"Of course there is!"

The little fat man said proudly: "Once you can't summon it, you can quickly find a crack on the ground to get in!"


Even Momo Langxi, who seemed reserved, couldn't help laughing. Of course, this scene would not escape Louise's eyes. She held her pen tightly, but Louise still resisted the urge to fight them. Instead, he looked at this group of people with vicious eyes and cursed them one by one!

"Churjie, you are too much, just waiting to summon a lizard, just like you, let's breathe fire everywhere! Little fat man, don't look at your white face, you are actually just a parrot! Just a parrot! Momorangi, let you summon an ugly toad to accompany you! And you! Shameless Jishu! I learn to escape from the earth? You go and summon a gopher!"

With a curse full of malice, Louise's anger subsided. After these guys who like to tease Louise were discovered by the teacher, they punished them viciously, and they became a lot more honest. Louise continued to work hard in class.And at this time, Louise suddenly realized...

"Oh! What is this? Why can't I learn anything?"

With a touch of sadness, Louise spent the morning like a piece of wood. After she and everyone went to the cafeteria to replenish their energy, they gathered together on the lawn that Mr. Colbert had already notified, and prepared to wait until noon. Summons a companion who accompanies you - the Familiar!

"Have they all arrived?"

Standing on a high platform, Mr. Colbert looked at the children and saw the desire in their eyes.I feel the same as I did back then, all with excitement and unease.

"Should have arrived! Mr. Colbert!"

Qiuljie took the initiative to stand up and help Teacher Colbert to count the students present.

At this time, Ye Yueshen brought Miss Lungobier here, causing the students to exclaim!

"You're here! Principal!"

Mr. Colbert got down from the high platform, walked to Ye Luna, and said excitedly, "Why are you here?"

"Uh, I'm not curious..."

Ye Yueshen glanced at Lungobier next to him with a guilty conscience, and said calmly.

"Don't look at me, Mr. Colbert."

Miss Lungobier next to her shook her head helplessly and said, "I persuaded the principal, but no matter how they insisted on coming, our subordinates can only follow."

"Oh, is that so, so it's all the principal's decision?"

Mr. Colbert glanced at Yeyueshen helplessly, and then said to Yeyueshen: "Please go to the height of the surrounding wall and see, if people with too high strength are here, they will suppress the children's spiritual power. , so that the children cannot summon a better familiar!"

"Uh, so I'm so unpopular..."

Ye Yueshen wiped his sweat helplessly, and then walked towards the height of the fence with Miss Lungobier and his familiar.

Chapter 0041 Shameless

"How is it? What did I say? I just said, you shouldn't come at such a time. Don't look at the students cheering. In fact, don't mention how nervous they are. Aren't you creating a block for others?"

As soon as she got to the fence, Miss Lungobier couldn't wait to complain about Ye Luna, which made Ye Luna very helpless.

"I don't know there is such a reason. I think that if even the lifelong event like summoning a demon will be affected by different aspects of psychology, the students educated by our college will not have much future, so I came here to encourage Look at them, who knows that Mr. Colbert will send me off with a few words..."

Yeyueshen supported his head with his hands and looked helplessly at the students below. Although these people were all talented, Yeyueshen doubted how these students would behave when they entered the battlefield.

"That's polite. If you were the former headmaster, Mr. Colbert would probably stop you from coming down the stage in public!"

Miss Lungobier said in dissatisfaction, "If you hadn't generously allocated the funds, Mr. Colbert would have dared to say anything!"

"Okay... Do I have to thank him for giving me face?"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, and then took out his familiar from his cuff.

"Isn't it just summoning a familiar? Is it necessary to be nervous? I heard that the strength of a familiar is the embodiment of its own strength. If the strength is not good, no miracle will happen no matter how worried you are. On the contrary, if the strength is strong, you still need to worry about the magician. The devil is not strong?"

"You already have a familiar, so it's natural for you to stand and talk without a backache, but these students are the first time, so there's no reason not to be nervous?"

Miss Lungobier said with some dissatisfaction: "Besides, I don't see that your familiar matches your strength?"

"Uh...is that so?"

Ye Yueshen stroked the cute white mouse, and said with a black line: "Your speech is getting sharper and sharper!"

"It's Sharp, Master Principal!"

Miss Lungobier didn't give Yeyue any face at all, she blocked the dazzling sunlight above her head with her hand, and said angrily, "Why do you have to come here to watch the students summon the familiars? It's better to go back to the office and come clean. ."

"This is a kind of exercise. Since I am the principal of this school, I have to see what the quality of my students are at this important moment!"

Ye Yueshen pointed to the students who had already started to summon familiars in the distance, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Huh? Why do I think you're just being lazy?"

Miss Lungobier continues to shade the sun with her hands!

"No no no! I'm not being lazy, I'm trying to make you lazy!"

Ye Luna kept looking at the familiars summoned by the students in the distance, but he was answering Miss Lungobier's words.

"Uh, how do you say this?"

Miss Lungobier opened her mouth to ask.

"Because when I was in the office, I was lazy, but you were in a hurry. Doesn't that mean that I brought you out to reduce your workload?" When it's time for business, it's more serious!

"Hehe, your intentions are really great!"

Miss Lungoby said angrily: "But my work is still sitting there! No more, no less, you brought me out, and I will complete the same amount of work in less time when I go back! Do you think Is this called reducing workload?"

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