"Um... so the total amount hasn't changed..."

Ye Yueshen suddenly felt that his brain was not enough, why didn't he think about stubble?

"Now that you understand, can we go back?"

Miss Lungobier said eagerly.


Yeyueshen hugged his familiar and said firmly: "The students must know that I am here. If I leave now, they will definitely think that I think this year's students are not very good, which will affect everyone."

"……All right."

Miss Lungobier responded helplessly, thinking in her mind how much time she would have to make up for the missed work tomorrow.

"By the way, Miss Lungobier, why don't you have a familiar?"

Ye Yueshen took the initiative to say: "This way, you can also be a companion for me!"

"Ah? To be your partner?"

Miss Lungobier's face was turning green, thinking that this principal was going too far!It's too much!

"Be a companion for my familiar..."

Ye Yueshen spoke with a black line. It's really a broad and profound language art, and even just two words make people think about it!

"Well, I don't, only nobles have familiars!"

Miss Lungobier's eyes dimmed all of a sudden: "The nobles have the blood of nobles flowing on their bodies, and that is the blood that the Familiar loves. Only in this way will the Familiar appear in this world. Obviously, I am not qualified!"

Miss Lungobier said this.It was like a piece of crystal clear crystal suddenly cracked from the inside, and it looked extremely discordant, and it was obvious that Ye Yueshen didn't want to hear such words.

"What happened to the nobles? The nobles are amazing? The nobles are people too!"

Ye Yueshen's tone became very serious: "Miss Lugobill, as long as you want, I can also make you a noble!"


It was like a silver needle had fallen into the cotton, the stimulation of that deep inner strength made Miss Lungobier not even able to tell what Yeyueshen meant for a while?Is it irony?Is it encouraging?Or does it mean something else!

"I mean, as long as you want, I can make you a noble. Who said nobles must be born?"

Ye Yueshen's eyes are like gold and lead smeared on the Buddha statue. Under the gloom, it is the most shining place!

"I do not know what you mean!"

Speaking with some trembling, Miss Lungobier even felt that she was dreaming, a dream that was out of reach and should not have appeared at all!

"I mean, would you like to be my other half?"

Ye Yueshen spoke word by word, as if the moment had already frozen!


Miss Lungobier's throat seemed to be blocked by something, but her eagerness to express her thoughts could not keep up with the speed of language!

"I saw!"

Ye Yueshen jumped up suddenly, showing a big smile, and snapped his fingers at Miss Lungobier: "It's white, it's white!"


With a low roar, Miss Lungobier had already punched Ye Yueshen on the chest!

Chapter 0042 Flying Dragon in the Sky

"Okay, okay! I was joking just now! Do you want to be so cruel?"

Miss Lungobier, who was continuously enraged, slapped her chest more than a dozen times, and Ye Yueshen was also a little helpless. Although it didn't hurt, she still pretended to be in pain.

"Is this also called being ruthless?"

Miss Lungobier sneered: "If I really plan to strike hard, I won't let you stay on the city wall!"

After speaking, Miss Lungobier stepped directly on the innocent familiar on the ground, scaring the guinea pig to death, and then walked straight down!

"Wow! It's amazing!"

At this moment, a sudden exclamation made Miss Lungobier stop her footsteps. When Miss Lungobier heard the voice, she looked up, only to see a blue dragon appeared in the cloudless sky. , Shenlong is covered in light blue, and someone's hair would like to!

"Are all the students now so good?"

Surprised, Miss Lungobier quickly returned to the city wall to see which student summoned such a powerful familiar!

"Huh? Why are you back?"

Ye Luna saw Miss Lungobier as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Of course not because of you!"

Looking fiercely at Ye Luna, Miss Lungobier held the city wall, widened her eyes, and looked at the students below.

"Are you looking for the owner of the blue sky dragon?"

Ye Yueshen leaned over and said, "Look, it's there!"

After that, she kindly pointed to Miss Lungobier!

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