"Pickup pickup!"

The elf-like call sounded, and Pikachu instantly regained his vitality, stood up from the ground, and looked at Ye Luna in a cute manner.

"Pikachu, you're all right, be careful in the future!"

Ye Yueshen touched Pikachu lightly, and then said to the stunned Louise: "Take care of your familiar in the future, it is a part of your life!"


Louise, who was worried about Pikachu's injury just now, was so excited that she didn't know what to say when she saw the lively Pikachu.

"The principal is such a good man!"

The surrounding students didn't feel like they started talking.

"Okay, now let's talk about the two of you!"

Ye Yueshen's expression changed quickly. Looking at the two guys who were dueling in private, he suddenly had a headache. One was Tabasa's good friend and the other was Pikachu's master. Both of them had a good relationship with him. relationship, how do you deal with it?

"It's all my fault, Pikachu's injury was also caused by my familiar, I am willing to take all the blame!"

Chul said without changing his face.

"Really? It doesn't matter if it's fired?"

Ye Yueshen said calmly, Ye Yueshen still remembers the school rules very firmly. If the Magic Academy allowed students to duel each other, it would have been demolished long ago!

"Uh... yes!"

Although there was some hesitation, Qiu Erjie still took out a spirit of courage, took a step forward, and said cheerfully: "What you see is the truth, I am bullying the weak with the strong, and..."

Just as Qiuerjie was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ye Yueshen's gesture!

"You said just now that you are bullying the weak?"

Ye Luna looked at Pikachu with [-] volts of electricity, and couldn't help being a little surprised!

"Yes, yes, my salamander burned Pikachu like that!"

Qiu Erjie was very surprised why Ye Yueshen questioned his own words, the facts were in front of him!

"It seems that Louise still doesn't understand her own familiar!"

Yeyueshen said meaningfully, and then said to Pikachu on the ground: "Let everyone see your strength! Pikachu!"

"Pickup pickup!"

The Pikachu on the ground seemed to understand the meaning of the moon god, jumped up happily, and then looked at a big tree far away, followed by...


A strong electric current flashed and hit the big tree accurately. Following that, everyone saw the big tree with lush branches. Soon, because of the influence of the electric current, it first vibrated, and the leaves on the tree shook. All were knocked down, and then the entire tree trunk seemed to be overexposed, split from the middle, and then turned into pieces of wood, scattered on the ground, and this process only took three or five seconds before and after!

"My goodness!"

Seeing this scene, Chuljie, who had despised Pikachu at first, couldn't help but marvel.

"If this hits my salamander, what effect will it have!"

"Your salamander may become a taxidermy..."

Tabasa said calmly on the side.

"Don't tell me it's so scary!"

Qiu Erjie looked at her companions speechlessly, she was in danger of being fired, how could she be so calm!

"Okay, now you know how powerful your familiar is!"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and looked at Louise, who was stunned and did not calm down.

"Got it! Got it! I found a treasure!"

Louise walked over excitedly and reached out to pick up Pikachu from the ground!

"Wait! Aren't you afraid to be a specimen?"

Qiuerjie hurriedly stopped and said, even Qiuerjie didn't understand why she was reminding Louise.

"It's okay, Pikachu can control this current!"

Ye Yueshen said calmly, and then motioned Louise to pick up Pikachu!

"Okay, let's continue the party!"

Ye Yueshen said to the surrounding students, then turned to Qiurjie and Louise and said, "You two, come to my office!"


Louise and Qiuerjie, who had just been excited, agreed feebly, but at this moment, Ye Luna walked up to Tabasa and said, "Come here too, Tabasa!"

"Huh? Me?"

Looking at Ye Yueshen in surprise, a trace of confusion flashed in Tabatha's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, then nodded and followed Ye Yueshen to the office.

After a few people left, the students in the gathering were still in the mood to gather, and they were all frantically discussing which one would be ruthlessly expelled by Yeyueshen!

Only Miss Lungobi, who had been following Ye Luna, had a look of confusion in her eyes, looked at the backs of several people, gritted her teeth, and followed.

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