
Ye Yueshen roared and said directly: "Siska, since you have seen it, just share a point with everyone, so that I can feel at ease!"

Chapter 0039 The Messenger Arrives

"On behalf of the Magic Academy, I officially announce the dismissal of the two of you. As for slander and other crimes, I will not hold you accountable for Siska's plea for you, and the rest will go to Sith by yourself. Ka apologize, she must be very sad now!"

Yeyueshen looked at the maids expressionlessly, no matter how pitiful their expressions looked, Yeyueshen would not pity her.

"Go down and make up the number of people as soon as possible, and fill in the dark room under the big tree in the courtyard for me by the way. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again!"

Ye Yueshen turned around and gave an order to the logistics supervisor, and then sent these people away.

"The time control is just right, the messenger is coming soon, should I move the sofa out?"

Miss Lungobier applauded Ye Luna and asked calmly.

"No, it's just a messenger. It's good for him to let him stand!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand, not seeing the expression on Miss Lungobier's face, he followed 07 and swept the surrounding environment with a magic wand, and the dust hidden in the corner that could not be cleaned was directly removed Cleaned up!

"So you know such practical magic! If I had known, I wouldn't have to come to clean up early in the morning!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna's performance in surprise, and then said with some dissatisfaction.

"Oh, in that case, wouldn't Miss Lungobier have nothing to do?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then threw the gathered dust out of the window.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, a long whistle came from outside the window, and then, a discordant voice reached Ye Yueshen's ears!

"What bastard dares to beat my horse! Do you know how valuable Lao Tzu's horse is? It's the royal horse! How is this academy managed? Don't the students know where to throw things?"

Hearing this, Ye Yueshen directly asked Miss Lungobier next to him: "Who is this vulgar guy? Isn't he the legendary messenger?"

"You got it right!"

Miss Lungobier said helplessly, rubbed her temples, and said that according to the principal's current reaction, and the temper of that ignorant guy, it is estimated that this meeting will not be very friendly!

"Okay! Looks like I shouldn't have given him a sofa."

Ye Yueshen didn't feel that it was wrong for him to throw things out the window.He turned back to his seat and waited for the arrival of the messenger.

After a while, Miss Lungobier, who was waiting at the door, said to the visitor with a respectful face, "You're here!"

"You're still so pretty! Miss Lungobier!"

The visitor didn't even bother to knock on the door, so he directly opened the door of Ye Yueshen's office with his saber, and then walked in in a big way.

"Uh, you lived a very frugal life!"

Finding that there was no place to sit around him, the messenger looked at Ye Yueshen with some playfulness.

"I am busy with official business, and there are many school affairs. The messenger-sama can talk about anything."

Ye Yueshen didn't answer the messenger at all, the pen in his hand was dancing on a blank piece of paper, and he could see a black line on the messenger's forehead!

"Lord Messenger, please drink tea!"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly came over and handed the messenger a cup of tea, and she heard the courier say: "Miss Lungobier, this time I have something special to tell the headmaster, if it's convenient for you..."

"Convenient! Convenient!"

Miss Lungobier hurried back, put the courier's helmet on her table, and dodged out.

"What's the big deal?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly.

"Please look at this first!"

The messenger sneered, and then placed a golden parchment scroll in front of the Night Moon God!

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Ye Yueshen picked up the parchment and looked at it carefully, only to see that it was a report written on it, but the report was about a wanted criminal!

"Yeah, we found that this person's range of activities happened to be between the Magic Academy and the Royal City, so we thought that he was likely to transfer his crime location, so..."

"Don't worry! I'm here! All valuables in the Magic Academy will be fine!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and said solemnly, of course, this kind of official business cannot be neglected.

"Okay, one more thing is this!"

The messenger took out a piece of paper from his waist this time. The words on it were densely packed, making Ye Yueshen a headache when he saw it!

"I will not comment on these analyses. In short, go back and tell Her Majesty the Magic Academy will fully support you as long as you need it!"

After Ye Yueshen made his statement, the messenger picked up his helmet from the table and prepared to leave!

"Wait! I have something to do!"

Ye Luna hurriedly stopped the messenger, then took out the application form of Tabasa and the others from Miss Lungobier's folder and handed it over to the messenger.

"This kind of application cannot be brought to the royal family!"

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