"What a young headmaster!"

Many girls expressed such emotion, which made Ye Yueshen feel depressed for a while.

"Could it be that my appearance at the opening ceremony was not amazing enough, and there are people who don't know me?"

"of course not!"

Mr. Colbert appeared behind Ye Yueshen unknowingly and reminded in a low voice, "That's because many students in the second grade and above don't care about the opening ceremony at all, and they all come to the school before the official class. Yes, or I won't attend the school's opening ceremony when I come here, so it's normal that I don't know you."

"That's right."

Ye Yueshen smiled, then walked straight over, and said to the students in front of him, "I'm actually quite satisfied today, especially the familiars of some of your students who definitely impressed us!"

Saying that, Ye Luna walked to Tabasa's side...

Chapter 0048 Your name is Pikachu

"Hello, principal."

Tabassa saluted Ye Luna naturally, and then looked at Ye Luna strangely.

"Where's your dragon?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, while Tabasa showed a surprised expression. Could it be that when he summoned, the principal had already come here?

"Master Principal, the flying dragon has just been summoned, and it is a little irritable. So I let it soar in the sky..."

Tabassa said embarrassedly, and Miss Lungobier next to her stood up and said, "Our Principal is very good at magic, and has been watching you and your familiar, it's okay!"

When Miss Lungobier said this, Ye Luna's face was a little strange, and she hurriedly said to Miss Lungobier: "Of course, I have to take a good look at its owner, the flying dragon that is so eye-catching, but the other students The Familiar is also very good, I don't favor one over another!"


After listening to Ye Luna's words, Miss Lungobier thought with disdain: "The list of students was requested from the first day, and now I take the initiative to come over and talk to others. From Louise to Tabasa, you can watch the whole process. It's two people, this is a bastard, not only bullying his secretary, but also planning to attack his own students, with a sane face!"

"Uh, since the principal loves me so much, I'll let the flying dragon come down!"

Tabassa nodded, closed the book in her hand, and called out, the flying dragon flying in the sky landed to the ground.

Ye Yueshen saw that the flying dragon had reached the ground, so he walked directly over, preparing to stroke and touch this unusual familiar.

"Headmaster, be careful! Dragons consider themselves noble and never cooperate with people other than their masters. You have to be careful!"

Mr. Colbert hurriedly said behind him, and Tabassa next to him also hurriedly said: "Master Principal, I haven't communicated well with the familiar, and it is difficult to control its temper at the moment, please give me some time, I will definitely let it go. You ride on it."

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Yueshen smiled disdainfully: "If I can't even surrender to this thing, how can I be your principal? Don't worry about this trivial matter!"

Saying that, Yeyueshen stretched out his hand and stretched it towards Feilong's forehead.


Mr. Colbell reluctantly took out his magic wand and was ready to deal with the irritable flying dragon at any time, while Tabasa could only pray in her heart, hoping that Ye Yueshen would have better luck, while Rengo beside him Miss Bill looked at Ye Luna curiously, with a little hope in her heart!

"The principal is great!"

The surrounding students all watched and pre-trial quietly, not knowing whether the principal would be able to subdue the flying dragon.


When Feilong and Yeyueshen approached him, he screamed impatiently, but Yeyueshen didn't care at all, instead he put his hand directly on top of Feilong's head.

"Headmaster be careful..."

Tabasa said excitedly.


Ye Yueshen put his hand on Feilong's forehead, but he had nothing to do, and touched Feilong's mouth with his other hand.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

There were some students who didn't believe the principal, but all of a sudden, they cheered for the principal, and Mr. Colbert wiped his sweat and said, "Fortunately, nothing happened."

"Yeah, otherwise it's a laughing stock..."

Miss Lungobier said with a long speech, and at this time, the students were encouraged by the god of the night moon, and they pretended to be brave and prepared to touch the blue dragon.


However, the blue dragon immediately opened his mouth and turned around, looking angry.

The students backed away obediently.

"You are the best student here, and you are still an international student. You must work hard!"

Ye Yueshen opened his arms and said boldly, then patted Tabatha's shoulder with his hand, and said softly: "Is there anything you need? Tabatha?"

"Wow, the principal has reached the name of Tabatha! It's amazing!"

A student said in surprise.

"Yeah, in a big school like our college, it's really amazing that the principal can remember a person's name. I only met the principal once last semester, and it was at the opening ceremony!"

The companion next to him said with some emotion.

"what do you need?"

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