"You are really kind, those two are your companions."

Ye Yueshen shook his head with a wry smile and said, "In the beginning, you dared to reprimand them both, but as the communication time gets longer, they coerce you to join them in order to protect them. I don't think it's worth it to have such a friend. "

"You heard everything?"

Looking at Ye Moon God in disbelief, Siska was obviously frightened by Ye Moon God's words.

"Of course, I originally came to visit you, but I didn't expect you servants to dig a basement at random in the campus. It's still in such a hidden place. It can be seen that there are many things in this college that I don't know!"

Ye Yueshen said leisurely, although his tone sounded so calm, but the weight that hit Siska's heart made it hard to breathe!

"Master Principal already knows! What can I do? Do I really want to give these two idiots out? In that case, wouldn't I become a traitor?"

Siska frowned, her heart full of struggle...

"You know? Now that you were suddenly brought here by me, your companions must suspect that you have betrayed them, and maybe they will frame you, so you should protect yourself, Siska. "

Ye Yueshen said, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in Isiska's ear. Siska's head, which had been drowsy because of a cold, suddenly woke up, as if the chaos in her heart was replaced by a mirror!

"No! They don't do that!"

Siska shook his head fiercely, saying that he didn't believe that his companions would abandon him, just like an old man stubbornly believing in his past experience!

"Then wait and see."

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly: "I've already fixed your cold for you, and that thing should still be in their hands. If they turn themselves in tomorrow, I can help them keep it a secret, but I think the probability is very small. ."

After speaking, Ye Yueshen asked Siska to go back, and he followed him back to his room with a hint of heaviness. After feeding the familiar a nut, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a hurried knock on the door, and when Ye Yueshen opened the door, he found that it was actually Siska standing in front of his door, holding something to wash, and a beautiful smile on his face. It's like a dream of the night moon god, it has never appeared in reality!

"What's so happy about it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Siska curiously while taking a shower. Her mentality can really change a person's appearance. How could Siska, who had a sad face last night and was in a tangled mood, look so sunny and pure this morning?

"You'll know then!"

Siska handed over the towel and sold Ye Luna a pass, and then jumped downstairs like a cute white cat.

"I don't know."

Ye Yueshen whispered softly, then picked up his familiar from the ground, took it to the restaurant for dinner, and Shi Shiran walked into his office.

"Yo, you're finally here!"

Miss Lungobier's voice was like a thorn, and it plunged into Moon God's heart for the first time.

"What's the matter? What makes our lovely Miss Lungobier so angry?"

Infected by Siska's smile, Ye Luna spoke as if smeared with honey.

"Who else is there? Let's see!"

Miss Lungobier took out an envelope from her desk and stuffed it directly into Night Moon God's hand.

"Report letter?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the three neat words on the envelope like beginners in surprise, and hurriedly opened the envelope and read it roughly!

"What? You actually reported Siska?"

"Yeah, it's still several letters! I've been here for a year, and it's the first time I've seen someone write a report letter to the principal's office for a maid! It's strange!"

Miss Lungobier obviously did not see the twitching of Ye Yueshen's eyes, and immediately said: "In the past, this kind of thing was written directly to their supervisor, but it was suddenly handed here, I thought it was reporting me, scary. I jumped... Listening to you, it's better not to report me."

Miss Lungobier said lazily, picked up her towel and began to pick up the dust around her.


Ye Yueshen slammed his fist on the table, so frightened Miss Lu Gebir quickly asked, "What's the matter? Principal? Who messed with you?"

"These shameless bastards!"

Ye Yueshen angrily pointed to the signature of the envelope, and then asked: "You can send a notice now, and let the logistics supervisor and the people who wrote the letter come to you! Immediately! Immediately!"

"Uh... ok!"

Frightened by Yeyueshen's fierce aura, Miss Lungobier didn't dare to wipe her desk, and hurriedly notified these people to come to the principal's office.

Soon, Ye Luna met these people in the principal's room, and of course, she specially asked Miss Lungobier to withdraw the sofa.

"Did you write all of this?"

Ye Yueshen distributed all the letters and asked calmly.


"Yes! We wrote it!"

Everyone gave a positive answer, and Ye Yueshen didn't want to talk to these people, so he directly asked the logistics supervisor at 4.0: "How long will it take to replace these people?"


Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen asked this question, the logistics supervisor was stunned for a while, but the furious Ye Yueshen stood up and roared, "Look at what kind of scum you recruited! You actually colluded to report the most honest ones. Child! It was clearly these two people who stole something! He actually slammed it down and sued the person who stopped him! Is this still a person with a conscience?"

Ye Yueshen patted the table and shouted loudly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a maid raised her head and said, "Master Principal, do you have any evidence?"

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