Louise and Chul Jie replied in unison.

"Well, in that case."

With a snap of his fingers in the air, Ji Xiu said leisurely, "Then fight for your family!"

"what do you mean?"

When Momo Langxi heard this, he questioned Jixiu.

"Didn't I ask you to adjust the two of them? How did you provoke the anger of the two of them? If you dare to fight in the Magic Academy, you will be unconditionally expelled! In that case, they will bring shame to the family! Like With such a strict family as the Barrielu family, it is estimated that Louise does not need to go back!"

"Haha! Did I say let them fight?"

Ji Xiu said nonchalantly: "Since the two of them are arguing about whose familiar is more powerful, then let the familiars discuss at random in the afternoon banquet! Besides, if we let Louise and Chul If Jie uses magic to fight, it is estimated that our school will be destroyed by Louise's explosion!"

"You! What did you say!"

Louise lowered her head and looked at Ji Xiu angrily, and said loudly, "I won't let the magic fail! Let's see in the afternoon!"

"Uh, is this an appointment to a duel?"

Momo Langxi stared at Louise who was leaving, always feeling that something was wrong!

"I haven't agreed yet! I just left! This is too much!"

Qiu Erjie said angrily.

"Are you really going to meet Louise at the afternoon party?"

Tabassa raised her eyes and asked.

"Of course! We are a feud! A feud!"

Chul Jie said with certainty.

"What kind of feud? It sounds terrifying, haven't you stayed well for the past year? It's actually a feud?"

Keith asked nicely.

"You don't know this!"

Momo Langxi didn't wait for Qiu Erjie to explain, he took the conversation and said: "Actually, this is the case. When the Bariairu family rose up, they made great achievements in the border war. Unfortunately, the Bariairu family made great achievements in the border war. The credit is to capture a commander of a neighboring country! And this commander is a member of the Zelipster family..."


Qiu Erjie interrupted Momo Langxi's story quickly, and said to Ji Xiu, who was listening with interest, "If there is nothing to do, go back quickly!"

"Uh, well, I'm not finished yet!"

Ji Xiu looked at the anger in the corners of Qiu Erjie's eyes, and did not dare to stay here any longer. He walked away, and said kindly before leaving, "This duel is an agreement between the two of you, and it has nothing to do with me. what!"


Momo Langxi cursed at Jixiu's back, turned around and said to Qiu Erjie: "I'm just a bystander, I don't know anything, right, Tabasha!"

"It's time for a lunch break!"

Tabassa said quietly, then walked into her room.

"You're a coward too!"

Qiu Erjie said dissatisfiedly, and walked into his own vacation without waiting for Momorangxi to explain.

"As if you are not afraid of being fired! Abet the same crime!"

Momo Langxi sighed, and then entered his room. At this time, Ji Xiu, who had already left, got out of the corner without knowing it, walked to the corridor on the other side, and knocked on a door. door.

"How do you feel about today's summoning ceremony?"

As soon as Ye Yueshen answered the office, he put his coat on the hanger. The sunlight outside was so dazzling, and he had to wear proper clothes, even buttoning the top button.

"It's alright, anyway, our principal is very busy!"

Miss Lungobier said quietly, and she was already preparing afternoon tea.

"Stop making tea, prepare a manuscript first!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the scenery outside the window and said.

"Okay, what's the content?"

Miss Lungobier agreed calmly, and soon the manuscript was ready to be written.

"let me see……"

Ye Yueshen spit out this sentence faintly, and almost made Miss Lungobier insert her pen into the table!

"Let me write the manuscript if you think about it, I really am a bastard!"

Miss Lungobier was sullen in her heart, but she didn't say anything, but asked directly: "Are you recommending Tabatha to the royal family? I kindly remind you that your behavior is beyond your power! And it's impossible to let Tabasa be activated, she's from another country!"

"Uh, when did I say I was going to recommend her to the royal family?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head, looked at Miss Lungobier affectionately and said, "I actually plan to recommend you to the royal family! Miss Lungobier!"

"Ah? What did you say? Recommend me?"

Poking herself with a pen, Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna in disbelief, what the hell happened to this guy today, to actually say such a thing?Don't you plan to let yourself do it here?I haven't reached my goal yet!Can't leave here!

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