"For example, to make fun of the messenger, I heard that a self-righteous student once took the messenger for entertainment because he didn't know it. The result was that the young master's father lost his title of noble!"

Miss Lungobier said with lingering fears, in a tone as if she had experienced it herself.

"Is it that scary? It's just a messenger. At first glance, it looks like a fake tiger. The father of that child must have been punished for something else. It just happened to be at the right time. It was purely to scare people..."

Ye Yueshen replied without hesitation, thinking in his heart that if this messenger really had such great energy, then he would use it as an obscure messenger, and he would have already stepped onto the political stage of the country and played his role.

"Well, it's not unreasonable what you said."

Miss Lungobier was dumbfounded for a while. She didn't expect Ye Yueshen to be so articulate. Just now, he was a guy who was struggling with his so-called salary.

"Hey, think too much. I just want to see what the currency of this world looks like. I have such an idea? It's ridiculous, am I still short of money to spend?"

Ye Yueshen saw Miss Lungobier's thoughts at a glance, and sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it in face, instead he smiled and said to the nervous Miss Lungobier, "Don't worry, as long as If that guy doesn't mess with me, I won't burden the Magic Academy on business."

"Is that so? That's great. I really hope you can do business as usual. The messenger is the bridge between us and the royal family. If the bridge is unstable, it will be difficult for us."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna excitedly with the document, as if she cared about the existence of this academy.

"However, if this messenger does anything arrogant to me, I'm not to be provoked."

Ye Yueshen continued in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door at door 3.7: "Dong dong dong."


Miss Lungobier put the document on her desk and went to open the door, completely unaware that the document in her hand was almost a collection of punishment books about someone.

"Miss Lungobier, I'm here with Louise!"

Greeting Miss Lungobier who opened the door, Mr. Colbert turned around and said, "Come in, Louise, the principal is very generous and won't embarrass you!"

"Who said that? When did I say that?"

Ye Yueshen shouted in annoyance, and said in her heart, "You don't have to care about money, but you can't just let this troublemaker go. If you don't make it, you can't make it!"

Chapter 0029 First Meeting

"Ah? I'm not going!"

A young and stubborn voice came from outside the door, as if she was frightened by Ye Yueshen's shout just now!

"If you don't come in, go home!"

Yeyueshen said lazily, with a very stern tone. In fact, he just heard the voice from outside the door, and Yeyueshen did not intend to punish severely, because: "What a lovely voice! It's a liking to hear it. favorite child."

Ye Yueshen thought so.

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Colbert hurriedly looked back at Yeyueshen. When he saw the smile at the corner of Yeyueshen's mouth, he suddenly understood something, and frightened the little girl outside the door: "Look, it's already been done. You have angered the Principal, if you don't go in again, you will be finished!"

"Ah? Then I'll go in!"

The little girl outside the door seemed to be frightened, her tone softened, and she was brought in by Mr. Colbert!

"Wow! Such a cute little girl! I didn't expect that there are people with such perfect looks in such a world!"

The first time Ye Yueshen looked at Louise, he felt incomparably kind in his heart, as if he had seen this child before!

"The principal is really so young!"

The little girl looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise and said.

"Of course! The principal is so young! Hurry up and salute the principal!"

Mr. Colbert looked at Louise helplessly, wondering if she was used to coming to the principal's office, but she wasn't afraid at all?

"Hey Principal!"

Quietly bowed to Ye Luna, Louise looked much more honest.

"Uh, got it, tell me what happened today."

Ye Yueshen also straightened his shoulders, with a majestic tone in his tone.

"Didn't the teachers tell you?"

Louise blinked her eyes, shook her head and looked at Mr. Colbert beside her.

"When the principal asks you, you can tell the truth. There are so many questions!"

Mr. Colbell glanced at Ye Yueshen in embarrassment, thinking that this can't represent all the students, this is just an exception, most children in the magic academy are very polite.

"Hehe, what the teachers said is what the teachers said. Of course I want to hear what you, the client, said. Besides, Miss Lungobier just gave me a brief introduction to your situation, and Mr. Colbert also I just speculated about the process of what happened, and you, the person involved, naturally know what's going on!"

Yeyueshen said a lot in a twisted manner, as if he wanted to give the little girl in front of him a mature and stable impression!

"Uh, okay."

As if she didn't expect the young headmaster to say such a thing, Louise nodded, her small eyes were a little squinted, and she began to recall: "It was like this at the time, I was copying the magic spell by myself, and the teacher called me, At that time, everyone said that I could not complete the magic of turning stones into gold, er, no, turning stones into bronze, and I was very unconvinced, so I went to the podium and did it according to the magic demonstrated by the teacher, and the rest, You should all know that!"

As Louise spoke, her tone slowed down, and her little head was lowered to her chest. Ye Luna seemed to smell a bit of pain in the air!

"Actually I... I don't want to cause trouble to everyone! But, I have never succeeded once. Some classmates have already found their attributes, but I have nothing. I study hard here. , I dream of being the pride of my father like my sisters, but... now it seems that there is no hope!"

With a crying voice, Louise, who had been repressed all the time, cried with tears, as if she had released all the repression she had held over the past year. Although the voice did not break the eardrums that deepened in the night, it struck deeply. Into the heart of the darker night.

"Uh, are you alright?"

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