Miss Lungobier's tone was a little light: "I really want to know how you know Pikachu's specialties?"

"Uh, this is of course my experience over the years. Many things in this world can only be understood after seeing them with my own eyes."

Ye Luna put down the pen and looked at Miss Lungobier affectionately.

"Really? Then do you know that Pikachu is the familiar of that system? Which one is it?"

A question came out of Miss Lungobier's mouth, and Ye Luna was stunned.

"Yeah, which system is this Pikachu a familiar? Electricity? It seems that there is no such system!"

"Say, what does the symbol on Pikachu's forehead mean?"

Miss Lungobier looked curious.

"Miss Lungobier, do you think I can trust you?"

Ye Luna stood up and looked at Miss Lungobier calmly, as if he had something important to say.

"Of course! I can definitely make you trust me!"

Miss Lungobier was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said.

"Then can you keep it a secret?"

The corners of Ye Luna's mouth were upturned, as if looking forward to Miss Lungobier's answer.

"Of course!"

Feeling a very critical moment, Miss Lungobier tried her best to straighten her chest, just like a soldier being inspected by a general!

"come over!"

Ye Luna waved at her, motioning for Lungobier to approach him.

"Go ahead."

Handing over her ear, Miss Lungobier could hear her heartbeat nervously!

"I can too!"

Ye Luna whispered in Miss Lungobier's ear.


I didn't expect the answer to be this. Miss Lungobier was going to be so pissed off. Could it be that she is a plaything in this guy's hands?

"Miss Lungobier, what do you think of me?"

Ye Yueshen didn't change his face, but continued to look at Lungobier with affectionate eyes.

"Is this guy testing me?"

Miss Lungobier thought subconsciously, then looked into Ye Luna's eyes and said, "It's good, but it's hard to see through."

Miss Lungobier spoke slowly, and suddenly noticed that the corners of Ye Luna's mouth were upturned.


Looking at the ground, the guinea pig, which has always been fluffy, ran under his legs, so scared that Miss Lungobier's face turned pale, and her face changed suddenly!

"Haha, white."

Ye Yueshen smiled at the corner of his mouth, then turned around, ignoring Miss Lungobier's angry face.

"Please don't do this! All right!"

Saying bitterly, Miss Lungobier had nowhere to vent her anger, she could only grit her silver teeth and turned back to her seat.

"Give me some blank sheets."

Ye Yueshen said without looking back.


Miss Lungobier asked angrily.

"I am your employer!"

Night Moon God said calmly.


Speechlessly, she put the white paper on Ye Luna's table. Miss Lungobier has completed today's work and looked at Ye Luna with some boredom.

"Why is this guy so invisible? What kind of person is he? A simple satyr? Or is there another purpose?"

"The ink is almost out, you add a little more."

Ye Yueshen 470 turned around and picked up the pen, and instructed by the way.

"Uh, okay."

Miss Lungobier looked back, took out the ink from under the cupboard, and poured it into the water bamboo ink cartridge next to Ye Luna.

"Tabatha? Louise?"

Looking at the words written by Ye Luna on it, Miss Lungobier felt a burst of contempt in her heart.

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