"Siska! Is that you?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly stopped the people who passed by in front of him.

"Ah? Are you calling me?"

Siska turned around with the plate, and saw Ye Luna looking at him when he brought Colbert.

"Of course I called you? What? Are you still busy?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at the plate that Siska was holding, and said in his heart that these servants are really working hard, everything else has rested, and they are still working.

"Uh, what's the matter? Principal? I still have work to do."

Siska smiled, indicating that Luna's own dishes have not been washed yet.

"Uh, it's like this, we want you to help us call Louise Bariello from the second grade to my office, and Mrs. Colbert and I will be there waiting for her."

"Uh, are you in a hurry?"

Siska did not refuse, but her eyes were a little embarrassed.

"Are you worried about these plates? It's okay, I'll help you."

Ye Luna smiled, walked over and put the dishes in Siska's hand on the ground, then used his magic wand to draw a few circles in the air, and then with a breath, the stains on these dishes became as clean as new!

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Siska was so excited that he almost jumped up, thinking that the principal was really kind and would help him every time he saw him.

"Principal! It looks like the dark clouds are coming! Shall we go back first?"

Mr. Colbert looked at the sky with some worry.

"Then please call Louise quickly, we'll be waiting in the office."

Ye Yueshen also saw that the dark clouds covered the sky, so he didn't tell Siscardo, and left after a few orders!

"Don't worry, I'll go right away after I set the plate!"

Siska nodded sensible, and then hurried to the kitchen.

"Master Principal? How come I've never heard of such magical magic? How can it remove these stains?"

When Siska was far away, Mr. Colbert asked curiously.

"Uh, this... this is a little magic, a little skill that I practiced, it's fine."

Yeyueshen said embarrassingly, he would not tell Mr. Colbert that this was something he did with divine power.

"Uh, that's it, when I'm free, I want to study hard with you."

Mr. Colbell nodded, then followed Yeyueshen to the office, and prepared a way to deal with the explosion in his mind.


There was a loud noise in the distance, and before Ye Yueshen could figure out what was going on, a torrential rain suddenly fell in the sky!

"Hurry up, the rainstorm is coming!"

An umbrella appeared in Mr. Colbert's hand at an unknown time.

"You are very thoughtful."

Ye Yueshen smiled and followed Mr. Colbert to his office.

"Here! Look, my office is the same as before."

Ye Luna opened the door of the office, and immediately followed Miss Lungobier and poured a cup of tea for Mr. Colbert.

"You are so kind!"

Mr. Colbert was holding warm tea, and his tone was more respectful.

"Uh, why are you back?"

Ye Yueshen didn't answer Mr. Colbert's words, but looked at the door suspiciously?


When Mr. Colbert turned his head, his face was also quite surprised, and he saw that Miss Lungobier had appeared at the door at some point.

"It's raining! I'm back!"

Miss Lungobier stroked her rain-wet hair helplessly, her voice sounding dejected.

"Drink some tea too, and see what's the difference between the tea I brewed and the tea you brewed."

Ye Yueshen did not suspect him, so he naturally broke a cup of tea for Miss Lungobier.

"Uh, thank you."

It seems that she didn't expect Ye Yueshen to pour tea for herself. Miss Lungobier was stunned, but she brought the tea cup over, and then looked at Ye Yueshen curiously.

"Is the principal going to come to the office with Mr. Colbert to work overtime?"

"Uh, where, I'm here to answer the call of the principal, of course it's raining so hard now, it's good to take a rest here."

Mr. Colbert smiled, but didn't get the word out.

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