Miss Lungobier looked right, as if she was too lazy to explain such trivial matters to Ye Luna.

"Lord Principal, the praise and punishment of teachers should be written down. Otherwise, if anyone can use magic to imitate your handwriting, isn't this a mess in the academy?"

Seeing Yeyueshen standing still, Mr. Colbert thought that Yeyueshen couldn't bear it, and continued: "And this is also a practice, since Louise can't guarantee that her magic will not cause an explosion, then We can only urge the teachers not to give Louise the chance to destroy the school!"

"I know this way."

Ye Yueshen nodded to show that he understood, then shook his head and said, "But can we introduce another rule at the same time?"

"What rules?"

Miss Lungobier and Mr. Colbert said in unison.Especially Miss Lungobier directly added: "The rules of our academy are already complete, what other rules can you introduce?"

"I'm just saying, let's see if you can do it or not, forget it."

Yeyueshen glanced at Mr. Colbert with a guilty conscience, and seeing both of them looking at him with expectant eyes, he could only shrug and say: "For example, while punishing the teacher, can the teacher make a point of contact? What about fines..."

The more Ye Yueshen spoke, the quieter his voice became. Asking the teacher to pay the fine sounds a little shameless, but he doesn't know if this world allows or not.


Miss Lungobier and Mr. Colbert were stunned for a while, and then shouted in high-octave voices.Among them, Mr. Colbert looked at Ye Yueshen with incredible eyes: "Did you know that this will destroy your reputation, and make the teacher of the Magic Academy pay a fine? This is absolutely impossible! For the sake of Your reputation, I promise to forget what you just said, please don't say it again!"

Miss Lungobier calmed down and added: "If you do this, I will directly resign as my secretary. Being a teacher at the Magic Academy is a sacred profession, and I cannot draft such a document! Please! You take your word back!"

"Um, I'm just talking. No problem, I just want to take a little token. Since you've all said this, I'll treat it as if I didn't say anything."

At this moment, another female voice suddenly came from behind Yeyueshen.

"Wow! What was the sound just now! It's annoying!"

"Uh, you're awake, Mr. Hubrus."

Mr. Colbert responded very quickly, and hurried up to help Mr. Hubrus up.At this moment, Miss Lungobier walked over with a towel and wiped Mrs. Hubrus' face.

"It's fortunate that they didn't know that this was used by Mr. Colbert, otherwise I would have to fight with my secretary."

Yeyueshen whispered in his heart, but there was a sincere smile on his face. No matter what, Mr. Xiubrus was also his subordinate, so he couldn't watch without saying a word. Soon, I had a good chat with the strong and sturdy teacher Hubrus, and by the way, I also drew the punishment document.

"Let's talk about the punishment for the third lady of the Barryairu family."

Chapter 0028 Jade can not be carved

"Actually, there's no need to discuss it. I've already copied the previous punishment book. I'd better record it once to see the aftermath."

Raising the paper she already had in her hand, Miss Lungobi didn't seem to care about Luna's proposal at all.

"But it doesn't have to be that way all the time."

Ye Yueshen said a little unwillingly, it is such a simple punishment, when the time comes, this little girl will not make a habit of playing blasting, just play blasting as she wants, then her salary will not be seen in this life. Shadow?

"So what else? We can't fire people, can we?"

Mr. Colbert spread his hands towards Ye Luna, as if to explain his helplessness.

"You can't get fired, let alone fines, but what's the point of recording a major demerit? I think this little girl could have been expelled more than [-] times for her major demerit last year!"

He casually flipped through the information that Miss Lungobier had given him from his desktop, Ye Yueshen looked dissatisfied.

"Uh, you don't have to worry too much, Principal. In fact, tomorrow is the day when the second-grade children will summon the Familiar. At that time, with the Familiar, this little girl may not use magic casually."

Mr. Hubrus was arranging his clothes while still saying kind words for Louise, as if he was not hurt by the clumsy Louise.

"Uh, since you said so, I won't insist on anything, I just hope this little girl can cause less trouble!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and asked Mr. Colbert to take Mr. Hubrus back to rest. Of course, he also ordered Mr. Colbert to bring Louise over by the way. He wanted to announce his punishment to her face to face. Maybe this would be a little touching. Bar.

"It's really troublesome. I thought I could get off work after drinking your afternoon tea this afternoon, but I still have to deal with this matter."

Ye Yueshen flipped through the punishment list in front of him bored, and saw that the wording on it was almost the same, and he was also drunk. Could it be that the previous principal was so lazy?Even a document is reluctant to write more braille?

"Mr. Alder, I forgot to inform you that you are going to meet the messenger from the royal family tomorrow. This is the first time you have taken office, so you can't be neglected!"

Miss Lungobier came over and packed up the punishment sheet that Ye Luna had in hand, and then put a schedule in front of Ye Luna.

"Uh, do you even want me, the principal, to greet a messenger in person?"

Yeyueshen picked up the schedule and saw that it actually marked the matter of welcoming the messenger as the most important thing. He felt a little uncomfortable. He was obviously the head of the school, so how could he feel that he couldn't offend this one, and that one couldn't be offended? ?

"Of course, you will not fail to find out. Our Magic Academy is far away from the royal family. The main communication is the earl's messenger! They are still the theoretical supervision of our school, so we can't offend you!"

Miss Lungobier sorted out the documents and calmly emphasized the importance of this matter!

"Hehe, I can't even offend a messenger? Then why did I come to this world? Did I come to be angry?"

Ye Yueshen squeezed his fist, and if the power inside was released, it would be absolutely amazing.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I wasn't very familiar with this world, I would have used my power long ago."

Night Moon God thought faintly.

"It seems that you are very unconvinced?"

Seeing that Ye Luna didn't respond for a long time, Miss Lungobi thought he was angry, and added: "Even the previous principal can't offend the messenger, you'd better not do anything out of the ordinary. "

"Outrageous thing? What is outrageous thing?"

Ye Yueshen laughed secretly in his heart, in his own eyes, is there anything out of the ordinary?Extraordinary is just an excuse for those vulgar mortals to retreat. As a god who transcends life and death, can he be out of line?

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