"Uh, okay."

Ye Yueshen looked at Mr. Xiu Bruce helplessly, thinking that there are still such stubborn people in this world who are going to cause trouble for him?

"I'm going to invite Miss Lungobier over here."

Seeing that Yeyueshen had agreed to his request, Mr. Xiu Bruce's expression improved.

"What a talent!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking helplessly.

"Are you looking for me?"

Miss Lungobier soon returned to the Moon God under the leadership of Mr. Thubrus...

"That's it."

Ye Yueshen said with a wry smile: "Mr. Xiu Bruce asks for punishment, what kind of punishment do you want to give her?"

"Oh, is it? As expected of the daughter of the judge, you are still so brave!"

When Miss Lungobier heard this, she couldn't help but marvel.

"Uh, the justice's daughter?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Teacher Xiubrus in surprise. He didn't expect to be such a simple teacher, whose father was one of the most respected imperial justices!In the Torristin Empire, there are nine justices who are in charge of all judicial powers. Unless a crime is committed, it is for life. Therefore, the judicial power of the entire empire is in the pockets of these nine people, and no one can violate it.

"Sorry, yes."

Mr. Xiubrus smiled at Ye Luna: "My father is the Supreme Judge of the Empire. You haven't been here for a long time, so I don't know."

"Oh, is it? Okay."

Ye Yueshen smiled inexplicably, and then asked Miss Lungobier to continue to look up the school rules to see what kind of punishment was given to Mr. Hubrus.

"How about a three-month waiting period?"

Miss Lungobier said, pointing to a passage in the school rules.

"If there is a small-scale impact due to negligence, a three-month waiting period will be imposed. During this period, the salary will be temporarily deducted by 2.1, and if there is no incident within three months, it will be repaid in full."

After reciting the above sentence, Ye Yueshen said noncommittally: "If Mr. Xiubrus has no objection, let's do it like this."

"Okay." Miss Lungobier nodded, then sat in her seat and began to write the punishment book, while Mr. Hubrus stood there happily, as if she was about to give herself not a punishment but a reward.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go down first."

Holding the second punishment book within three days, Mr. Xiubrus silently left Ye Luna's office.

"Are they all crazy? Is there such a person?"

Ye Luna said quietly to Miss Lungobier.

"It's not all true, they're just showing off to you, you don't know that the sky is high!"

Miss Lungobier smiled smugly.

Chapter 0059 The affection has changed

"Is that so? That was the purpose?"

Ye Yueshen pondered, feeling a little funny in his heart.

"If I don't know how high the sky is, who else in the world knows?"

"Yes, you have already had a bad prejudice against her this semester. In order to make you understand this, she will acquiesce to the duel between the two students."

Miss Lungobier said faintly: "Then take the initiative to come here to apologize to you, for this effect."

"Well, it turns out that the scheming is so serious, how did you know?"

Yeyueshen thought it was a little funny. It turns out that there are so many hints in human behavior.

"Because Mr. Hugh Bruce did that last year."

Miss Lungobier seemed to be caught up in her memories: "The principal at that time was a very sharp person, and he could hardly rub sand in his eyes. As a result, Mr. Hubrus was known for being sloppy. Naturally, the principal thought it was very irresponsible, and then he took the initiative to commit crimes. He made a mistake and leaked his own life experience in 07."

"Oh, since that's the case, why do you take the initiative to tell the story of Xiu Bruce?"

Ye Luna touched the pen and looked at Miss Lungobier with some playfulness.

"I saw that you didn't understand so much, so I just said it. In this case, Mr. Hubrus doesn't need to go to great lengths to bring the topic to justice."

Miss Lungobier said as she sorted out the papers at hand.

"Well, you're so smart, you know everything."

Ye Yueshen couldn't help but praise, his secretary seemed more suitable to live in this world than himself.

"No, there are a lot of things I don't understand yet."

Miss Lungobier put down the document at hand and looked at Luna with a smile.

"Oh? There's something you don't understand? I didn't see it."

Ye Yueshen was a little surprised and felt that Miss Lungobier also had something to say.

"Sure, for example, that Pikachu."

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