It's just that the words changed immediately when they came to the mouth. How can they be so straightforward?It's better to wait until the night is darker, otherwise Jingu Temple should be embarrassed.

"Beigo Kasugagi?" Jinguji's beautiful brows furrowed.Then it suddenly unfolded, and regardless of whether Ye Shenyue was still watching her move, she leaned forward and leaned directly on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, "Is Yue jealous? There's another man in the hotel? Isn't it?"

Jinguji's face had an eager look on her face, like a girl who wanted to see her boyfriend jealous.Those slender eyelashes twinkled and looked very attractive.

"Jealous? Your whole family is jealous!"

If he learned to be jealous of so many girls, he would eat them one by one, and he would not be able to eat a big jar!

If you want to eat it, only girls can eat it! Ye Shenyue turned her head, and as long as her back is turned to them, they will obediently give up this topic.

Ye Shenyue turned her head and body, causing Jinguji's body that was still leaning tightly on him to lean to one side, but thanks to her agility she didn't fall down.


Jingu Temple approached Ye Shenyue's profile with a soft voice.


Ye Shenyue did not speak.Turning around, he still had his back to Jinguji Temple.

It's just that the more you don't speak, the more anxious you become.Did you ignore her?

Jinguji was nervous.


The speechless silence almost overwhelmed Jingu Temple, but Ye Shenyue suddenly stood up, not wanting to talk or going to the room, but towards the door.

Does he want to leave?

It was so hard to invite him over, how could he just let him leave?

Jingong Temple also stood up, and the speed was so fast that Ye Shenyue only felt her waist soften.The touch behind it is a beautiful touch.

The whole Jinguji Temple posted it.

"How could I have anything to do with Hirogo Hiroki? He was just sent by the government to communicate with our demons, and I just asked them to deal with the traces they made when they eliminated youkai. It belongs only to you Ye Shenyue, it has been like this since I was a child, it has always been like this!"

Ye Shenyue felt wet traces on her back, which was different from standing water that would leak from time to time. The wet area was very small and warm. Could it be... tears?

Is she crying?

Ye Shenyue turned around and tried to lift Jinguji's face, but she stopped her.

"Don't...don't I'm...ugly...ugly..."

Jinguji's voice became muffled, with a peculiar tone of crying.

"How can you be ugly? I just like the real you... In fact, you have always been very vulnerable."

Ye Shenyue lowered her head and gently touched Jinguji's soft lips.

The bitterness of tears dripping from those lips, but the kiss he felt was very sweet.

There seemed to be heat running down his face.

Jinguji, it seems... crying even more.

Chapter 0036 Crazy in Jingong Temple (2 more for subscription)

"Yue, she will be your fiancée in the future, so take good care of her."

A little girl's face appeared behind Grandpa and Grandma.

Pure purple eyes, with a proud look, but Ye Shenyue felt in her heart that she was pretending to be strong.

She is not a strong child.The arrogance on the outside is just a mask she puts on outsiders.

"You are my fiancé? Don't lose the chain, I'm strong."

As soon as she sprinkled her shoulder-length smooth hair, the girl's purple eyes seemed to be filled with disdain.

"It's very strong? I can't see it? You are a magician, right?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, playing with the cute kitten in her arms. The kitten also licked his fingers without even raising her head.

"It's really a magician, but he's obviously a ghost killer, but he has learned Western magic. You also think it's embarrassing and degrading!"

The girl's line of sight did not go beyond Ye Shenyue's body, her expression fell on Ye Shenyue's body, falling deeply and deeply, as if she was looking at him very seriously.

"But I'm really strong! I want to kill those monsters... and those ghosts, and make them cry and beg me not to kill them!"

The girl looked excited.Small fists clenched tightly.

"Magic is a good thing... As it is now, you can do many desired and beautiful things with magic."

Ye Shenyue held the kitten's hand and moved, the originally silent lake suddenly trembled, and strands of water waves rose from the bottom of the lake and fell in front of Ye Shenyue.

Let the water droplets come into contact with the sun, so it becomes what it is now.


Beautiful rainbow, colorful light.

"Okay... so beautiful... No, when you didn't say this, how could you be able to do magic?"

The joyful expression of the little Jinguji Temple suddenly subsided, with a serious look that does not match the grade.

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