Mr. Colbert yelled at the door.


Night Moon God replied.

"Uh, Principal, I'll be right here!"

Mr. Colbert hurriedly put down the experiment he had embarked on and went to open the door to Ye Luna.

"You don't have enough lights here. If I didn't find that there was no lock outside, I would have thought no one was there."

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, walked unceremoniously to Mr. Colbert's work desk and sat down, drinking the tea poured by Mr. Colbert, his face was a little bad.

"What's wrong with you coming here so late?"

Mr. Colbert asked bluntly.


Ye Yueshen said thoughtfully, "What is your impression of Teacher Lungobier?"

Ye Yueshen stroked his hair with a heavy tone.

"It's good. It's been a year since I came here, and all the work has been done very well. There are almost no mistakes, and I have maintained this school for a month when the principal left without authorization!"

Mr. Colbert's answer was very sincere, and Ye Luna could hear it, and he had a good impression of Miss Lungobier.

"Then where does she live?"

Night Moon God asked.

"The north bank of the river, but I don't know exactly where."

Mr. Colbert said while drinking tea, it seems that the experiment at hand is not so busy.

"Where is the night market here? The south bank of the river?"

Ye Yueshen asked very seriously.

"Yeah, it's just east of our college, what are you asking about?"

Mr. Colbert finally found out that something was wrong. Is it late at night? The principal definitely didn't come here to ask whether there are some or not.

"Then there will be no flaws!"

Ye Yueshen put the teacup on the table and stood up.

"I just came to ask, you are busy, go to bed early, tomorrow is the big day for the children."

After Ye Luna finished speaking, he patted Mr. Colbert on the shoulder and left.

"It's so strange? What's wrong with the principal?"

Mr. Colbert looked a little strange at the back of Luna.

"Could it be..."

An exciting thought suddenly popped into Mr. Colbert's mind, which made him excited all of a sudden!

"Hurry up and write it down in the diary, this matter is very important!"

Mr. Colbert yelled and shut the door and took out his diary.

"What came to mind?"

Ye Yueshen turned around and looked curiously at Mr. Kerber's laboratory. By feeling, Ye Yueshen found that the basement of the laboratory was obviously huge, and he didn't know what was inside.

"Another busy day, little envoy!"

Ye Yueshen returned to his room, fed the familiar a nut, and then lay in bed waiting for someone.

"Dong dong dong! Principal!"

A call came, and Ye Yueshen jumped up from the bed and opened the door excitedly...

Chapter 0037 Visiting Siska


Ye Yueshen hurriedly got up and opened the door, thinking that Siska was finally here, and he had the opportunity to thank her.As a result, when he opened the door and looked, it was not the familiar Siska, but another maid.

"You are……"

Ye Yueshen looked at the person who came hesitantly. Although she saw what she was holding and knew that she was here to wash and rest, she still couldn't hide her disappointment.

"I'm Lukali, the Principal."

The visitor respectfully nodded to Ye Yueshen, then put the items on the table and was about to leave.

At this time, Ye Yueshen reacted and quickly asked, "Where's Siska? Why didn't you see her today?"

"Oh, you said Siska, she has a cold and is resting now, so here I am."

Lukali looked at Ye Luna curiously, thinking that her work was not doing well, and she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Lukali's thoughts at a glance, Ye Luna murmured in her heart, and quickly asked, "Why did Siska catch a cold? I saw her well at night!"

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