Miss Lungobil gestured around her with a magic wand.

"Oh, that's what it means."

Ye Yueshen put down his outside and said, "It seems that this is your personal relationship, Miss Lungobier."

"Haha, well, I've been working here for a year, and I still know a few people, right?"

Miss Lungobier smiled, and then motioned to Luna to give the envelope to herself.

"Then trouble you!"

There was actually some respect in Yeyueshen's tone.

"Uh, don't bother."

Miss Lungobier put the envelope in her pocket, and then said to Ye Luna: "Actually, I didn't stop you because I wanted to use my personal relationship or anything, mainly because you must attend the afternoon party, student. They have obtained familiars, that is, hands, and they will be recruited in the event of a war, so you must go to participate!"

"Oh? And this thing?"

Ye Yueshen said a little puzzled: "Why can't I, the principal, participate when the students are summoning the familiar, and when everyone is done, I, the principal, will join in the fun, isn't it wrong? "

"Well, see what you said."

Miss Lungobier helplessly adjusted her glasses and said, "This world is a world that only pays attention to the results and not the process. Even if the process of the students' summoning is beautiful, there is no need to go, as long as everyone is summoned. After that, gather the successful people together, that's all, you are lucky today, the students all have their own demons, otherwise, those students who cannot summon the demons will have to go back to the first grade to start anew. I've learned!"

Miss Lungobier's words were like a thorn, stabbed into the heart of Night Moon God.

"Yeah, the world is like this. A lot of people waste a lot of money, and they may not be able to achieve any achievements, and then become the talk of everyone after dinner, and if there are adults, after luck, they can become a generation of legends and become admired by everyone. But no one has taken a close look at the intricate and indispensable coincidence behind it!"

Yeyueshen said this sentence quietly, Miss Lungobier in front of him could only smile silently, then nodded to Yeyueshen and said, "I will go back quickly, and try to come back before you attend the party. !"

"It's okay, I'll be there on time if I don't come back. You don't have to worry."

Ye Yueshen nodded, then turned around and looked at the sunlight slowly starting to slant.

Chapter 0052 The Mysterious Lungobier

"What on earth is this guy thinking? To alarm the royal family for some information?"

Holding the letter in her hand, Miss Lungobier ran non-stop from the school to the nearest Yerige Castle to find the messenger there. As for why Miss Lungobier knew the messenger of Yerige Fort, it is unknown.

Anyway, on the holy day when the second-year classmates summoned the Familiar, the secretary in the principal's office flew out, as if something big was about to happen.

"Oh! You are talking!"

At this moment, Louise is looking at Pikachu helplessly. Although Pikachu looks really cute as Momorancy said, but Louise, who has already promised Qiurjie to duel in the afternoon, knows that, Cute looks don't win a duel!

"Pickup pickup?"

Moving his ears, Pikachu looked at his new owner curiously, not understanding what she was talking about.

"Oh, really!"

Louise fiddled with it for a long time, but she still didn't let Pikachu show her ability, so she simply gave up.

"Anyway, once the Familiar is threatened, it will definitely defend itself. Let's talk about it later!"

Throwing her magic wand on the table, Louise quickly put the unpleasant thing behind her and took out a cake from her cupboard!

"You have worked hard all the way to bring you into this world!"

Cut a large piece of the cake, and Louise placed it in front of Pikachu!

"Pickup pickup!"

Smiling at the new owner, Pikachu happily ate the food in front of him. Although the cake tasted different from the world he lived in before, Pikachu still ate it happily.

"Dong dong dong" several knocks sounded on the door, Ye Yueshen was puzzled, but still said to the door: "Come in!"

"Master Principal, it's me!"

Opening the door, Mr. Colbert carefully closed the door, and then said, "I just saw Miss Lungobier walking out in a hurry, is there something wrong?"

"Oh, I let you meet!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then handed a cup of tea in front of him to Mr. Colbert, followed by: "That's right, I let her go, what? Did you find something wrong?"

Originally, when Yeyueshen said that he let Miss Lungobier go, Mr. Colbert planned to leave, but when Yeyueshen said that, Mr. Colbert thought there was something wrong, so he simply sat down and said: "That's it, do you remember that last night, you suddenly came to my laboratory and asked about Miss Lungobier?"

"Oh, remember, you answered very fluently at that time!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded, then joked: "Try the tea I brewed myself, is it different from the weird tea in your office?"

"Hehe, my laboratory does not smell very good!"

Mr. Colbert lowered his head and said with a smile, then withdrew his face and said, "Your reaction at that time made me wonder if there was something wrong with Miss Lungobier, so I paid special attention to it. She went out in such a hurry just now. I thought there was something wrong, so I came to report it!"

"Yeah, I also think she has a problem, so I asked, but it's just a feeling, but there aren't many clues, and it's still only at the stage of conjecture."

Ye Yueshen said while drinking tea, as if he was paying attention, but also as if he said it casually, which made Mr. Colbert a little confused.

"Then, since there's nothing wrong, I'll leave!"

After thinking about it, Mr. Colbert always felt like he was trying to sow discord. After all, Miss Lungobier was the secretary of the Night Moon God, and she was like an outsider, and it seemed a bit inappropriate to participate rashly.

"No no no, sit down!"

Ye Yueshen immediately stopped him, and then asked Colbert to return to the sofa, putting away his calm expression and replacing it with a somewhat heavy expression.

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