr. Thubrus on the reclining chair, Mr. Colbert looked at Miss Lungobier while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Uh, let me take a look."

Miss Lungobier smiled embarrassedly, and walked to the unconscious Mr. Thubrus to examine her injuries carefully.

"Uh, it turns out that Miss Lungobier is an earth magic, what do I say."

Ye Yueshen sounded the skill of Teacher Lungobier when he made tea for himself, and suddenly understood that as long as it is a plant that grows in the earth, the earth magician should be very familiar with it, otherwise, it will not be so delicious. tea.

"Uh, don't you know?"

Mr. Kerber looked at Ye Yueshen strangely, thinking that the two of them had been together for two days, and they didn't even know about this. I really don't know how this generous headmaster spent these two days. of.

"Uh, I haven't asked much. It seems that Miss Lungobier isn't married yet. Isn't it a bit too much for me to ask."

Casually putting on the hat of a gentleman, Ye Yueshen quickly changed the subject and said, "What the hell is going on? Could it really be the third lady of the Barryairu family who caused all this, as Miss Lungobier speculated. ?"

"Well, Miss Lungobier deserves to have worked here for a while. It's a guess."

Mr. Colbert reluctantly patted his bald head, thinking that this is still speculation, it must be the troublemaker Louise, how could the teachers teach some difficult magic on the first day of school?

"Uh, in that case, are the other children injured?"

Ye Yueshen was really worried when he thought of the huge explosion. These children are all noble children. If they were injured on the first day of school and spread out, they might be in danger of complaining!

"That's not true. The second-grade children are already alert, so the moment Louise came to the stage, she hid under the table. Some children even used magic to make a barrier for themselves, which is not a big problem. ."

Colbert-sensei said in a slightly relaxed manner.

"That's good, just don't let me get involved."

Night Moon God thought to himself.

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