Louise looked at the smooth skin of the frog and couldn't help but feel a little discouraged...

"Ah? It's a frog!"

Mo Molangxi's mouth could no longer be closed. I really didn't expect that his familiar was actually a frog with 070 red stripes on his back. How could the sticky things make him... how to fulfill the contract!

"I'm going! What a tragedy! I thought that water magicians are very scarce now, and they will summon sea snakes and seals. Even a starfish looks good, but it turns out to be a frog!"

Qiuljie whispered in Tabasa's ear, and Tabasa just raised her eyes to look at Momorangxi, who had an uneasy look, and said calmly: "If you come, you can be safe, anyway, you can't be called again, the frog is still alive. It is convenient to carry, and it is also convenient to build a pool or the like.”

"What a great idea you have!"

Qiuerjie shrugged helplessly, and then walked to the middle of the lawn, casting magic, and adding water on the ground to clean it up.

"Frog, gopher? What kind of demons are these! It seems that these two students dressed in fashion are usually not good students!"

Yeyueshen substance laughed wildly at the corners of his mouth, not because Yeyueshen and Miss Lungobier couldn't stand this huge contrast just now, but felt that after these students returned home, they would definitely have no way to explain to their families!

"It's just like your familiar is very good..."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a black line, and the little white mouse on the parapet, thinking that everyone else would laugh at a hundred paces.

Chapter 0045 Salamander

"What kind of system is this?"

Ye Yueshen pointed at Qiuerjie, who was cleaning the water and tender lawn out of a dry land, and asked, "What kind of magician wants to remove all the water on the ground before summoning the familiar?"

"Of course it's the fire department! Among the students in our academy, there are very few fire department magicians, and there is actually only this one student at this age, so Mr. Colbell put her last."

Miss Lungobier surmised.

"is it?"

Ye Luna turned to Miss Lungobier and said, "Why didn't I see Louise appearing for a long time? I think she is a genius!"

"Genius? That's what you think..."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna helplessly, she really didn't understand what happened to this principal, to have such a soft spot for a waste material?

"Eh, even if you don't think Miss Barryair is a genius, you don't need to arrange for her to summon a familiar, right?"

Ye Yueshen said a little unhappily.

"This arrangement was arranged by Mr. Colbert..."

Miss Lungobier reluctantly knocked on the wall beside her, and then looked at the crowd.

"Look, isn't that the Louise you've been thinking about? Right behind the crowd, by the wall!"

It was soon discovered that Louise, who was shadowy in the crowd, did not consider Luna's feelings at all when Miss Lungobier spoke.

"Uh, who has been thinking about it..."

Ye Yueshen wiped his sweat while looking in the direction Miss Lungobier pointed, and sure enough, he saw Louise hiding in the crowd!

"Whoever said it was clear in his heart..."

Miss Lungobier said in her heart, and then saw that Churjie had dried the wet grass on the ground, and after the ground became a piece of dry ground, she began to draw some strange symbols on it.

"Does fire-type magicians still need to draw symbols when summoning familiars?"

Ye Yueshen also saw this situation and asked curiously.

"This...I don't know either!"

Miss Lungobier looked up and saw that there were many strange symbols on the ground, which made people incomprehensible, while the teacher Colbell next to her didn't stop her and let Qiuljie mess around on the ground. Write doodles.

"Really? It seems that this Qiuerjie is very different!"

Ye Yueshen said silently, and then watched Qiu Erjie's performance quietly.

Soon, Qiuerjie filled the ground with symbols, then took out his magic wand and started his declaration against the ground: "Holy and vast earth, let the silent flame burn, new life is conceived in life In the blazing fire, my slightly hot Churjie, willing to change for this world, to become a sacred member of the Zelipster family, our history is as old as our country, give me a great facilitator , let me become a real fire magician!"

"This declaration sounds quite like that. Unlike these students, although the declaration is beautiful, it does not have any momentum."

Miss Lungobier said, cupping her eyes.

"Really? Why do I feel that the declaration is useless, anyway, no matter how nice it is, the familiars that will come out will be similar to my own strength..."

Ye Yueshen stared at the ground and calmly overturned Miss Lungobier's words!

"There is always a little bit! At least it has the effect of psychological suggestion!"

Miss Lungobier roared in dissatisfaction, but found that Ye Luna's eyes suddenly flashed.

"Look, what is that? Is it a fire?"

Ye Yueshen pointed at Qiuerjie in the distance, and Miss Lungobier next to him also quickly looked, only to see that a large flame suddenly appeared on the dry ground, and Qiuerjie in front of the flame smiled. , as if something is about to appear!

"No, it's a salamander!"

Miss Lungobier said with certainty: "The thing that can produce this kind of orange-yellow flame when summoned can only be the legendary salamander. It really deserves to be the descendant of the Zelipster family. Same thing!"

"I think it's normal."

Ye Yueshen showed a very disdainful expression on his face, shrugged his shoulders casually, and said to Miss Lungobier: "Look at these flames, it's just a gimmick, it may be that there are relatively few fire magicians, everyone sees it. Less."

"Well, whatever you say, there's only your favorite Louise left, let's see how powerful she can summon!"

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