"Uh, it seems that I was helping someone, and then I got wet in the sudden heavy rain, and I caught a cold when I came back."

Lucari seemed to see that Luna was caring about Siska, rather than questioning her work, and her mood stabilized a little.

"Where is she?"

Ye Yueshen was a little anxious when he heard it, if it was because he got rid of the cold caused by her going to Louise.Then you have the responsibility.

"Uh, it's so late, you better rest, it's not too late to visit her tomorrow."

Lukali didn't expect Ye Luna to pay so much attention to Siska. She was stunned for a moment and quickly dissuaded him. If the headmaster went to see a maid at this point, it would be a little bad to spread it out.Maybe Siska won't be able to work here anymore!

"Uh, okay."

Ye Yueshen pondered for a while, and then asked, "Where is your dormitory? Can you tell me?"

"Well, it's in the small house behind the kitchen. We're in the back row. If you plan to visit her tomorrow, you can ask your secretary to inform our supervisor first. I'm sure everyone will welcome you."

Lukali smiled at Yeyueshen, seeing that Yeyueshen didn't seem to give up, she still added: "We can't trouble you nobles at this time, this is the rule, you don't run to Siska quietly. , it will be troublesome to be discovered!"

"Am I that unreliable?"

Ye Yueshen wiped his sweat and thought, followed by nodding, and then said to Lukali: "If you have nothing to do, you can leave, by the way, you are the most rude servant to me. I remember you!"

"Huh? All right."

Lukali nodded helplessly and left Ye Luna's room, while Ye Luna gave her a light touch, put her familiar in the room, turned off the lights in the room, and opened the window directly from her room. fly out!

"The little bungalow behind the kitchen?"

Yeyueshen stood at the highest point of the campus, overlooking the entire campus, and soon found the place Lukali said, followed by a flying body, rushed inside, escaped two lazy guards, and entered Inside, quickly pass through each room to see if there is Siska in it.

"The little houses in the first row are actually all men? It seems that Siska should be in the back row!"

Yeyueshen thought to himself, and immediately went to the bungalow at the back. When he was about to continue the search, he suddenly heard a loud shout.

"Go away, if anyone finds out, we will all be fired. Will you have the face to go back then?"

The sharp shout was accompanied by two crisp sounds, Ye Yueshen didn't need to think about it, he knew that someone had been slapped!

"But... but it's already like this, there's no way to fix it, so I just don't do it again and again. We've divided this thing up, are we going to turn ourselves in?"

A stubborn voice came, and Ye Yueshen's curiosity was also attracted, and turned around and began to look for the source of the voice.

"I didn't expect that there is actually a basement below?"

After confirming the direction of the sound, Ye Yueshen was surprised to find that he had actually found a big tree in the yard.

"No, in this case, my conscience will be condemned!"

A trembling voice came, Yeyueshen didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately hid under the tree, came stealthily, and found the basement, only to see three cats standing in front of a flickering light. The people wearing the waist should be all the maids here, judging from their clothes.

... "Siska?"

Ye Yueshen looked up curiously, and found that the person standing opposite the two was actually Siska who had already caught a cold.Although it can't be seen clearly, Ye Yueshen can also hear from her breathing that she is indeed sick!The voice is weak, and there is a high possibility that it was brought here by force.

"Your conscience doesn't need to be condemned, but what should we do? Are we so inexplicably known about our affairs by you? Siska, since you have seen this thing, we will share a share, and we will both feel at ease. It's gone!"

The person who spoke looked good-looking, but the words he said were somewhat mature. Ye Yueshen felt that this girl must have done such bad things.

"But I can't... I just came here to be a servant and subsidize the family. I never thought that I would do such a thing. Two sisters, just let me go, just pretend I didn't see anything!"

Siska said helplessly, Ye Yueshen felt that she was not as excited as at the beginning, and seemed to give up the idea of ​​letting the two thieves return the things, and only thought that she could maintain her innocence.

"No! Since you've seen it all, how can we believe you? Even if you don't say anything here, if you miss out on that day, how will the two of us get married when we go back?"

A girl who had not spoken all the time opened her mouth and gave Ye Yueshen to Lei.

"Are you thinking of getting married or cheating? You've done something wrong and you're still right here, what a pathetic mortal!"

Ye Yueshen thought silently in his heart, then walked up directly, blew out the lights in front of him, then grabbed Siska's hand and brought her to the ground!


Siska, who was dragged up, looked at the shadow in front of him in horror, thinking that something had happened to him!

"Don't worry, it's me!"

When Ye Luna turned around, Siska was stunned!

"School... Principal?"

"It's me, why are you scared to death?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then asked, "What are the names of those two people?"

Chapter 0038 Shameless

"I...I don't know!"

Siska said awkwardly, not even raising her head, for fear of seeing Yeyue's godlike appearance.

"Hehe, do you think I don't know anything? I only went in after listening for a while. The reason why I asked you was to save you!"

Ye Luna took Siska to the campus, and the province encountered Siska's companion, causing trouble in vain.

"Well, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Siska glanced at Ye Yueshen in surprise, but still denied it.

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