"Hahaha! It's better than ours, so let's wait and see! Zero Louise!"

The two of them laughed wildly at Louise. At this moment, the blue-haired girl who had been flipping a book beside her said, "It's getting late, let's go in, the principal may be off work if it's too late."

"Okay! Goodbye! Zero Louise!"

After saying "hello" to Louise, the three walked to the door of Luna's office and knocked on the door.


It was Mr. Colbert who opened the door, and the Moon God inside was already preparing to get off work.

"It's us, Mr. Colbert!"

With a long cane in hand, the blue-haired girl said softly, but the two companions who had spoken recklessly just took the initiative to shut their mouths.

"Oh? Is there something wrong?"

Ye Yueshen turned around and looked at the door. Mr. Colbert was planning to go out, so he opened the door by the way.

"Yes, we are here to submit an application."

She took out three pieces of paper from her book, and the little girl with blue hair looked different.

"Let them in, Mr. Colbert, go do your work."

Ye Yueshen glanced at the three people with indifferent eyes, and ordered casually.

"Okay! Come in!"

Holding his magic wand, Mr. Colbert went out and closed the door, while the three little girls stood in a row in front of Ye Luna.

"Introduce yourself, it's not good to say, I don't know as much about this school as the three of you!"

Ye Yueshen felt that the ones he could find by himself should not be freshmen, so he greeted them with a smile.

"Uh, that's it."

The blue-haired girl smiled, and the blonde beauty next to her who had not spoken took the initiative to walk out, pointed at herself and said, "I am the coexistence of wisdom and beauty, both spiritual and material, love romance, like life, with a keen eye... "

"Momo Langxi, this is not a first-year self-introduction, you'll keep it short!"

Miss Lungobier, who was sitting next to her, coughed softly and said to the blonde beauty.

"Uh, sorry!"

With a somewhat embarrassed smile, Momo Langxi pointed to himself and said: "I'm Momo Langxi, this is Zelipst Qiurjie over there, and the one in the middle is a top student: Tabasa, These two are international students."

"What's the matter with you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the three of them calmly. Although the child in the middle looked really unusual, Ye Yueshen really couldn't see what was going on with these three people coming here.

"We want to be able to stay on campus during the holidays, that's it."

Handing over the application form in his hand, Tabasa quickly returned it, with a facial expression on his face, as if this was not his own application form.

"Uh, do you want an answer now?"

Ye Yueshen held the three application forms and looked at the three with some embarrassment. He didn't know what it meant, how could he answer now?

"It's alright, it's still early before the holiday. We just came early to submit the application, hoping to make the trip. Our application form has been handed in. If there is nothing else, I won't disturb you."

Tabassa said very decent words with an expressionless face, so that Ye Yueshen couldn't get in the way, she could only nod her head to let the three people leave, and then asked her secretary with the application form in her hand: "This is What do you mean? Can I agree?"

"Momolangxi can of course stay in school, but the remaining two you have to communicate with the royal family, and the royal family must communicate with the countries where these students are located. Although they came so early, I feel Not too possible."

Take the application form from Ye Luna and put it in a folder, Miss Lungobier said very formulaically.

"Then why would they submit such an application?"

Ye Yueshen tapped on the table and asked.

"Who knows then?"

Miss Lungobier smiled softly, but there was a flash of light in her eyes.

Chapter 0031 Who is a genius?

"Do you want the messenger to hand over the applications of these three children to the royal family tomorrow?"

Ye Luna couldn't help but feel a little strange when she saw that Miss Lungobier put the children's applications in the folder and locked the cabinet in which the folders were kept.

"This cannot be handed over to the courier, and the children's request requires you to write an application, in your name."

Miss Lungobier replied that she seemed to be a little confused when she saw the moon god, and added: "Actually, the system of the empire is similar to the pyramids. You are the spire of the pyramid in the Magic Academy, but for the royal family, They can't get past the kids, you can only see it through you, it's called a hierarchy of empowerment."

Miss Lungobier said, took out a copy of the Torristine Custom Law from the cupboard, and handed it to Ye Luna.

"What is this? Common law? I didn't come to study law."

Ye Yueshen looked at the cover and muttered.

"Well, this is not a legal document, this is a political book, which explains the origin of Torristin's various political systems, which will be very helpful to you."

Miss Lungobier explained.

"Okay, I see, this is a book to understand everyone's political rights in the Kingdom of Torristin."

Ye Yueshen flipped through a few pages, and found that there were indeed no legal provisions arranged like terraced fields as he imagined, but there were many historical stories in it, which looked quite vivid.

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