"Uh, actually forgot about this!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then he could only take Siska out of the carriage, preparing to walk back...

"My lord! My lord! I'm here!"

With an excited tone, a child came galloping in a carriage...

Chapter 0069 Is this solved?

"How did you come?"

Ye Yueshen watched a carriage come galloping, and thought someone was kind enough to come to rescue Siska, but when he got to the front, he saw that it was the second shopkeeper who kept the carriage, Torquelens, driving Lungobier's carriage. !

"I saw you driving the Marquis of Morthawk's carriage out of town, and then turned to another place. I thought you might have to walk back, especially to send you the carriage!"

Out of breath, Torquerence said while wiping his sweat.

"It really came in time, you are a smart man!"

Ye Luna smiled and patted Torquerence on the shoulder, and quickly helped Siska up, preparing to take the three back to Dernesia.

"Tochorus, you will regret your actions today!"

The familiar drake voice came, and Ye Luna looked back, and the butler of the Morthawk family was standing on the city wall, staring fiercely at Torquerence.


Torquevis was obviously frightened by this naked threat, and looked at Ye Luna stupidly, not knowing what to do.

"You will follow me from now on!"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and stroked Tocques's head, making up his mind in his heart.

"Let's go, the principal is very good!"

Siska also greeted Torquerence gently, and then returned to the town with Luna, ready to buy the red coat.

"Sorry, I don't sell it anymore!"

Looking at Yeyueshen with some embarrassment, the tall shopkeeper kept rubbing his hands, not knowing what to say, and his eyes didn't dare to look at Yeyueshen.

"Don't worry, I'll put that drake throat out of work tomorrow!"

Ye Yueshen said lightly, and then he did not force the boss to sell the red coat to himself, but said that he would pick it up tomorrow, then left Diernesia and returned to the Magic Academy.

"I didn't expect you to be an orphan?"

After Ye Luna sent Siska back, he strictly ordered the logistics director to never let such a thing happen again, and then arranged a room for Torquerence, and asked him to go to the kitchen to help with Siska temporarily.

"I will work hard!"

To the God of the Moon and the Moon, thanking him so much, Torquerence seemed to see the hope of life, and the shrewdness in his eyes was swept away, replaced by a long-lost innocence.

"Mr. Colbert? Are you there?"

Walking to the door of the laboratory, Ye Yueshen gently knocked on the door.

"Come in, Principal!"

Mr. Colbert opened the door, and before Ye Yueshen could speak, he pointed to his office and said with shame, "There are too many things inside!sorry!There's not even a place to go! "

"It's okay, I'm here to help you!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the mountains of experimental raw materials in the laboratory, and let Mr. Colbert come out with a smile.

"That's right, I want to ask you to call Qiu Erjie over to my office. I have something to call her."

"Okay, do I need to call Tabatha?"

Colbert-sensei nodded and said.

"Uh, no need."

Ye Yueshen smiled awkwardly, knowing that his initiative to teach Tabassa magic had spread all over the campus, and it was not unexpected that Mr. Colbert heard that.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Mr. Colbert left after the prenatal education, and then Ye Luna also came to his office.

"This bastard, Morthawk, is obviously trying to rob a civilian girl, and he wants to make me bleed? Shameless, this is a family heirloom. Is it appropriate for me to go this way?"

Ye Yueshen patted his head and muttered while thinking.

Time passed quickly. Under the rule of Mr. Colbert, Qiuerjie soon came to the office of Ye Luna. After meeting and salute, Ye Luna asked Mr. Colbell to leave, and then Helplessly said: "I heard that your family has an ancestral secret book, right?"

"The Book of Cole?"

Qiu Erjie looked at Ye Yueshen suspiciously, and couldn't hide the chuckle at the corner of her mouth.

"Uh, yes, do you know Siska?"

Ye Yueshen rubbed his hands together, intending to tell Qiu Erjie the story of what happened today.

"Master Principal, you have already shown your love to Tabasa, how can you think about such a thing?"

When Qiuerjie heard this, he took a step forward and looked at Ye Yueshen angrily.

"Uh, what's your reaction?"

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