"Could it be that in this space, time cannot stand still, only delay?"

Ye Yueshen was surprised, hurriedly flew down from the city wall, and then entered the spot of light in front of Louise, and found that he really came through this place, and immediately looked at Louise with admiration, and then he gritted his teeth and entered. To the spot of light!

"So that's what happened!"

Looking at the fork that appeared in front of him, Ye Yueshen finally knew how he came to this world, so he followed the light spot opened by Louise, and at this moment, Ye Yueshen also suddenly discovered that outside The world seems to still be in motion!

"Oops. I'm in a wormhole that teleports time and space! The outside world is out of my control. I need to hurry up and see what Louise has summoned!"

Since Ye Yueshen thought so, he naturally moved to Louise's summoning place instantly, and then immediately saw a bustling scene!

"Thank you for visiting!"

After a respectful voice, Yeyueshen saw a young man walking towards the light spot. The people on both sides did not notice the existence of the light spot, but the young man stopped in front of the light spot!


Ye Yueshen stretched his hands out of the spot of light, and after snapping his fingers, he stopped the young man in front of him, then rushed back, letting time continue to move slowly, and then came to the city wall, facing Lun. Miss Gobier asked, "What would happen if the summoned familiar was a human?"

"Um, why did you ask this question?"

Miss Lungobier said curiously, "It doesn't really matter, it's just that it would be embarrassing if the person was summoned."


Ye Yueshen nodded, let the time move slowly again, then rushed into the wormhole by himself, closed Louise's summoning door directly, and then came back.

"Huh? Why hasn't Louise summoned a familiar for so long?"

Miss Lungobier said curiously, and the students below couldn't hold back and started talking.

"Haha, let me just say, how could it be possible to summon a powerful familiar? Look, there are no familiars now!"

Momorangxi said with a smug look on his face, while Qiu Erjie next to him stroked his salamander and said, "It is even more powerful than mine, it seems that I can't see such a situation. The first student in the history of the Magic Academy who did not succeed in summoning, Louise, your name will be passed down by word of mouth among the students of the Magic Academy, and it will become a classic!"

Unable to hide her smile, Qiu Erjie almost fell on her salamander and laughed, and the other students were similar, looking at Louise, some were gloating, some were sympathetic, and even more helpless of.


Louise shivered and stretched out her magic wand to the sky, and then said, "My familiar in the universe, listen to my call, listen!"

"It doesn't seem that surgery is impossible, I hope you have better luck this time!"

Ye Yueshen thought to himself, then let time continue to move slowly, then rushed into the wormhole, walked to Louise's summoning door, and wanted to see what was summoned this time!

"Ah! Still here?"

Ye Yueshen looked helpless, just as he was about to close this place, in the world over there, the young man had already stretched his arm in!


Ye Yueshen shouted, and with a flick of his hand, he forcibly threw Louise's portal to his side, and then kicked the young man who had entered the wormhole out, then pulled the portal and rushed to the other side. aside!

"Pi... Kachu!"

On the avenue, a petite figure came over, Ye Yueshen took a close look, only to see a cute little animal walking over with reluctance?

"Pikachu, just follow me..."

A little boy in a hat was chasing after him, while the cute Pikachu rushed over with a stride!

"You are the one!"

Night Moon God stretched out his hand from the wormhole...

Chapter 0047 Summoning Complete

"Hello! Pikachu?"

Ash looked at the front in surprise, the road was still the same, but Pikachu was gone!

"It's not easy, if that young man comes, Louise will be laughed at all the time!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his forehead, then came out of the wormhole, returned to the city wall, and looked at the students below.

"Why is there nothing?"

Qiu Erjie looked at the sky like everyone else. No one knew what type of magician Louise was, but judging from the explosions that Louise kept causing, everyone felt that Louise was closer to the flame system. magician.

"Answer my call!"

Louise shouted in her heart, if nothing appeared, she might have really become a laughing stock!

"This student is helpless!"

Miss Lungobier withdrew her gaze, turned and was about to go down the city wall.

"Not necessarily!"

Ye Luna stopped Miss Lungobi in time, and the expression on her face looked confident.

"Do you trust this student so much?"

Miss Lungobier turned around, glanced at Ye Luna, and returned to where she was standing, waiting for a miracle to happen.

"It's coming, Louise, don't worry!"

Ye Luna comforted Louise in her heart, and soon, a lovely voice came from the sky.

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