"That student?"

Miss Lungobier looked in the direction of Ye Luna's finger, only to see a girl with short blue hair, who was using her big magic wand to direct the blue dragon in the sky to soar around the entire academy.

"Yeah, what's it called?"

Ye Yueshen scratched the back of his head, he really couldn't remember the name of this student for a while?


Miss Lungobier spoke word by word. Although she knew that this student was a genius, she did not expect that she would be so powerful, that she would be able to summon a dragon to become her facilitator. She had encountered so many nobles. The above is one of the rare!

"Yes! It's Tabasa!"

Ye Yueshen suddenly remembered the name of this little girl who doesn't like to talk very much. When he looked up, he didn't feel a kind of intimacy pouring out. If nothing else, it was this facilitator who had already told Ye Yueshen about her. How strong is the power!

While thinking about it, Ye Yueshen turned around and was about to walk under the city wall.

"Where are you going?"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly called Ye Luna to stop, and finally let Colbert arrange on the city wall. Going down at this time would not cause trouble?

"Going to congratulate Tabatha, of course!"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and smiled, revealing his white teeth. No matter what, he was also the principal. At such an important moment, of course he had to express his encouragement?

"Congratulations on what!"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly grabbed Ye Luna and said nervously, "I'm going to do a contract ceremony with a familiar later! Aren't you going to cause trouble now?"

"Then why did you just swagger down?"

Ye Yueshen said a little unconvinced: "Why won't you have any effect on the students if you go down? If I go, everyone is nervous and wrong. Could it be that I am a scorpion?"


Miss Lungobier was amused by Yeyueshen's words, she waved her hand at Yeyueshen, and hurriedly said: "How could it be? I didn't mean that, what I meant was that everyone is busy now, so you go. , just because of your high status and status, everyone should not be neglected, right? Some students are afraid of making a fool of themselves in front of the principal, so they will naturally be nervous. This happened before. A student knew that his grandfather was watching him , and then when he was summoned, his hand shook, causing a big explosion, embarrassing his family!"

Hearing Miss Lungobier's explanation, Ye Yueshen was also ashamed, so he could only stop his steps and looked at the flying dragon in the sky and said, "You said you want to summon such a dragon, what kind of level is that?"

"Of course he is a master, but it's not too unusual. This master is of noble blood, and it is not impossible to summon a dragon, but compared with other students, his strength is too strong!"

Miss Lungobier nodded and saw that the flying dragon in the sky had been slowly flying down under the command of Tabasa, and then stopped quietly in front of Tabasa, not feeling a little envious.

"Hehe, you also really want to have a familiar as a companion, so that you can spend a lonely and boring night?"

Ye Yueshen put his guinea pig on the parapet of the city wall, as if he could see through Miss Lungobier's mind!

"Huh? Me?"

Miss Lungobier pointed to herself in surprise, then hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "It's still the principal who is smart, you can see what I'm thinking so quickly!"

"It's nothing, I always feel that you seem to be very concerned about the familiars you summoned, so I made a random guess, but I didn't expect to guess it right!"

As Ye Yueshen spoke, he looked at Tabasa who was signing the contract, only to see the blue-haired little girl holding her magic wand in one hand, and reaching out with the other hand, stroking The blue flying dragon's forehead, and then gently pout his mouth · Ba, close to the flying dragon!

"I'm going! What is she doing?"

Ye Yueshen said in surprise, the scene in front of him seemed a little strange.

"Uh, are you surprised by this?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some puzzlement, and explained casually: "Every familiar must kiss the master after being summoned, and then show a natural mark on his body, and then it will be considered a He is firmly bound to his master!"

"Ah! This, of course I know! I just forgot about it for a while!"

Ye Yueshen laughed casually, and suddenly heard a complacent cry in his ear.

"Squeak, squeak" "Uh, what do you mean by that?"

Ye Yueshen looked at his little guinea pig, a little confused, but soon, Ye Yueshen thought of a lot of bad things!

"Oops, how can I get out of my mouth?"

Ye Yueshen sighed in his heart, not knowing if he was talking about Tabasa or someone...

The contract ceremony between Tabatha and her flying dragon was soon over, but Ye Luna saw the tears that were extremely covered in the corners of Tabasa's eyes at this time, as if they were deep in the grass, a drop of mind that had not been taken away by the sun. .

"This student seems to have a story!"

Yeyueshen thought faintly, and at this moment, a coquettish figure appeared on the lawn.

Chapter 0043 Earth Dragon Becomes Gopher

"Hello everyone, let me, Bronze Jixiu, show the charm of the familiar!"

Picking off the rose from his mouth, Keith De Guramon walked to the center of the lawn, looked around, and saw many beautiful figures flashing through the windows, and he didn't know where to put his eyeballs!

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's get started!"

Mr. Colbert tapped the ground with his magic wand, and said angrily, "Is it a bit late to talk big? Can you summon a familiar more powerful than Tabasa?"

"That's not necessarily true?"

Ji Xiu seemed very confident and said to Mr. Colbert: "This world is a world where miracles are created. My ancestor was an ordinary servant, but just because he saved the life of the monarch on the battlefield, our family has become a Nobles, and they have always been the escorts of the empire, you can't deny this, right? So, our family is a family that created miracles!"

"Ouch! Isn't it a bit too much to talk about your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather?"

Momorangxi put his hand in front of his chest and said with a look of disdain.

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