Ye Yueshen looked at Qiuerjie in surprise, not knowing what he said wrongly in these two sentences, but to make Qiuerjie react this way?

"Uh, I forgot that the principal has not read this book."

Qiu Erjie stroked her hair, returned to normal, looked at Ye Yueshen and said, "Go ahead."


Ye Luna nodded, and then briefly recounted what happened to Siska today.

"Oh, no problem!"

As soon as he heard that it was helping people, Qiu Erjie waved his hand generously, as if he didn't care about the book he inherited from his ancestors.

"Uh, is it really okay? This is your family's ancestral book!"

"Hehe, I saw it, it's useless to me!"

Qiuljie smiled, and then went back and brought his ancestral book of Cole.

"I thank you on behalf of Siska!"

Ye Yueshen did not expect Qiurjie to be so generous, and immediately became excited.

In this way, Ye Luna solved the most difficult thing in the whole process, and then, idle and bored, Ye Luna carefully opened the book of Cole, wanting to see what could make a bastard destroy Siska. Such a beauty handed over.

"Uh, it's actually these things..."

Yeyueshen shook his head, sighed with emotion, and then looked at it with great interest...

At the same time, under the moonlight, a dark figure was lurking on the top floor of Marquis Slokli's castle. When the last light in the entire castle went out, the black figure quickly passed through the corridor and opened directly from the side wall. A hole, Shi Shiran walked into the secret room of the castle, and poured himself a cup of tea. When the moonlight was shining, he put a crystal clear dark yellow gem on the ground, and then walked to In the living room outside the secret room, close the secret room and open the piano case in the hall.

"It seems that I'm not unfamiliar. I'm still very skilled at playing a moonlight song!"

After playing the beautiful and soothing moonlight song, the shadow smashed the glass window of the hall with one foot, and then left the doomed Slokli Castle in the chaos and noise, and went into the distance.

Chapter 0070 Be a big dog

"Wow, it really is the principal, who has such prestige in front of students!"

Open the book of Cole, and the satisfied child appears on Morthawk's face. If you can get such a book with rich pictures and texts, Siska's affairs can also be left behind!

"Give me the documents about Siska!"

Yeyueshen said lightly, for a book, the usually arrogant messenger came early in the morning, which also surprised Yeyueshen.

"No problem! Here you go!"

Morthawk put the papers on the table from his pocket, then got up and left.

"Miss Lungobier, are you free to have a meal together?"

Walking to the door, the Marquis of Morthawk did not forget to say hello to Miss Lungobier.

"No, I'm busy."

Miss Lungobier smiled, rejected him directly, and walked in.

"What? Is there any urgent order from the royal family, the messenger needs to come over early in the morning and let me come to work earlier?"

"It's nothing, it's just to guard against a thief."

Ye Yueshen said lightly, and then gave the order brought by Morthawk to Miss Lungobier, asking her to make a record, and then said, "Is there nothing to do today?"

"not yet."

Miss Lungobier transcribed the document and said without looking up, if Ye Luna was a little more careful, she would find that Miss Lungobier's fingers trembled slightly.

"Well then, I'll go out first!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then waved his hand and let his familiar climb onto his shoulders.

"It's time to change your underwear!"

Ye Luna turned back and reminded, and ran away before Miss Lungobier got angry.

"Toklens, protect Siska here, I'll go to Dernesia and get the red coat back."

After taking the whip that Torquerence handed over, Ye Yueshen ordered.

"do not worry!"

Salute to Ye Yueshen, Torquerence said excitedly.

"When did you become a guard?"

Only then did Ye Luna notice Tokvez's outfit, which looked very similar to the Swick guard he had helped.

"Last night, Lord Swick came to my room and asked me if I would like to stand guard with him. I naturally answered yes, and then he gave me such a suit. Look, does it fit?"


Ye Yueshen nodded and laughed secretly, these commoners are really a model of gratitude, and then drove the carriage to Dernesia.

"What? Was it taken in the morning? Or the butler with the drake's throat?"

Yeyueshen stood at the door of the clothing store, and when he heard the truth that the shopkeeper twitched and told the truth, he was instantly angry.

"Wow, I haven't even thought of targeting you yet, yet you dare to do it!"

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