"Okay, let's go!"

Yeyueshen never likes to force him to stop being hot, even if it is his secretary, Yeyueshen doesn't plan to know her in general.


Hurrying to tidy up her clothes, Miss Lungobier smiled, and followed Ye Luna downstairs.

At this time, the children had already arrived, and after listening to Teacher Xiubrus's instructions, they sat together in twos and threes, but most of the children were still in a circle, watching the two familiars in the circle. Crazy duel.

Well, it shouldn't be called a duel, it's probably a lesson, because Louise's familiars have no power to fight back from the beginning to the end, and can only be attacked by the fiery flames of Qiuerjie's familiars. Sometimes there isn't even a place to hide!

"Come on, Pikachu, you must do it!"

Holding her little fist, Louise was about to cry, but no matter how she spoke, Pikachu could only scream "Pika Pika", but she couldn't use any tricks, and often because of Louise's words Shouting, Pikachu was seized by the salamander and attacked fiercely!

"Forget it! Why is this necessary? Louise's familiar is obviously burned!"

Momorangxi stood behind Qiurjie and spoke quietly.

"Impossible! My familiar is not that weak!"

With tears on her face, Louise said reluctantly, "This must be my problem, it's my problem, I'm not so weak as a familiar!"

"It's hard for your familiar to even understand your commands, what do you think?"

When Qiuljie heard Momorangxi's words, she had already made the salamander return to her side. Such a one-sided attack was really meaningless.

"No... It's not that her familiar can't understand her, it's that she doesn't know what skills her familiar has!"

The words of Tabasa, who had been observing, made Louise lose her anger.

"You're right! Tabasa, I really don't know what Pikachu's ability is. I thought that after being attacked, it would burst into its own potential, but obviously, I was wrong!"

Two lines of tears flowed from her cheeks, and Louise lowered her head, picked up the dying Pikachu from the ground, and walked out of the crowd without looking back!

"What are the kids doing over there?"

Ye Yueshen walked to the lawn of the party, only to find that the children were not happily exchanging their experiences, but paying attention to something.

"Don't leave yet. Don't you say you're not convinced? Can you now admit that my familiar is stronger than yours?"

When Qiuerjie's voice reached Ye Yueshen's ears, an ominous premonition came to his face.

"Is it Louise?"

Miss Lungobier also knew that Louise and Qiuerjie had a bad relationship, and quickly figured out what was going on. At this time, Ye Luna also hurriedly accelerated and rushed over!

"Here comes the principal!"

I don't know who was the first to notice Ye Yueshen who rushed here. In short, the group of children dispersed immediately, leaving Chu Erjie in the middle and Louise who hadn't reacted yet.

"It's you again?"

Ye Yueshen frowned, walked over, glanced at Tabasa, and asked, "Probably tell me what's going on!"

Ye Yueshen's tone was a little cold.

"It was my fault!"

Qiuljie was the first to stand up and said to Ye Yueshen, "I provoked Louise, and she made a duel with me, and my familiar injured hers, this is all mine. responsibility!"

After Qiu Erjie finished speaking, the children next to her couldn't help but talk about it. You must know that private duels are absolutely not allowed in this academy!

Chapter 0055 One Hundred Thousand Volts

"Uh, you..."

Louise looked at Qiu Erjie in surprise. She didn't know what to say for a while. I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to take responsibility?

"Louise, what's going on?"

Ye Yueshen also saw that things were not so simple, so he simply ignored Qiu Erjie and asked Louise directly.

"Is such that."

Louise pursed her lips, still raised her head and said, "At noon, we had a little unpleasantness, so we agreed to use facts to resolve our conflicts!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yueshen asked vaguely, "What kind of contradiction needs to be resolved in this way?"

Looking at the dying Pikachu in Louise's arms, Ye Luna roughly thought of their solution.

"She doesn't believe that Pikachu is an excellent familiar, and I, let her admit it, although I failed!"

Louise looked at Pikachu in her arms distressedly, her heart hurting for a while, if she hadn't been so reckless, Pikachu wouldn't be like this.

"let me see!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and hugged Pikachu. Looking at it, he was dying. He didn't feel a little sad. He brought Pikachu here from another world by himself. In the end, it became like this in just a few hours!

"Principal! Do you want it?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna on the side, and found that his eyes were very sad, and she didn't think he thought of anything.

"Of course I'll save Pikachu!"

Ye Luna said thoughtfully, then put Pikachu on the ground, held the magic wand in his hand, and circled Pikachu on the ground, then lightly tapped Pikachu's forehead, and said something.

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