"Do you see if this clock is broken?"

Pointing to the wall clock just placed on the wall, Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier with some playfulness.

"Uh, it's still not time to eat after class?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the time on the wall clock and suddenly felt a little tragic. What the hell is going on?Do you spend your days outside like a year?It's impossible, what could make me feel like time flies so slowly?

"Since there is no time, it means that you have to work for me for a while, right?"

Ye Yueshen put the ink in place, took out the pen, and said faintly.

"Yes, do you need anything?"

Miss Lungobier smiled, then cleaned up the vat of ink, saving it from becoming her own nightmare again.

"Pour a cup of tea first."

Ye Luna pointed to the tea set on Miss Lungobier's table, and then looked at the scenery outside the window with his hands behind his back.

"Will you write a letter to the king of the neighboring country after 08?"

Miss Lungobiel said with a smile, she didn't believe Ye Luna really wanted to marry Tabasha, even though Ye Luna looked so young.

"Being not."

Ye Luna waved her hand, and when Miss Lungobier was about to celebrate that her guess was correct, she suddenly heard Ye Luna continue to say: "We still don't know which country Tabatha is from, her knight title. It is an honorary title, there is no corresponding fief, and there is no other information. The information of this person is more difficult to find than mine, so tomorrow morning, you will go to Yeruige Castle, find the messenger there, and ask Taba. The application for Sharjah's information is sent to the royal family."

Night Moon God instructed.While secretly determined in my heart, if the royal family does not agree, I can only find it myself!

"Uh, okay!"

Miss Lungobier agreed, but she sneered in her heart. If the people from Yeruige Castle can still deliver letters tomorrow, she will leave the Magic Academy!

"By the way, what exactly does Mr. Colbert's laboratory do?"

Ye Yueshen was curious about the magic water on Miss Lungobier's desk. She never imagined that a fire magician could actually develop such a thing.

"You don't want to laugh when you say it!"

Lungobier said with a smile, "You know what? It was an accident. At that time, Mr. Colbert was frugal because he had no extra funds, but many things had to be deduced on paper, so the paper consumption was very high. As a result, I was forced to come up with this idea, but the Weihai of this magic water is also very large, so the royal family issued a ban. It asked the people not to own this magic water, and Mr. Colbert was further reduced by the royal family. Expenses!"

"It turns out that there is still a great risk in researching this!"

The Crocodile God also remembered the way Mr. Colbert asked him for funds. He felt rude at the time, but now he feels a little sympathetic to him.

"Then why did you come back so quickly in the afternoon? I thought Ye Ruige Castle was far away!"

Ye Yueshen asked casually, just taking it as a waste of time.

"Of course I'm coming back to learn magic from you!"

Miss Lungobier smiled and looked at Yeyueshen playfully, thinking that she couldn't answer all questions, she had to make Yeyueshen feel relaxed!

"Oh, yes, if you're willing to learn, I'd be happy to teach it!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at Miss Lungobier with sincerity.

"That's okay, I can't just marry someone else!"

Miss Lungobier smiled slightly, as if she was still confused about the conversation between Luna and Tabasha just now.

"...Actually don't marry me. As long as you're willing..."

Ye Luna stood up with a charming smile and looked at Miss Lungobier with affectionate eyes.

"I don't want anything!"

Miss Lungobier shook her head, and she didn't want to believe anything Ye Luna said when she was beaten to death!At the same time, he also began to secretly hate the rules of the empire. Why can't women wear pants?What kind of discrimination is this?

"Okay, then I'm just being selfish. Anyway, you have the blood of the nobles on your body, and you can obviously improve your magical ability. Why should you do this?"

Ye Yueshen shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, I planned to teach you magic for free, and as long as you promised to add a night shift in the future, you actually refused! What a pity!"

"No one can work overtime for you!"

Miss Lungobier suddenly became shy when she heard about the all-weather service.

"Well, when I didn't say anything, it seems that you are not satisfied with working overtime. If you can't, you can marry me!"

Yeyueshen said triumphantly, while Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen speechlessly, brought over the tea that had been brewed, and then heard the sound of get out of class dismissing in his ears.

"Okay, my work is done, I have enough work today, thank you!"

"Don't be in such a hurry! I still have a lot of questions!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly said: "How can you say that there are lively places nearby, do you want to recommend me a place for me to go around?"

"Of course, there is a market 037 miles south of [-] out of the city, you can just go shopping!"

Miss Lungobier said calmly, and then left without looking back.

"Talk to you a little longer, how shall I visit the Marquis of Slochry?"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself that she was walking a lot faster.

"It seems that everyone is very busy. Everyone has their own places or people they care about, but what about me?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the people under the windowsill and couldn't help feeling emotional.

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