With a hint of majesty, Luna and Miss Lungobier went downstairs.

"Uh, that's not the case. Tabassa heard an explosion from your office and was worried about whether there was something wrong with our application, so she came over."

Momo Langxi took the initiative to speak to Ye Yueshen.

"I've packed all those things, there's absolutely no problem. Don't worry."

Miss Lungobier took the initiative to answer.

"In that case, we'll go back and disturb you!"

Tabassa, who had never said anything alive, nodded and said.

Chapter 0036 Important things

"Uh, that's it, that's fine."

Originally, I planned to show my "teaching without discrimination" demeanor in front of these nit-picking students, but I didn't expect that I hadn't put on a show of forceful scolding, and the opposite side would be silent, Yeyueshen felt like he was Hit the cotton, nowhere to start!

"We're leaving too!"

Mr. Colbert nodded to Ye Luna, and then took Louise downstairs. It was also at this time that Ye Luna realized that under the light of the lights, the corners of Louise's eyes were a little swirling.

"It's a pity, I thought there was a big show to watch!"

Miss Lungobier smiled and walked directly past Moon God.

"What a big show, have you seen it? This is the power of the principal. With just one sentence, these people will be picked."

Ye Yueshen thought proudly in his heart, suddenly he felt something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped Miss Lungobier.

"What did you mean just now? Do you think I have something to do with Miss Louise?"

"That's what you said, I didn't say anything!"

Miss Lungobier turned her head slightly and looked at Ye Luna playfully.


Ye Yueshen suddenly realized that his eloquence was not as good as that of a secretary, and he didn't even know what to say.

"Since you don't have any instructions, I'll leave, go back to sleep, and get up early tomorrow morning to pack up!"

Miss Lungobier said leisurely, and was ready to go downstairs!

"How could I be speechless in front of a secretary?"

Ye Yueshen gritted his teeth gently, then clasped his fists and said, "I wonder why you get wet like that on a rainy day?"


Miss Lungobier's figure paused, and she immediately stopped her footsteps, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, turned around, and said with a smile, "I went shopping after get off work and got wet. Do you want to report this kind of experience to you?"


Ye Yueshen murmured and repeated it, and then asked curiously, "Is there a night market or something nearby?"

"Yes, what do you mean?"

Miss Lungobier asked vaguely, thinking that this guy is going to follow me after get off work in the future?That's too bad, how can I act!

"I mean, I also want to go to the mundane world... ah no, it's a night market shopping."

Yeyueshen coughed awkwardly, but corrected his words in time. Originally, the biggest curiosity about a world is the lively world. Even if Yeyueshen is in charge of everything, there are times when he is bored.

"Wouldn't it be interesting to go to a world and see the unique folk customs there."

Ye Yueshen thought so in his heart, and quickly asked, "Do you know where the most beautiful night market is?"

"Pretty? The night market also pays attention to beauty?"

Miss Lungobier curiously looked at Yeyue Shenxin and said that this guy didn't have a rain at night that lowered his IQ, did he actually say that?

"No no no, I'm talking about liveliness!"

Ye Yueshen quickly corrected.

"There's a night market nearby. How can you choose? It's [-] miles east of the city. It takes half an hour to an hour to get there by carriage."

Miss Lungobier answered silently.

"Okay, I remember it! In the future, you can look at the weather before going to the night market, otherwise, it will be bad if you pour it into chicken soup!"

Ye Yueshen said in a very concerned tone.

"Understood, can I go now?"

Miss Lungobier asked angrily. Conversing in the dark corridor always gave people a strange feeling.


Ye Yueshen nodded, then walked down the steps, and soon said goodbye to Miss Lungobier, and walked to Mr. Colbert's laboratory alone.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three knocks on the door soon reached Mr. Colbert's ears.

"It's so late, who is it?"

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