Louise took a deep breath, took out her magic wand and prepared to chant the spell silently!


Mr. Colbert stopped it in time, and immediately came over to wipe the water droplets on the magic wand!

"Okay! Let's start!"

Mr. Colbert seemed to think that he had avoided a major accident, and he was not very strong in stepping back, and he looked at Louise with expectant eyes!

"come on!"

Ye Yueshen also encouraged.

"Two men, they just don't know the girl's mind. When you say this, can she not be nervous?"

Miss Lungobier stood far away and snorted coldly in her heart: "Didn't you see that the little girl's hands are shaking?"

"The brilliance of the Virgin shines on the earth, and time flows with the river, so that the world will remember this moment..."

After a spell, Louise gathered her courage and pointed to the ground, only to hear: "Boom!"

With a bang, the explosion of the principal's office for the first time in the history of the Magic Academy was born!

"Uh, cough, cough!"

Fanning the dust in front of her eyes with her hand, Miss Lungobier looked down and saw that the broken floor had appeared at her feet, and the thick dust had shaken from the roof!

"It's okay!"

Ye Yueshen didn't even react at the moment of the explosion, and was stunned by the dazzling light that suddenly emitted in front of his eyes, and it took him a while to react!

"Cough cough! I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Mr. Colbert's voice came, and it seemed that there was a feeling of the rest of his life!

"Louise? How are you?"

Ye Yueshen blew away the dust in front of her eyes with a fan, only to see the middle of the office, Louise looked at the magic wand tremblingly and looked at everything in front of her.


Ye Yueshen comforted, seeing that the little girl's eyes were full of tears, he took his cloak in his hand and put it on Louise!

"Er? Principal?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna stupidly, and only felt that the principal at this time was like a lighthouse in the stormy sea, letting her lost boat find the light!Why, why didn't he compliment himself as forcefully as the previous principal, didn't scold himself when he made a mistake like the previous principal, but used this method to touch his heart?

"It's alright, this is just an accident, you look at the power of your magic just now, it shows that you must be an 870-year-old genius!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise with firm eyes, as if the explosion just now was not worth mentioning!

"Uh, that's easy to say."

Miss Lungobier came over, turned over the cupboard that had fallen to the ground, and looked at Ye Luna in surprise.

"Could it be that these two really..."

Miss Lungobier shook her head and swept the unrealistic thought out of her forehead!

"It didn't = shattered the window? But the floor was lifted. This child's magic can be sent out at one point?"

Mr. Colbert carefully looked at the traces on the ground, and a doubt flashed through his mind.

"It's okay, Louise, this is just an accident. With such a powerful power, you will definitely be able to summon a powerful familiar tomorrow!"

Ye Yueshen encouraged.

"Uh, yes, thank you."

Louise nodded and looked down, but her face turned red.

"what happened?"

Seeing Louise's strange expression, Ye Luna couldn't help but look down.

"Ouch! Shame to death!"

Louise turned around, her face flushed red, what did the principal see just now?See it or not?oops!How can I even think about this.What is wrong with me?I am a nobleman!

Chapter 0035 Embarrassment

"Master Principal, should you help me clean up?" Miss Lungobier saw the two standing there awkwardly.I couldn't help being a little upset, and said to Ye Yueshen, "Look at the chaos in this place? This is the principal's office. We will receive the messenger tomorrow!"

Hearing what Miss Lungobier said, Ye Luna was also relieved from the embarrassment, and quickly turned around to help, while Louise, who was stunned on the spot, made Ye Luna's cloak even tighter!

A few people started, and the damage caused by Louise was quickly repaired. Although there was dust falling down everywhere, Ye Yueshen didn't care very much. He looked outside and found that the pouring rain outside was no longer falling. , The originally cloudy sky also revealed a little starlight.

"Everyone has worked hard, Louise, hurry up and go back!"

Ye Luna took a candlestick and walked in front of Louise, his tone was still so kind.

"Uh, okay, okay, I'll go back now!"

Louise, who had been standing still and didn't dare to move, nodded to Ye Yueshen, then turned around and prepared to leave!

"Hold the magic wand and use it carefully."

Mr. Colbert was as careful as always, handed Louise's magic wand, and said to Ye Luna, "It's getting late, so I'll retire! Tomorrow is the time for the children to summon the demons. Be prepared."

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