Tabassa repeated the question of Ye Luna, her heart moved, but she still shook her head.

"No, Principal, I'm very happy that you can remember me. I really don't need anything."

Looking at Tabasa's silent and firm eyes, Ye Yueshen actually felt a little heartache. What kind of encounter made this lovely student behave so stubbornly, like a knife without a blade, although not sharp, but but strong...

"Okay, can you find me if you need anything?"

Night Moon God smiled, then turned around and walked to Louise's side.

"What's the name of your familiar?"

Night Moon God asked.

"Uh, it seems to be called..."

Louise was too excited just now, how could she have thought of this question, she could only scratch her head and couldn't answer it.

"It seems that the summoning time is still very short!"

Night Moon God said kindly.

"It's a little short. But I'll get acquainted with it soon!"

Louise hugged Pikachu and said firmly, today's success is the result of Ye Luna's encouragement. The fact that she was able to find such a good familiar is also due to the firm support of the Principal, and she can't make the Principal feel that she is not good enough. !

Secretly made up her mind, Louise was about to say something, but she saw Ye Luna squat down directly in front of Pikachu, then stretched out her hand to tease Pikachu and said, "Louise's little envoy, what's your name? ?"


Saying word by word, Pikachu blinked, as if he felt that he had seen Moon God somewhere.

"I brought you to this world, help your master well!"

After Ye Yueshen printed this sentence in Pikachu's heart, he raised his head and said to Lu 3.1 Yisi: "Did you hear it? It's called Pikachu, you have to remember it!"

"Uh? Okay, I remembered it. Principal!"

Louise nodded hurriedly, and then said to Pikachu in a friendly tone: "Little Angel, you will be called Pikachu from now on! This is the name the principal gave you. You must remember it!"

"Haha, so it's..."

Yeyueshen said embarrassingly, thinking that people were originally called Pikachu, I just don't want you to change the name for them casually.

"Master Principal, it's your noon break, please go back!"

With a professional look on her face, Miss Lungobier walked over to Yeyueshen's ear and said.

"The time to get together is always so short, I'll go back first, and everyone will go too!"

Ye Yueshen said to everyone in a meaningful way.

Chapter 0049 Defend the family honor?

"I didn't expect that Louise would be able to summon such a cute familiar, it's really unexpected!"

On the way back to the dormitory, although Mr. Colbert specifically explained that he should not comment on other people's familiars, the students who had just obtained the familiars couldn't help but talk.

"Haha, isn't it? It turns out that one of the indicators for judging the superiority of the Familiar is cuteness!"

With his own salamander, Qiu Erjie said angrily.

"Uh, of course I didn't say this cuteness is an indicator!"

Momo Langxi looked at the frog in his hand and said sadly: "But the familiars are very cute! And I think Mr. Colbert's so-called golden kitten's conclusion is not right at all!"

"What should it be called?"

Chul Jie rolled his eyes and asked.

"Of course it should be called...the cute Pikachu!"

Momorangxi hesitated for a while, still not knowing how to define this lovely familiar.

"Look, you don't know either, I think that familiar is just a rotten orange!"

Qiu Erjie commented without hesitation.

"What is a rotten orange?"

Momorancy felt that what Churjie said was a bit esoteric.

"Jinyu is ruined outside of it."

Tabassa, who was walking in front, adjusted her glasses and said.

"How profound, Qiu Erjie would actually use such elegant cursing words!"

Momo Langxi said excitedly: "And Tabasa, who reacted at once, worthy of being a top student!"

"Uh, actually..."

Qiuljie said with some shame: "Actually, this is what I saw when Tabasa was reading a book."

"Then how do you know how to use a rotten orange as a metaphor?"

Momo Langxi asked as if he couldn't stop.

"Uh, this is the explanation..."

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