"Pickup pickup!"

"Wow, it actually succeeded?"

Seeing the voice in the sky, Ji Xiu said unwillingly: "It seems that today's unlucky ghost is my baby vole..."

"should be!"

Holding his parrot with his hand, the little fat man likes to tell the truth.


Ji Xiu patted his head, regretting in his heart, why didn't he study earlier, now that he is better, how can he bring his own demon and show it off in front of others?

"What is that?"

Qiuljie pointed to the sky, a mass of golden-colored objects was falling.

"Could it be the golden sparrow?"

Mo Molangxi couldn't believe his eyes, but among the legendary familiars, the familiars who descended from the sky and could wear a yellow luster might be the golden sparrow!

"Is this the call of the golden sparrow?"

Qiu Erjie said with a face of disapproval, but his eyes were staring at the sky all the time.

"Uh, let's see."

Mo Molangxi had never seen Jinque, so naturally he wasn't sure.

"The speed of this familiar's whereabouts is so slow!"

Miss Lungobier opened her eyes, but she still couldn't see what the familiar in the sky looked like.

"Uh, it's really a bit slow!"

Ye Yueshen echoed, followed by a finger, and quickly released the stillness spell that Pikachu received in the wormhole.

"call out!"

As if a golden egg flew down, Pikachu, who was in the sky, flew directly to the ground, and then fell heavily towards Louise!


Ye Luna called out in her heart, and then, a small net suddenly appeared on top of Louise's head, catching Pikachu.

"Pickup pickup..."

Looking around curiously, Pikachu, who had been placed on the ground, looked at the crowd around him for unknown reasons.

"Wow! It's actually a golden cat! Louise really has you!"

Mr. Colbert watched for a long time before he gave a definition to Pikachu, and then the students around began to congratulate Louise!

And Ye Shenyue is full of black lines, Pikachu is obviously a mouse, and if you want to say it is a cat or something... This is really, it is not a puppy beast, it can't change from a puppy to a cat and then to a human being of.

"I can't believe that there is such a cute familiar, Louise, congratulations!"

A female classmate who usually has a good relationship with Louise came over, looked at Pikachu on the ground, and her eyes naturally showed a look of liking.

"Where is it, it's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence!"

The first time she was complimented, Louise responded embarrassedly. This is, Tabasa, who had been silent all the time, came over and said, "Your contract ceremony has not been completed."

"Uh, I forgot about this!"

Louise shyly agreed, and then, amid the laughter of everyone, she kissed and kissed Pikachu!

"Pickup pickup!"

I don't know why Louise did this, but Pikachu was still very happy. A feeling of being connected with the master sprung up. At the same time, there seemed to be some marks on his body. Of course, the best part is that The current owner seems to be very good to him!

"It's great, in this case, our familiar summoning ceremony is all completed! Everyone go back and get acquainted with your own familiars first. We will have a celebration party in the afternoon, don't forget!"

Taking advantage of everyone's excitement, Mr. Colbert quickly explained the arrangements for the afternoon.

"Long live!"

Of course, everyone who is happy will have nothing to object to, and they all walk to their dormitories with their own familiars.

"Let's get out of here too, Miss Lungobier?"

Shaking his hand in front of his secretary, Ye Luna didn't know why Miss Lungobier was lost.

"Ah? Ah!"

Miss Lungobier, who had reacted, quickly stopped her thinking and walked back with Ye Luna.

"Look, the principal is here!"

A sharp-eyed student suddenly saw Yeyueshen and Miss Lungobier beside him, and the second-year students looked towards Yeyueshen together.

"Look, let's make a commotion!"

Miss Lungobier whispered in the ear of Night Moon God, and then said to the gathered classmates: "Everyone has worked hard at noon today, no matter whether you have obtained a familiar to your satisfaction, I hope everyone will be in the future. , you can discover the specialties of your own demons, better improve your magical power, and serve Her Majesty!"


Nodding respectfully, the students seemed cordial when they saw Miss Lungobier.

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