"Of course!"

The pre-trial did not seem to notice Miss Lungobier's strangeness, and said directly: "Look at today's summoning ceremony, not to mention whether it was successful or not, your level alone has already impressed me." "What can you say? Be specific?"

Miss Lungobier stood up nervously.

"What I mean is, look at you, the familiars summoned by the students today can be described with a single glance, what kind of demon eyes, flying dragons, salamanders, escaping snakes, etc. So clear, and you are a person without a demon, then I think you are inferior, I think you can definitely become a noble, so I plan to bypass you and write an application, I want to submit to the royal family I recommend you, even if it grants you a second-class knighthood! You should also become a noble!"

"Are you telling the truth..."

Miss Lungobier's tears flowed hurriedly as if she was disobedient, and instantly filled Miss Lungobier's face, followed by Miss Lungobier's whimpering voice!

"What's the matter with you? Are you too excited?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly asked, but she didn't know that Miss Lungobier was already cursing in her heart.

"What is it, I don't recommend it early, I don't recommend it late, tell me this now, what does it mean!"

Chapter 0051 Feelings

"Dear Principal, thank you for your love, but I cannot accept your recommendation. In any case, I am a descendant of a deposed nobleman. It is my greatest honor to be able to work by your side. I didn't make any contribution to the empire, so I was rashly recommended by you. Not only will I not be able to be hired, but there will even be people who doubt whether we are united, which is not good for you. Therefore, I implore you to take back you. decision!"

Weepingly, she wrote this sentence down on the draft paper. Miss Lungobier stood in front of Ye Moon God and bowed deeply to him, as if to thank Ye Moon God for his attention to her.

"Well, since you don't agree, I won't force it!"

Ye Yueshen put down the scrap paper and said, "Then write another document!"

"Ah? Yes!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's determined look, Miss Lungobier hurriedly wiped away her tears, returned to her place, picked up the pen in her hand, and got ready to write!

"Dear Her Majesty, I am the headmaster of Torristin School of Magic. I extend my cordial greetings to you, and at the same time hope to receive more information about our student Tabatha, urgently needed!"

After Yeyueshen read the main content of the manuscript, Miss Lungobier who was writing was suddenly stunned and looked at Yeyueshen strangely, "Could it be that this guy has already taken a fancy to Tabasa? How many days? Does this guy like to be clean?"

"Is it ready?"

Luna turned around to see that Miss Lungobier was watching him, and became curious.

"Uh, not yet, right now!"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly agreed, with the pen under her hand flying like a fly. After writing the content that Ye Yueshen wanted to submit, she blew the ink on it, and then handed it over to Ye Yueshen.

"When will the messenger arrive?"

Ye Luna asked while looking at the document that Miss Lungobier had written for him.

"The day after tomorrow at nine o'clock!"

Miss Lungobier opened her workbook and read it out.

"It's too late, where is the nearest delivery station here?"

Ye Yueshen asked anxiously.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Miss Lungobier said curiously, "If you are in a hurry, I can help you deliver!"

"No need!"

Ye Yueshen thought about it for a while and shook his head and said, "I'll take care of this kind of trivial matter myself, so I won't bother you!"

"Uh, do the small things yourself, and trouble me with the big things? You think I'm a fool!"

Miss Lungobier pondered and did not speak, but heard Ye Yueshen's anxious urging voice: "Where is it?"

"At this location!"

Miss Lungobier took out a map from her drawer, placed it in front of Luna, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know where that place is, and I'm afraid I can't describe it!"

"Oh? What are the specifications of this map?"

Ye Yueshen saw that the corners on the map were already hairy, and he couldn't see the scale above.

"Thirty-five to one!"

"I see!"

Ye Yueshen quickly memorized this map in his mind, and after confirming the school's orientation to Miss Lun, he planned to put on his clothes and go out!

"Uh, where are you going?"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly stopped Ye Luna, this guy's behavior is too strange, does it have something to do with me?

"Of course it's the delivery! Since the messenger can't come these days, I should go to the delivery station, right?"

Ye Yueshen said very naturally, as if this was a matter of course!

"Uh, you are giving this directly to the royal family. It is impossible for ordinary delivery stations to receive it. You should wait for the messenger!"

Miss Lungobi said in front of Luna.

"But you said just now that you could help me get to the delivery station..."

Ye Luna was about to be confused by Miss Lungobier.

"Uh, I mean... I mean, I can help you find another messenger, so they can deliver your letter to Her Majesty the Queen!"

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