"Actually, I think Louise is a genius, and I'm going to let Mr. Colbert test her situation to see if she can make Louise's magic get on track as soon as possible."

Yeyueshen didn't have any worries, and just said what he meant.

"Haha. Is that so? For such a simple reason, let Mr. Colbert wait for a student here?"

Miss Lungobier smiled, not believing that Yeyueshen was so kind at all, and thinking of Yeyueshen's behavior towards her, she suddenly felt that Yeyueshen had some bad intentions towards the little girl!

"Of course! What else can I do? I'm an honest man!"

Yeyue said angrily, feeling that Miss Lungobier thinks about her character too badly, ah no, is she too bad?

"Then you two are staying here, will Miss Louise come by herself in such a heavy rain?"

Miss Lungobier had already wiped off the rain on her body with a towel. As she spoke, she opened the door, as if preparing to call Louise over!

"Don't bother you, we have asked Siska to call Louise over there, I believe she will come over soon!"

Seeing Miss Lungobier's actions, Mr. Colbert immediately thought of what she was going to do.

"Uh, that's it, just wait."

Miss Lungobier smiled, then returned to her seat and handed Luna the documents on the table.

"The ink on it is already dry, you can sign it. The messenger will arrive early tomorrow morning, and it will be too late for the ink to dry."

"Actually, I can kill it."

Ye Yueshen thought quietly, but he didn't say anything. He walked over happily and signed with a pen.

"Mr. Colbert, I brought Miss Barry Elle here!"

Siska, with a face of rain, opened the door and said in a low voice.

"Siska! Come in, you're getting wet!"

When Ye Yueshen looked at Siska at the door, he felt a little distressed, it would be bad if he caught a cold in such weather!

"Uh, Siska can't come in."

Miss Lungobi reminded in a low voice in the ear of Night Moon God, and immediately said to Siska at the door: "Let Miss Barryair come in, if you have nothing to do, go down first."


Siska nodded obediently and left, while Louise at the door timidly closed the door and entered the principal's office for the second time in a day.

"Lord Principal, is there anything else? Could it be that I don't know enough about my mistakes?"

Chapter 0034 The first time

"No no no, Louise, you think too much! Come and raise your head, why do you keep your head down? Let me take a good look!"

Ye Yueshen held the towel and looked at Louise speechlessly. When he saw that the little girl was not wet, he put the towel behind him!


Louise agreed and slowly raised her head!

"Wow! It's so cute, I must have dressed up in the house, not as embarrassed as in the afternoon."

Ye Yueshen gave a heartfelt praise in her heart, and looked carefully at the cute little girl in front of her, only to see Louise's long eyelashes with a pair of big watery eyes, and the black pupils shone with pure light like those in the dark night. Like the stars, the small nose and slightly closed lips show the noble blood, and the silky hair, neatly combed into two natural ponytails like a waterfall, makes Ye Luna feel the agility of life .

"Uh, Principal, is it time to get down to business?"

Mr. Colbell, embarrassed, tapped the ground with his magic wand and said aloud.

"Uh, good! Good!"

Ye Yueshen quickly came back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw Miss Lungobier with contemptuous eyes, as if she was despising herself!

"Humph! You are just not cute, what's wrong with you!"

Ye Yueshen responded in his heart, and immediately said to Louise: "I asked you to come here at such a time, of course, not to punish you, but to test you, you don't have to be nervous about this test, I think you He is an unparalleled genius and intends to let the experienced Colbell teacher from our school give you exclusive guidance. Before that, it is natural to test you, do you agree?"

"Exclusive guidance?"

Louise blinked her curious eyes, nodded hazy, and then looked at Mr. Colbert with curious eyes.

"Since it's an exclusive guide, why are you testing me?"

"Uh, you should ask the Principal about this, everything is the Principal's master!"

Mr. Colbert smiled awkwardly and directly kicked the ball to Ye Luna.

"Looks like it's not easy to get Mr. Colbert to tell a lie!"

Ye Yueshen laughed secretly in his heart, and then said to Louise: "That's it, we want to see the power of your magic, so let you come and show it, you don't have to be excited! Just calm down!"

Having said that, Ye Luna motioned Miss Lungobier to put the documents away to avoid accidents!

"Still don't trust Louise!"

Miss Lungobier muttered in her heart, and immediately put the folder in the small room next to it!


Seeing that everything was ready, Ye Luna asked Mr. Colbert to find a simple magic topic for Louise to show.


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