A petite figure appeared in front of Ye Moon God.

"I want Cao Cao and Cao Cao to arrive!"

Ye Yueshen smiled in his heart, then reached out and touched your Pikachu in Louise's arms.

"It must be very comfortable if these two electric bags are stroked and touched."

Night Moon God said with a smile.

Chapter 0058 The Justice's Daughter

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu jumped up from Louise's arms happily, and jumped onto Louise's shoulder at once, smiling happily at Luna.

"It likes you very much!"

Louise said with a smile, looking at Ye Yueshen, there seemed to be something more.

"Yes, I am its savior!"

Ye Yueshen smiled stupidly, and then said to Louise: "Pikachu is very strong, take good care of it!"


When Louise heard this, she suddenly looked at the ground with a bit of sadness, as if she was touched by a rock in her heart.

"But what?"

Night Moon God asked strangely.

"Don't you like Pikachu?"

"No no no no."

The little head shook like a tambourine, and Louise hurriedly said: "But I can't let Pikachu use its magic like you just did. I tried several times and found that it only called 'Pika Pika', but it didn't. Any other action." Said a little aggrieved, and Louise looked at Ye Yueshen with anticipation.

"oh, I see."

Ye Yueshen pondered, then showed a charming smile, leaned into Louise's ear and said, "If you want to study, come to me when you have time."

"Uh, well."

Softly agreed, Louise's little face was blushing, the principal was talking to her so close, but she didn't resist at all, really, really embarrassed!

"Of course!"

Sensing that Louise was a little shy, Ye Yueshen raised his head and said loudly: "If you want to get acquainted with your familiar, you need to be familiar with each other and live with each other. Only in this way can the familiar be in your hands. It is handy to use in your hands, and will never leave you in the most dangerous moments!"

After Yeyueshen finished speaking, the students present nodded thoughtfully, and looked at Yeyueshen with more respect.

"Isn't this nonsense? After a long time, no one will have feelings for their own familiar."

Miss Lungobi thought disdainfully behind Luna.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Luna turned around and smiled at Miss Lungobier, then said goodbye to everyone and walked to the office by himself.

"Thank you very much!"

Smiling at Ye Yueshen, Mr. Xiubrus was a little helpless beside him.

"You don't have to follow, I definitely don't mean to blame."

Ye Yueshen then remembered that he forgot Mr. Xiu Bruce, and said quickly.

"No, no, I have to explain it to you, otherwise, I won't be able to sleep."

While speaking, Mr. Hubrus followed closely.

"Okay, let's go up then."

Ye Yueshen pointed to his office upstairs, and left Mr. Hubrus and Miss Lungobier to enter the office.

"You drink tea."

Miss Lungobier quickly placed a cup of brewed tea in front of Mr. Hubrus and said, "Don't bother!"

Just left the office.

"Actually you don't need to explain."

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, "I really don't mean to blame you. Anyway, nothing major happened this afternoon, it was just a small accident!"

"Even so, I am responsible."

Mr. Hubrus said apologetically: "Mr. Colbert entrusted me with the students' gathering, which is his trust in me, but I didn't do it well. Instead, I asked you to come forward and settle this matter. I Thank you so much and feel ashamed."

Teacher Xiubrus said very sincerely, so that Ye Yueshen didn't know what to say.

"Well, let's just pretend that this never happened, and we are still a group that works closely together, right? Don't worry about this!"

"No way!"

Mr. Hubrus suddenly got a little excited.

"Since I have done something wrong and caused an accident, I will be punished. Otherwise, I will not be able to sleep. This is my responsibility."

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