Miss Lungobier said meaningfully.

"Arriving at Louise so soon?"

Ye Yueshen asked strangely.

"Of course, didn't you realize that everyone has their own familiars now?"

Miss Lungobier said as a crow struggled overhead.

"What's your memory? As I said just now, Qiu Erjie was the last one in the arrangement, and now the last one has passed. Of course, it's Louise, who didn't summon a familiar before!"

"Then let Louise show it!"

The corners of Ye Yueshen's mouth twitched slightly, as if she had confidence in Louise.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from..."

Miss Lungobier said, her eyes were already on the lawn, and Chuljie, who had already put the salamander in her bag, hugged Tabasa excitedly. The two of them looked very unusual.

"I'm not your familiar, go kiss it."

Tabassa spoke calmly in Qiuerjie's ear, as if she didn't feel Qiuerjie's excited heartbeat.

"Uh, so calm."

Qiuerjie muttered, and turned to the familiar he had just summoned and said, "Stop breathing fire, I will be your master from now on, whoever I tell you to spray, you spray!"

"Hungry, hungry!" The lizard's cry was a bit strange, but everyone could understand the way he nodded and wagged his tail. Seeing that his familiar was so good, Qiu Erjie took the initiative to walk up to the salamander and kissed the salamander. ·kiss.

"The symbol of the fire element is actually black? I didn't expect it."

Tabassa looked up at the salamander's forehead and said to the flying dragon next to her.

"Who else? Has everyone finished summoning?"

After Qiuerjie completed the contract ceremony, Mr. Colbert stood in the middle of the lawn and shouted at everyone.

"one left!"

While holding her familiar, Chul Jie said to Mr. Colbert, "Louise-san hasn't summoned the familiar yet. Mr. Colbert."

"I'll say it myself, I don't need your reminder!"

Very upset, she stood up, Louise raised her head and said.

Chapter 0046 The Gate of Summoning

"Please, Louise Zero?"

Keishu came over and smiled at Louise.

"Why did this guy laugh at Louise in the past?"

Ye Yueshen said angrily.

"Of course I hope that Louise can summon a worse familiar, so that he can find a psychological balance!"

Miss Lungobier didn't even look at it, just stared at her nails, and solved the doubts in Ye Yueshen's heart.

"Sounds too much!"

Ye Yueshen thought very unhappily, and immediately saw Louise looking around helplessly!

"it's here!"

Ye Luna beckoned to Louise, hoping that the little girl could see that he was here to support her.

"Oops! You're going to disrupt Louise's rhythm like that!"

Miss Lungobier saw that everyone on the lawn was looking this way, and hurriedly reminded Ye Luna.

"What's the matter? Anyway, everyone has already summoned their own familiars, and I won't affect others, and Louise is in a mess now, so it's good for me to give her a little encouragement!"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Sister Lungobirxia pondered, but she was speechless.

"let's start."

Colbert-sensei said to Louise.


Louise saw the Principal on the city wall. She had been here for so long. It seemed that only the Principal was willing to help her sincerely. After she left home, the Principal was the person she felt warmest. Since the Principal was watching It means that the principal has absolute confidence in himself!

Thinking like this, Louise's footsteps no longer trembled, but she stood firmly on the spot, stretched out her magic wand, and said to the sky: "My servant who exists somewhere at the end of the universe, Holy, beautiful and powerful familiar, I call to you from my heart, answer my guidance!"

"Respond to my instructions... respond to my instructions?"

In the bottom of my heart, I recited Louise's call twice, and Ye Yueshen's face suddenly changed!

"Time stands still!"

Ye Yueshen closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the originally black pupils had turned blue, and everything around him had stopped!

"What the hell is going on? Is time still flowing?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the grass and trees around him. Although every movement was slow, it was really happening!

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