Tabassa replied calmly, as if all this was not so important, and her life-long event could be as casual as a sigh from the corner of her mouth.

"Bastard! As expected, I want to attack my own students, but I still think my name is on it..."

With chaotic thoughts, Miss Lungobier couldn't restrain her behavior at once, and pushed the door to enter, only to find that Ye Luna and Tabasa looked at herself coldly as if they were ready. .

"Uh, I'm going out, I'm going out!"

Seeing the indifferent eyes of the two, Miss Lungobier felt a bit of depression for some reason, as if she was in an unfamiliar environment, at a loss, and didn't know what to do!

"Sorry, I can't agree!"

Tabassa said calmly after seeing Miss Lungobier closing the door.

" can I agree?"

Ye Yueshen said calmly, thinking that Guitar Tabatha could face her marriage proposal so calmly, as expected, she would not be able to decide her own destiny!

"To be an adult!"

Tabassa spoke calmly, and when she said these words, she almost choked Yeyueshen on the spot.

"Uh, what I'm talking about is when I'm an adult. Do you think I'm going too far? Now let you marry me?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tabatha with tears in his eyes, and secretly blamed himself for not saying everything, making Tabatha misunderstood!

"Yes, but I still can't agree. By the way, I will answer your question just now."

Tabassa said coldly: "I am the person named by His Majesty the King to study abroad, so..."

"So I can apply to your king for the right to marry you?"

Ye Yueshen asked tentatively. Although it was ridiculous, Ye Yueshen felt that this was the only possibility.


Nodding lightly, there were tears in the corners of Tabatha's eyes, but she was strong and quickly held back her tears, but her head lowered even more ruthlessly.

"Okay, then I'll write to your king to apply for this qualification."

Ye Yueshen said, but thousands of thoughts drifted through her heart. Why can't such a good girl even decide her own life-long affairs?

"Okay, if it's alright, I'll leave..."

Tabassa lowered her head and said, without any emotional fluctuations in her eyes, it seems that all this is like a cloud.

"Then what if the king agrees?"

Ye Yueshen asked with a hint of luck.

"Whether my king agrees or not, I will do it according to the king's wishes, please rest assured!"

Tabassa nodded and turned to leave.

"I'll still teach you magic!"

Ye Luna said to Tabasa, who was about to turn around, that getting close to Tabasa was his goal, and marriage was just a way.Safer way.

"I will also fight for the right to decide my own destiny, to my king."

Tabassa stopped, lowered her head and said, followed by opening the door, and said to Miss Lungobier at the door, "I've kept you waiting for a long time, I'm sorry!"

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay, you can go eat quickly."

Miss Lungobier hurriedly agreed, looking at Tabatha with a very different look. There are too many secrets hidden in this girl. If it has nothing to do with herself, it is better not to worry about it.

"You can get off work!"

Ye Luna said to Miss Lungobier who came in, and moved out the things that were moved into the warehouse.

"You just don't want to see me!"

Miss Lungobier rolled her eyes at Ye Luna and said, "Aren't you going too far with your own students?"

"You mean to let me attack you?"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile to Miss Lun 0.9 Gobier while moving the item, "You listened carefully outside just now."

"What did you say! What did you do to me! I just don't want anyone?"

Miss Lungobier responded angrily, completely ignoring Ye Luna's sarcasm in the second half of her sentence.

"Really? How's the messenger at Yerige Castle?"

Ye Luna smiled, as if seeing through Miss Lungobier's mind.

"I... I won't tell you! You are my employer anyway, how can I stop you?"

Miss Lungobier shook her head helplessly, and then helped Ye Luna to start tidying up the office.

At this time, a girl who Ye Yueshen doesn't pay attention to is encountering a crisis in her life...

ps: The new book "The Protagonist's Halo" is on the shelves in the early morning, don't miss it if you like it.

Chapter 0064 Is it like a year?

"Finally done, you really put a lot of effort into attracting your target!"

Miss Lungobier said to Ye Luna with a smile, looking at the office she had finally cleaned up, a sense of accomplishment came to her mind.

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