Ye Yueshen said with a haha, then said goodbye to Miss Lungobier, and drove the carriage towards the east!

"Strange, this horse has not been enchanted by me, why is it so obedient to him?"

Not far away, Miss Lungobier turned her head, looked curiously at Yeyueshen's receding back, and muttered.

"Hmph, you still want me to make a fool of myself at the gate? Do you want to be beautiful?"

Yeyueshen snorted coldly in his heart, when he patted the horse's neck, Yeyueshen had already suppressed Miss Lungobier's magic, and now the horse is like a servant of Yeyueshen, well-behaved Smart.

"It's not close!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the town in the distance, and his heart really wanted to see the mountain running dead. He had already accelerated, but it took nearly an hour to see the outline of the town.

"Hello, there is a service for keeping carriages here!"

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the town, the successive greetings made Ye Yueshen feel the liveliness of this world, which was unique in a well-disciplined magic academy.

"Okay, how much?"

Ye Luna stopped in front of an inn that looked clean.

"Two silver coins for half a day and five silver coins for the night!"

The inn's little Er nodded and said with a bow.

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Xiao Er with some embarrassment, as if he didn't bring any money.

"You don't plan to store the carriage for free!"

The sharp-eyed little Er seemed to be very experienced, so he directly gave Ye Yueshen a trick: "You can deposit some valuable things here! It is also a good choice to ask your friends to pay."

"Uh, no!"

Ye Yueshen smiled awkwardly, then took out two gold coins from his pocket and said, "I only have this, look..."

"Oh! Uncle, you have a lot of adults, but I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai! I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai! Wait a minute! I'll get you money to find it!"

When Xiao Eryi saw the golden coin of full quality, his eyes suddenly lit up, he nodded and bowed his head repeatedly to apologize to Ye Yueshen, who was not angry at all, and then ran in to get the money.

"No need, I'll give you a gold coin. Except for the money for depositing the carriage, the rest is yours!"

Ye Yueshen dismounted and handed the gold coins to Xiao Er.


Hearing this, the second shopkeeper's legs trembled with excitement, as if he had never received such a precious reward!

"Of course it's true!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and patted the second shop assistant on the shoulder and said, "This is yours, and I have a question!"

"You said, you said, I promise to feed your car with the best horse material, don't worry! If you don't dislike it, I can tidy up your carriage!"

The shop assistant said in a hurry.

"It's not necessary, just feed the horse!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, and then said: "I just want to ask, how is the currency exchanged here? I came out of the Magic Academy for the first time, and I don't know much about it!"

"Ah! You said this!"

The shop assistant looked at Ye Yueshen's dress, and knew in his heart that this was a figure standing on the top of the pyramid, and he certainly couldn't afford to suffer.

"Here in Torristin, twelve dinars are a silver coin, and twelve silver coins are a gold coin, so you are too generous!"

"Oh, then, is everything here settled in silver coins?"

Yeyueshen asked curiously, these common senses did not come here, and Yeyueshen would not understand.

"No, no, it's all settled here in dinars. You take this gold coin, those small shops can't be found at all, or you can give me the gold coins, and I'll exchange some silver coins and dinars for you. Got pennies?"

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen casually gave a gold coin to Xiao Er, and then asked Xiao Er to exchange money for himself.

"Here are ten silver coins, twenty dinars, and twenty-four pennies. If you eat snacks, pennies are all you need, and you can buy dinars. Only a store like ours can You will receive coins!"

Dian Xiaoer received a generous gift from Yeyueshen, and was very thoughtful about helping Yeyueshen.

"What's your name?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the shop assistant with some curiosity, and felt that this guy was as thoughtful as Miss Lungobier, maybe he could still use this smart guy!

"My name is Torquerence, and I'm a resident of this town!"

Asked about his hidden pain, the shop assistant, a commoner, didn't seem so excited.

"Okay, I remember!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then looked at the shop assistant in front of him, and said meaningfully: "The obstacles in life are just the steps to ascend, don't look at it, step over it!"


Unexpectedly, an aristocrat would actually say such a thing to himself. Torquerence raised his head and looked at Ye Luna excitedly.

"See you!"

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