Night Moon God said quietly.

"Yes! Very willing!"

Tabassa nodded and said calmly.

"Will? Will what?"

Miss Lungobier, who was eavesdropping outside the door, faintly heard Tabasha's words, and was startled suddenly, her body was out of control, and she fell against the closed door!


With a clear sound, the originally closed door was pushed open by Miss Lungobier. Like a student who can't walk, Miss Lungobier fell to the ground when she entered the door!

"Are you... alright?"

Tabatha looked at Miss Lungobier who fell in in surprise, not knowing what kind of greeting to use for a while.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm bothering you!"

Miss Lungobier turned pale with fright, stammered her answer, and quickly stood up from the ground.

"Since you want to eavesdrop, come in!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with some pride, as if she was not surprised that she came in like this.

"Who... who wants to eavesdrop?"

Miss Lungobier held her head up in denial, then remained motionless.

"Okay, since you don't want to eavesdrop, why don't you go out first?"

Ye Yueshen said, and made a gesture of invitation to Miss Lungobier, as if he was going to say something very important next.

"Since Miss Lungobier doesn't want to leave here, please tell me now, I don't mind!"

Tabassa looked at Ye Luna very sensible and said, as if she didn't want to embarrass Miss Lungobier.

"Uh, no need. No need!"

Originally, I wanted to argue with Ye Luna, but when I heard Tabassa say that, Miss Lungobier was really embarrassed, she waved her hand quickly, and went out!

"If I'm an employer, none of the students' words will work. I'm really helpless!"

Ye Yueshen complained in a low voice.I thought that Miss Lungobier just didn't hear it, but she found that Miss Lungobier stopped her steps, gave Ye Yueshen a white look and said, "I am a hired person. I just want to come here. Remind my employer, should I be off work now?"

Saying that, Miss Lungobier was about to point to the wall clock on the wall, but found that the wall clock that was on the wall actually disappeared!

"I've put the wall clock in the warehouse! I'll keep track of the time!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand, indicating that Miss Lungobier can go out!

"Uh, okay!"

Miss Lungobier reacted, looking at the wall where the wall clock was hanging, and then left thoughtfully, as if she saw something strange...

ps: The new book has been published, and the one on the cover of the protagonist Halo My Wife Yuno will be on the shelves tomorrow or the day after.I hope you can continue to support, thank you very much.

Chapter 0063 Disagree

"What the hell is going on? There's a round hole behind that wall clock? What is it?"

With such doubts, Miss Lungobier no longer had the time to listen to the conversation between Luna and Tabasha inside. Her mind was full of doubts, and her curiosity was invisibly attracted.

"Please continue, I will listen carefully."

Seeing the smile on the corner of Ye Yueshen's mouth, Tabassa reminded somewhat vaguely.

"Ah, good!"

Ye Yueshen withdrew his gaze, changed his sincere gaze, and said to Tabasa, "You said just now that you are like learning these magics with me, right?"

"Of course, I'm eager."

Tabassa didn't speak much, but her words revealed sincerity.

"Well, you have to promise me one thing!"

Ye Yueshen took a step closer to Tabasa, lowered his head, and looked at the blue-haired girl, as if thinking of many people like her. And sometimes, it is easily destroyed!

"please say."

Tabassa was still as cold as ever, as if the magic she just saw could no longer arouse her interest. She lowered her head and seemed to be thinking, but she was simply silent, making Ye Yueshen even think. She couldn't see what kind of thoughts this student had floating through her mind at this moment.

"Will you marry me?"

Ye Luna looked into Tabasa's eyes and said word by word.It seems that this is not a marriage proposal, but a test, to test the bottom line of the other party, to test his own charm, and to test whether he will anger the other party!

"……I do not understand what you mean."

Tabassa paused for a while, but there was no more expression on her face, as if a group of people from a very deep city were looking at Ye Yueshen calmly.

"Okay, that's it."

Ye Yueshen tried to explain: "I think, I have the desire to protect you, so I hope to be with you!"

Ever since she decided that Tabasha was the one who summoned him to this world, Ye Yueshen has been thinking about how he can enter the life of this student, and unfortunately, Ye Yueshen can only think of this which sounds a bit nonsensical. The reason, although the appearance of being with Tabasha has been constructed in Yeyueshen's mind, Yeyueshen also thinks that he should be a good match with her, so he is reluctant to try to talk about human suffering. In the process of falling in love, Ye Yueshen intends to do it in one step.

"I don't know."

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