"So, what about Louise? How is she?"

Miss Lungobier, who was examining Mr. Hubrus, raised her head and asked, as if she was also very concerned about this child.

"Uh, I went back to my room to change my clothes. My clothes are all rotten. It's inconvenient to meet the principal. I asked her to wait for our meeting in the room."

Mr. Colbert seemed to have recovered from the initial tension, and the tone of his speech became much more relaxed.

"Have some tea."

Only then did Ye Yueshen realize that Mr. Colbert had not been idle since he came in. He had been answering his various questions, and he couldn't help but feel a little rude.

"Well, you're so kind."

Mr. Colbert took the teacup of the Moon God, but there was an ominous feeling in his heart: "The principal is so polite to me, do you want me to take out the funds that I have? I have encountered this situation before... …”

"Uh, you're drinking tea, why are you looking at me like this?"

Yeyueshen looked at Mr. Colbert strangely, and said in his heart that this teacher is also true!Looking at myself with this kind of eyes, I thought I had revealed some flaws!

"Ah? Ah, I drink, I drink."

Finding that Yeyueshen had no more words, and his eyes didn't seem to have any other meaning, Mr. Colbell reluctantly took a sip of tea, but before it was finished, Miss Lungobier next to Yeyue smiled at Yeyue The god said: "You can't see it yet, Mr. Colbert is worried that you will take back the funds that they have received! Otherwise, why would he keep looking at you?"


Without swallowing a sip of tea, Mr. Colbert sprayed it out again.

"Uh, are you alright?"

Ye Yueshen handed over a towel beside him, and quickly said to Mr. Colbert: "You think too much, how can I be the kind of person who goes back on his word? Anyway, I'm also single, and I can't feed the whole family by myself. Hungry, what do you need so much money for?"

"is it?"

When Mr. Colbert heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became excited: "You are too generous, really, even if I have been here for [-] years, I have never met a principal who so happily allocated funds. You are the first!"

"Really? It seems that the previous principals didn't pay enough attention... eh? Miss Lungobier, why did you stand up without looking at Mr. Hubrus' injury? Still looking at me with such angry eyes?"

Yeyueshen was about to say a few words of humility to Mr. Colbert when he suddenly saw Miss Lungobier looking at him with anger, and couldn't help but feel a little timid. Looking around, he found that he had done nothing wrong.

"Mr. Colbert, can you give me my towel?"

Miss Lungobier's eyes were staring at Luna like thorns, but she was talking to Mr. Colbert.

"Uh, so this fluffy towel is yours..."

Mr. Colbert embarrassedly handed the towel to Miss Lungobier, and by the way, he stepped aside and gave Ye Luna a sympathetic look.

"Damn it! I approved [-] dinars for you! You just put me aside and ignore me!"

Ye Yueshen's eyes were about to pop out when he looked at Mr. Colbert, but soon, Miss Lungobier's figure had blocked Ye Yueshen's eyes!

"Be merciful, our colleagues in the department."

Ye Yueshen muttered in his heart.

Chapter 0027 Unanimous Opposition

Miss Lungobier's figure has already covered Ye Luna, like a volcano about to erupt, and Ye Luna was tied to the crater by Miss Lungobier's sharp eyes!

"For you! Since you have used it all! I don't need it."

Miss Lungobier waved her hand gently and returned her towel to Mr. Colbert, as if to say that this is our business, not yours!

"Uh, I don't know, it's just easy, easy!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and stepped back step by step, but behind Miss Lungobier's table, he couldn't get under the table like his familiar Modo Soluniru!

Right at this moment, Miss Lungobier's hand slowly stretched out and hit Ye Luna's handsome face!

"Don't slap your face!"

Ye Yueshen held his face tightly with both hands, for fear that the face of this fascinated girl would be ruthlessly disfigured on the second day after coming to this world!

"This is it!"

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Miss Lungobier took out a small bottle of red potion from her desk. This potion was still in a glass bottle, so Ye Luna always thought it was red ink!

"Hmm! It turned out to be holding something, why don't you make it so scary?"

Ye Yueshen breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely as he looked at Miss Lungobier, who had turned around to heal Mr. Xiubrus!

At this moment, Miss Lungobier, who had already squatted down to apply the potion to Mr. Hubrus, suddenly turned around and stared at Ye Luna with still sharp eyes: "Don't touch my things casually! Or! Mr. De!"

"Uh, okay."

Ye Yueshen was so frightened that he became a lot more honest, and nodded his head in a hurry, for fear that his secretary would turn his face again!

Seeing this scene in the eyes of Mr. Colbert next to him, he couldn't help but admire the experienced teacher: "Even Mr. Alder, who is not easy to deal with at first glance, is so docile and obedient that he can clean up in an instant, This secretary is indeed a master, it seems that I also need to learn in the future, and it is good to clean up those unruly noble children!"

"Okay! It's estimated that Mr. Hugh Bruce will wake up in a while! Don't worry! In fact, it was a little skin injury, but Mr. Hugh Bruce may not be prepared at that time, and he was too close to the explosion point, so he passed out. !"

Standing up and packing up her potions, Miss Lungobier calmly walked to her seat, took out a piece of ink pad from the drawer, put it in front of Ye Luna and said calmly, "Draw a bet."

"Um? Draw bet?"

Ye Yueshen even suspected that something was wrong with his ears for a while. What era is it, and there is still such a thing as Huashi?

"Of course, this is a disciplinary report for the teacher. Naturally, I want you to draw a charge. When Mr. Xiu Bruce wakes up, she will also ask her to draw a charge!"

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