"Tomorrow will start teaching Tabatha magic! Come on!"

Yeyueshen secretly made up his mind that although he did not know what the rules of this world were, strength must be a necessary element. No matter which world Yeyueshen created, the laws were simple and cruel.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a polite knock on the door, and Ye Yueshen strangely let the knocker come in.

"It's me, Master Principal, I'm Mr. Hugh Bruce!"

The figure I had just seen a few hours ago appeared in front of Ye Yueshen again, and the still hearty smile did not lift Ye Yueshen's spirit.

"I really want to get off work soon!"

Ye Yueshen pointed to the wall clock on the wall.

"Then are you going to dinner?"

A ray of light flashed in Mr. Xiubrus's eyes, and Ye Yueshen's heart sensed something wrong...

Chapter 0065 Thoughtful Secretary

"Uh, well, do you have something to do?"

Ye Yueshen's mind froze for a moment, and a very bad premonition raised his brows. When it was time to eat, asking others if they had eaten, this question itself has a purpose.

"Could this justice's daughter take me to dinner? No way, my appetite is not so good..."

Ye Yueshen thought in his heart, while Mr. Xiubrus smiled slightly and said, "Since you want to eat, then come and eat with me, you haven't been here for a few days, so I'm afraid you're not very familiar with it. Well, it just so happens that I will take you around as well."

"Uh, this..."

Ye Yueshen hesitated for a while, but still didn't want to agree.

"Actually, I already know about this place, and Mr. Colbert also took me to understand it, so I don't think it is necessary to go around again!"

"Really? In that case..."

Xiu Bruce's expression was a little displeased, but he quickly turned around and said to Ye Yueshen, "Let's go to dinner then?"


Ye Yueshen was speechless for a while, but thinking that Xiu Bruce must have something to say to himself, he followed.

"...you, you eat so fast!"

Just sitting down, I was about to explain to the ignorant Yeyueshen how much authority the judge has. As a result, Yeyueshen had already finished his meal, and Mr. Xiubrus was speechless when he saw this.

"Hehe, I still have to go to the town in the east, so I eat quickly, I hope I have a chance next time!"

Ye Yueshen nodded politely, then greeted his colleagues in the cafeteria and left quickly.

"Humph! You wait for me, I don't know what will happen after death!"

He punched the table in front of him, Mr. Xiubrus said viciously, and the people around seemed to be taken aback, and they did not object, but the sneer in the corners of everyone's eyes was obvious.

"It seems that this Thubruce relies on his father's authority, so he doesn't know how to be a man!"

Ye Yueshen recalled that when he started, the people around him looked at Xiu Bruce and couldn't help but sigh.

"Master Principal, you are here!"

When he reached the door, a guard hurried over to salute Yeyueshen.

"Uh, you don't have to do this, how can I, He Dehe, let you do this great gift!"

Ye Yueshen, who was thinking about something, was taken aback by the guard's behavior and said quickly.

"No no no, Miss Lungobier is waiting for you! Just outside!"

|The guard stood up, pointed to the outside and said, "She is waiting for you here without even having a meal!"

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen said curiously, nodded to the guard, and then went out.

"Oh, you're finally here! I thought you weren't coming!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna with a sneer.

"Well, aren't you off work, Miss Lungobier?"

Yeyueshen said in a soft voice, approaching his secretary step by step.

"Hehe, if you have something to say, just stand there and say it, otherwise, you will bump into me!"

Miss Lungobier said with gritted teeth as she stepped back in small steps.

"Okay, then I'll say it!"

There was a hint of playfulness in the corner of Ye Yueshen's eyes.

"Do you have any other purpose for waiting here for me so early?"

"...What kind of person is this guy to ask such a plain question!"

"Oh, it's a long distance to ride a horse for three hours."

Lungobi, who had planned to spend a while with Yeyue Shenxu and Wei Snake, was speechless for a while, but he responded quickly.

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