"Because I'm your fiancé! If you use magic to be laughed at, I won't be afraid if I use it too."

Ye Shenyue's hand shook, and the beautiful rainbow turned into two like blooming flowers.

The other rainbow became smaller and smaller, and finally landed on Ye Shenyue's hand, and the kitten scratched it with her cute little paws.

"No... not afraid anymore?"

Jingu Temple murmured, but her purple eyes looked at Ye Shenyue involuntarily, "You...you mean to stand with me? Come face that with me...face those annoying people. people?"

"That's right... Otherwise, how are you supposed to be a fiancée? Jinguji, your magic isn't very strong, right, no, no matter how strong it is, it has weaknesses... Let me help you eliminate your weaknesses. When using magic, you need to recite the formula and you may be attacked by surprise, so let me delay the time for you."

Ye Shenyue put down the small body of the kitten and stretched out her hand to Jinguji.

"Huh?...Okay. That's it!"

Jingu Temple hesitated for a moment, and put down his immature hand in Ye Shenyue's palm.

"Is it too sloppy to set it like this, should we sign the contract more seriously?"

It's just that Ye Shenyue grabbed her hand but pulled her body over with an exclamation from Jingu Temple, and let her threw herself into his arms and looked at her little face up close.

This is a white and beautiful face, and the face is slightly immature, but this is only the face of a 10-year-old girl. When she becomes a girl, she will show her outstanding appearance.

Her eyes are beautiful and big, but now there is panic flashing in them.

It seemed that she seemed to sense what Ye Shenyue was going to do.

"En~~" Ye Shenyue's lips pressed against her face, slowly moving towards the pale pink lips, little by little, bit by bit.

"Bang bang bang..."

It was the sound of her heartbeat, the chaos in her mind.

He was her fiancé, was... kissed by him, it should be, it should be okay, the girl panicked, accepting Ye Shenyue's "contract" in a panic, Ye Shenyue stuck her tongue and head in, and she Tightly wrapped around, she was very clumsy and didn't even know how to cooperate, but her body became hot under the kiss of the other party.

"Humph~~" With a slight hum, Ye Shenyue's hand had already moved down from the neckline of her brown kimono, but there was a humming sound around her.

Jinguji's closed eyes opened, it was a cat, and the kitten he had been holding was humming softly.

Are you dissatisfied?

This cat demon!

Jingu Temple suddenly felt unhappy about the cat who suddenly disturbed her, but she didn't know that this feeling would last for so long...

"Jingu Temple, look..."

The image flashed in her mind, Ye Shenyue became more and more tender, kissed her tears gently, took her hand, and pulled her to look out the window.

Colorful brilliance, soft and beautiful colors.

This...this is a rainbow!

The night is about to fall, and the sun is about to set, but there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky!Yes, this is anti-scientific behavior.

Magic, this is magic, only magic can create such an anti-science scene!

"Yue...this...this is..."

Looking at the colorful rainbow, the memory of Jinguji Temple seems to be turning, and it seems to return to a certain time.

When I was young.

"I'm your fiancé, give me your back!"

Ye Shenyue had a smile on her face. It was a pity smile. Looking at the Jingong Temple with tears on her face in front of her, Ye Shenyue's heart also trembled.

How could he forget?

On her shoulders, it was this immature shoulder that carried many, many things, and carried the honor of the entire Jingu Temple family.

She is tired, really tired.

At the beginning, he said that he wanted to eliminate her shortcomings, but...he didn't do it.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuer the better time...the magic can only be attacked at the front, the back needs to be defended. Showing your back in front of you, you finally remembered our original promise!"

Jingu Temple couldn't bear it any longer, and the crying that had never stopped swelled up again, making Yashenyue's shirt wet again.

Cry, cry.

The best way to untie a person's heart is to make her cry a lot and tell her what's on her mind.Say it all.

Ye Shenyue gently patted Jinguji on the shoulder and let her continue to cry, listening to her complaints...

"I went to the UK to study to seek more powerful magic, and I have been following you all the time. Even in the UK, I have to collect your news every week in order to sleep peacefully, but what about you? It's really abominable that monsters and ghosts like demons are mixed together! Speaking of the pain point, Jingu Temple bit Yashenyue fiercely, but like a kitten, she licked the place where she bit the bruise, Seems to be regretting it again.

"We are fiancées, you can only see...even if you can't, now you should only see me!"

The strength of Jinguji Temple suddenly pushed Yashenyue onto the sofa. She sat across Yashenyue's stomach, and lifted the corners of her gorgeous black skirt to reveal her tender and fair legs. , The legs are very white and strong, and they clamped Ye Shenyue.

Let Ye Shenyue's gaze swept over her hollowed-out black lace panties, her pretty face flushed, "Yue, let's... do it! Get ahead of the cat and the water snake, you are mine, I will make them regret it. , I want to see their painful face knowing that you were taken away by me."

Jinguji's face was filled with excitement, and the jealousy among women was indeed terrifying.The rainbow that Ye Shenyue made at random reminded her of the past, but she remembered more, she remembered the kiss and kiss of Ye Shenyue and was interrupted by the cat.

She wants the cat to regret it, and she wants the cat to go crazy!

Just like she used to be!

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