The messenger saw the writing above and refused directly.


Ye Yueshen was speechless for a while, and then he suddenly remembered that to get the application letter written by Miss Lungobier, he hurriedly searched for it!

"Do you have any?"

Seeing Ye Yueshen sweating profusely, Messenger 540 was a little impatient, and he was about to walk out the door!


Ye Yueshen was in a hurry, and directly asked the pen to write an application letter with his mind, and the handwriting was completely imitated by Miss Lungobier.

"Your ink is not dry..."

The messenger was about to complain, only to see that Ye Yueshen's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he was speechless, so he simply blew the ink on it, took it on, and left.

As soon as they went out, the messenger saw Miss Lungobier at the door!

"When can I invite you to dinner?"

The messenger raised his moustache and looked at Miss Lungobier leisurely.

"Next life!"

Miss Lungobier responded unhappily in her heart, pretending that she didn't hear it on the surface, smiled at the messenger, walked into the office of Night Moon God, and closed the door directly!

"What shameless request did the royal family make this time?"

Miss Lungobier asked Luna.

"It's nothing, it means that there is an omnipotent wanted criminal, let us be careful not to lose anything, and the rest will be nothing."

Ye Yueshen crossed Erlang's legs and looked out the window, and replied casually.

"is it?"

Miss Lungobier laughed softly, and when she turned around, a gleam of light flashed in the corner of her eyes!

Chapter 0040 The Curse of Louise

"How are the preparations?"

On her way out of the restaurant, Louise suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her.

"what you mean how?"

When Louise looked back, it turned out to be Qiuljie, and she said unhappily, "Do I still need to prepare? When did our Barryair family fail to summon a familiar?"

"Hahahaha! Is that so?"

Qiu Erjie looked up to the sky and laughed, while Emo Molangxi pretended to be concerned and said, "Louise, look at your face, didn't you sleep last night? What's the matter? Are you trying to screw up the principal's office? Regret?"

"It's just... it's not!"

Louise held her stomach full of fire, clenched her small fists, and said loudly: "The principal's trust in me is endless, and his encouragement to me is also sincere, only he has the ability to see my potential. , unlike some people, they are just ordinary people!"

After speaking, Louise quickly ran into the classroom.Nested in the last row of his own, pretending to be very serious in copying books.

"Why, why do these people still don't believe me? Even the principal can see that I'm different, why don't they believe me?"

Louise's tears stuck to her long eyelashes like dewdrops, and then fell onto Louise's book. The tossing and turning last night had already made Louise very uncomfortable, and someone came to poke her in the morning. The root of the pain, this kind of experience makes Louise very painful. How can she make others admire her?

"Don't worry, I trust you!"

A voice reached Louise's ear, and Louise, who was crying, hurriedly wiped her tears, looked up, but found that there was no one around her. After an accident, many people dared not sit down. Around Louise, she was worried that a terrifying explosion would appear on her body!

"It turned out to be hallucinations!"

Louise thought sullenly, then continued to lower her head and pretended to copy the book, and the call just now lingered around the little girl like a nightmare. What kind of voice would appear in her mind?

"Is it the principal's?"

Louise's body shuddered, and she suddenly felt that the voice was so similar to the principal's voice, it was almost the same person!

"Alas, only the principal will encourage me, and no one else will believe me!"

Louise thought a little aggrieved, looked up and found that the classmates had entered the classroom, it was estimated that they were discussing the noon summoning ceremony, and everyone was not waiting for the teacher's arrival as properly as usual!

"No! I have to study hard. One day, I will let everyone know that I am not Louise Zero, and I will also let the principal know that his vision is right! I am not Louise Zero!"

With this thought in mind, Louise suddenly raised her head. When she saw the teacher coming in, she took the initiative to smile and started the first class of the day.

"Look, Louise is so serious!"

Qiuljie, who was talking to her classmates behind her, suddenly pointed to Louise in the distance.

"Yeah, I'm still listening to the class at this time. I really love learning!"

A chubby classmate said with a hint of exclamation.

"Hehe, I think that I have no hope of summoning a familiar, so I'm going to see if I can learn a magic trick!"

Geishu, who was holding a rose, gave Louise a sidelong glance and said instructively.

"Hahahaha! Well said!"

Qiuerjie nodded fiercely, and gave Jixiu a thumbs up, while Momo Langxi next to him asked strangely: "What does learning a dungeon spell have to do with summoning a familiar?"

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