Ye Yueshen waved his hand and disappeared into the crowd!

"Seller, how do you sell this dress?"

Ye Yueshen stopped in front of a clothing store, looked at a fiery red coat hanging at the door, and shouted to it!

"Do not sell!"

A heavy voice came from inside, and Ye Yueshen was speechless for a while.

"If you don't sell it, why put it outside?"

"Because no one can afford it!"

A fat body appeared in front of Yeyueshen, looking at this tall and fat shopkeeper, Yeyueshen always felt that his heart was a little stuffed!

"No way?"

Ye Yueshen reached out and touched the fabric of the red coat, it didn't feel like it was very expensive.

"Five silver coins! Boy, can you afford it? If you want to buy one for your little girlfriend, you might as well buy one..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yueshen had already placed five silver coins in the palm of his hand.

Chapter 0067

"Pack it up for me, thank you!"

Ye Yueshen didn't even want to look at the owner's face, he said coldly.

"Good good!"

The shop owner swallowed, shook his head to wake himself up, and then reached out and took the clothes off the display rack!

"Who told you to take this dress down?"

Suddenly, a unique drake voice came from behind, which made Ye Yueshen's heart stunned for a moment. This voice was really unpleasant.

"Old Steward of Chuck? Why are you here?"

The owner of the shop was stunned for a moment, then quickly put the coat back, and cupped his hands in the distance.

"Who's here, can't stop me from buying clothes?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the owner with some dissatisfaction, thinking that I can't control your old acquaintances chatting, and I have to go back at night!Drive the carriage.

"I'm here, and you won't be able to buy your clothes!"

It was the same drake voice, Ye Yueshen had already turned his head curiously to find the owner of this voice!

"Who is it, where is it? Can you come out for a while? Why do you keep shouting from a distance?"

Yeyueshen said to the crowd watching the excitement, just after he finished speaking, he heard a burst of laughter from the crowd!

"What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the crowd around him innocently, and said strangely. After he said that, the laughter of these people became even more unscrupulous!

"Boy! Whose child are you, so rude?"

Some angry voices came, and Ye Yueshen realized that the man seemed to be very close to him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but can you show up?"

Ye Yueshen's tone became more and more innocent, but the crowd in front of him were already laughing back and forth, and even the shop owner next to him couldn't help laughing!


The drake continued to roar, followed by a kick, and kicked Ye Yueshen on the calf!

"Who is it!"

Ye Yueshen looked down and laughed stupidly!


Yeyueshen was covering his stomach while helplessly looking at the drake's throat on the ground. What caught Yeyueshen's eyes was a guy with a hat that couldn't reach Yeyueshen's chest. And the cheeks are a little shrinking, thin and small, no need to laugh, it's funny enough!

"Have you laughed enough?"

The duck throat put his hands on his chest, looked up at Ye Yueshen, his tone was gloomy and cold.

"Uh, I'm sorry! Who are you?"

Ye Yueshen clutched his stomach and asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that my master has already taken a fancy to this red coat, so, you rich guy, hurry up and leave!"

Impatiently, he waved his hand at Ye Yueshen, and the male duck voice walked directly to the shop owner.

"Wrap up this dress, my master has a new maid, the maid of the bed! You know!"

With a wretched smile, the male duck voice is definitely bossy and arrogant in front of the tall shop owner.


Ye Yueshen turned around and said to the shop owner, "I'll double the amount of money this guy pays!"

"It's not about money, little master!"

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