Fight with her, huh!

The purple eyes were full of brilliance of victory. At this moment, Jingu Temple's face was very charming.

At this moment, she was riding on Ye Shenyue with the attitude of a winner and an arrogant attitude.

However, Ye Shenyue's sight shifted a little.And he was trying to turn over the Jingu Temple on his body without hurting her, how could a big man be ridden under him?

If you change positions with the other party, he will like it.

"Jinguji...that...I'm going to tell you good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first in 5.5?"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Jinguji's hand trembled as he pushed away Yashenyue's collar.He bit his lip and seemed to be scared.

"It's impossible if you don't want to hear it... Feiju and Jingshuijiu are already my people. But the good news is that their child and I haven't been born yet, so you are still on the same starting line..."


Jinguji stopped talking, and stopped moving.

It's just a small fist clenched tightly.

That's... a sign of madness.

It was like this once, twice, and three times. She was accused three times!A full three!

The first time the "sacred" kiss was destroyed by the cat demon, the second time, the third time... Not only the cat but also the water snake ran in front of her!

Is her fiancée really just being ignored?

ps: Jinguji's childhood has already been written, so I won't write her side story.

Thanks to the attacking lolicon, sll09728039s, scroll, 86...4778245 for the monthly pass.Thank you for the motivation given by Oriental Lolicon.

Thanks celtics for the tip.Your support is the driving force of Ziqi Codeword.

Chapter 0036 Crazy in Jingong Temple (2 more for subscription)

"Yue, she will be your fiancée in the future, so take good care of her."

A little girl's face appeared behind Grandpa and Grandma.

Pure purple eyes, with a proud look, but Ye Shenyue felt in her heart that she was pretending to be strong.

She is not a strong child.The arrogance on the outside is just a mask she puts on outsiders.

"You are my fiancé? Don't lose the chain, I'm strong."

As soon as she sprinkled her shoulder-length smooth hair, the girl's purple eyes seemed to be filled with disdain.

"It's very strong? I can't see it? You are a magician, right?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head, playing with the cute kitten in her arms. The kitten also licked his fingers without even raising her head.

"It's really a magician, but he's obviously a ghost killer, but he has learned Western magic. You also think it's embarrassing and degrading!"

The girl's line of sight did not go beyond Ye Shenyue's body, her expression fell on Ye Shenyue's body, falling deeply and deeply, as if she was looking at him very seriously.

"But I'm really strong! I want to kill those monsters... and those ghosts, and make them cry and beg me not to kill them!"

The girl looked excited.Small fists clenched tightly.

"Magic is a good thing... As it is now, you can do many desired and beautiful things with magic."

Ye Shenyue held the kitten's hand and moved, the originally silent lake suddenly trembled, and strands of water waves rose from the bottom of the lake and fell in front of Ye Shenyue.

Let the water droplets come into contact with the sun, so it becomes what it is now.


Beautiful rainbow, colorful light.

"Okay... so beautiful... No, when you didn't say this, how could you be able to do magic?"

The joyful expression of the little Jinguji Temple suddenly subsided, with a serious look that does not match the grade.

"Because I'm your fiancé! If you use magic to be laughed at, I won't be afraid if I use it too."

Ye Shenyue's hand shook, and the beautiful rainbow turned into two like blooming flowers.

The other rainbow became smaller and smaller, and finally landed on Ye Shenyue's hand, and the kitten scratched it with her cute little paws.

"No... not afraid anymore?"

Jingu Temple murmured, but her purple eyes looked at Ye Shenyue involuntarily, " mean to stand with me? Come face that with me...face those annoying people. people?"

"That's right... Otherwise, how are you supposed to be a fiancée? Jinguji, your magic isn't very strong, right, no, no matter how strong it is, it has weaknesses... Let me help you eliminate your weaknesses. When using magic, you need to recite the formula and you may be attacked by surprise, so let me delay the time for you."

Ye Shenyue put down the small body of the kitten and stretched out her hand to Jinguji.

"Huh?...Okay. That's it!"

Jingu Temple hesitated for a moment, and put down his immature hand in Ye Shenyue's palm.

"Is it too sloppy to set it like this, should we sign the contract more seriously?"

It's just that Ye Shenyue grabbed her hand but pulled her body over with an exclamation from Jingu Temple, and let her threw herself into his arms and looked at her little face up close.

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