Ye Yueshen was stunned for a while, and looked at the little girl in front of her with some distress. It could be seen that she had been depressed for a long time.

"It's okay! I'm the third young lady of the Barryairu family. I won't back down in the face of difficulties. Nobles will always move forward and never retreat!"

I don't know what power brought the little girl back to life. Louise, who was crying just now, suddenly patted her chest like a different person, raised her head proudly, and looked at Ye Yueshen calmly. .


Miss Lungobier bit her lip and didn't let herself laugh in front of Ye Luna. It was natural to see such a scene once, but Miss Lungobier, who had watched it for half a year, was a little numb and even felt Funny!

"It's still this trick!"

Colbert also held his magic wand tightly to calm his mind, so as not to let Ye Luna notice anything.

"well said!"

Ye Luna digested Louise's speech in her heart, clapped her hands to the stubborn little girl, and said to Miss Lungobier, "Bring me the punishment book, and I'll read it out!"


Miss Lungobier responded with a nasal voice, then turned around and took out the punishment book at the bottom of the document!

"What's all this stuff?"

Louise, who already knew that she had passed the test, looked at Miss Lungobier holding the document in the other hand, and asked curiously.

"Uh, this..."

Just thinking about the punishment book, Miss Lungobier really forgot that she put Louise's previous punishment book on her desk, and immediately put the document in her arms, looking at Ye Luna with some embarrassment. .

"Uh, it looks like this little girl's punishment book."

Ye Yueshen saw the signature and the manuscript at a glance, and suddenly felt that this little girl would be very sad if she saw this, so she waved her hand and said, "It's just some daily documents, Louise, don't worry about it. Those, come, I will read to you the first punishment book issued after I became the principal!"

"That's right! I'll have to draw a bet for confirmation later! These things are irrelevant, you don't have to look at them!"

Miss Lungobier smiled softly and put the document behind her.


In the principal's office, Louise didn't dare to do anything wrong, she could only obey Ye Yueshen's arrangement, respectfully listen to the punishment book read by Ye Yueshen in front of Ye Yueshen, and after taking the punishment book, Going directly to Miss Lungobier's table, he skillfully took out the ink pad inside and pressed it on by himself. After that, the painting and pressing were completed smoothly.

"Uh, do you want to be so skilled..."

Ye Yueshen thought helplessly.

Chapter 0030 Application

"Lord Principal, I'm retiring!"

Standing respectfully at the door, Louise seemed to have realized her serious mistake.

"Okay, I hope we won't be in such an awkward place next time. I wish you a happy life. Tomorrow, summon the familiar and cheer up!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and said with a smile, for this little girl, Ye Yueshen has a kind of intimacy from the bottom of his heart.


Holding her own small fist, Louise made up her mind in her heart.

After saying goodbye to Ye Luna, Louise opened the door herself and went out, but as soon as she went out, a chaotic footstep entered the little girl's ears.

"Did anyone make a mistake today?"

Louise looked down curiously, but when she saw it, she found that three classmates were going upstairs, and they had already come up along the circular staircase!

"Ahahaha! Who is this?"

A harsh laughter came, and Louise's face darkened.

"Who else could it be, of course, the pride of our second year - Louise Zero!"

A scantily clad girl next to her replied.


Louise squeezed her magic wand and tried her best to hold back her anger. If she played blasting at the door of the principal's office, she would probably go home!

"Okay, okay! Classmates, why make fun of others?"

The hot girl took the initiative to stop the blonde companion next to her, turned her head and asked Louise with concern, "How is this time? Did you get fired? Louise?"

"Not at all!"

Speaking of this, Louise calmed down instead, raised the punishment book in her hand, and said silently, "This time the responsibility is mainly the teacher, she let me go up regardless of the classmates' obstruction, so I was remembered. It's okay if it's bigger!"

"Yo! Good luck! It seems that the new headmaster is a good person. Or, he still doesn't know the power of the third Miss Barry Elle?"

The blonde girl made an excuse and passed Louise right after. At this moment, the girl with a good figure next to her suddenly stopped Louise.

"Tomorrow is the day to summon a familiar. I wonder what kind of familiar Louise plans to summon?"

"Whether it can be summoned is still a question!"

The blonde woman next to her covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"Humph! I will definitely summon a very powerful familiar, even more powerful than yours! Just wait and see!"

Louise shouted loudly, looking confident!

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